Comic Books from the 90s - Wolverine from 1992

in #comics7 years ago

Wolverine #50 (January 1992) by Marvel Comics

"Dreams of Gore!"  Wolverine discovers the location where his memory implants were created. But when he gets there he also discovers the mechanical monster known simply as Shiva, a robot programmed to hunt and kill renegade members of the Weapon X Program.  Written by Larry Hama. Art by Marc Silvestri and Dan Green. 

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cant wait to see wolverine in the MCU. BTW do you have the comic where they show the haven for new mutants from the movie Logan?

The comic from the Logan movie is unfortunately a fake

why would they do that? i guess i will read the article later. this idea is bizarre

some of the best era of wolverine and the best time for art!! thanks for the flashback

Right on! This was such a great book to a young little dude (me) at the time!! I really hope Marvel can pull it back together again. The kiddos are missin’ out on the good times.

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