100 reasons why I'm funny - Comedy Open Mic Round 6

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago (edited)
1I am funny because I made a list of 100 reasons why I'm funny
2When I was in kindergarten I made a joke that only the teachers understood
3But they were angry because they didn't think it was a joke at all
4It took them an hour to get all the kids back in their seats, which I considered pretty funny
5I'm guessing people have already scrolled down to see if I actually made 100 entries because they think nobody can be that funny, but as they scroll back up they start to realise this is actually seriously a lot of fun in one list and they are in awe
6-10I'm a lot of funny because @diebitch said so on several occasions (4 times!)
11And @diebitch knows, because she writes very funny things
12She thinks puns make the best part of a poem, which is funny (and it makes me funny for thinking that is funny)
13Also she is the judge of the #comedyopenmix round 6
14I am funny because my most funny post so far is a plea against dick jokes
16I worked on that a whole weekend, and actually had a lot of fun doing that (does this count as a reason of why I'm funny? Perhaps, but I do apologize if someone thinks this is taking things too far)
17I am funny because I got curied for that one and that is a great honour
18I blame @carlgnash for that, but apparently he thinks I'm funny and he is a good curator, so you should just listen to him
19Reason 19 for being funny is that I DON'T NEED A REASON FOR BEING FUNNY
20I just skipped a number because I don't know if I actually have 100 reasons for being funny
21Ok, I thought about asking people for reasons why they think I'm funny, but actually I'm afraid they will tell me I am no fun at all, so I will just write this post myself because it is less painful, even though I still have 80 more reasons to come up with
22I am funny because my friends often ask me if I think I'm funny and I answer them 'yes'
23I am funny (which is a valid reason as to why I'm funny)
24If people still think I'm not funny when they've read this whole list, I think they are pretty funny themselves.
25I don't want to be funny anymore
26At very serious occasions I sometime start to uncontrollably laugh about my own thoughts, that's how funny I am
27Sometimes I will give one single but very loud 'HA' about something I'm reading, especially when sitting in the quiet part of the train
28The only fiction short story I ever wrote that was published as it almost won a big contest, I sent in under a pseudonym and so nobody knows about it and this has been haunting me for a couple of years already
29I am funny because [insert bad reason] (<-- there must be at least one bad reason so I can blame it on that reason if nobody ends up liking this post)
30There are several definitions of what it means to be funny, but none of them apply to @trafalgar
31-38Here I leave some room for private funny things that I won't share with you at this moment
39I once nominated @anikekirsten to be funny and she actually was (according not just me, but also to the judges of @comedyopenmic as she won some prize)
40I am now wondering about what you think are my private funny things, no please don't tell me
41This post is already taking me a couple of hours to write, and that must be at least good enough for one reason to be funny
42I actually woke up this morning thinking I should finally write down the 1001 reasons of why I'm funny
43But decided to reduce it to 100 reasons because not even @nonameslefttouse has 1001 reasons for being funny
44Even though he writes the most funny meta-posts I have read here on Steem
45This one for instance about 'Learning to Do Shit' is beyond funny
46People who think I am cheating about listing that post by @nonameslefttouse must realise that if you get into a fit while laughing about something you read on your phone while travelling in a crowded train, this makes you pretty... funny
47I am funny because I am a woman
48I just looked up 'reasons for being funny' on google and all I got were ten reasons for why funny people are more successful at work than serious people, and I'm pretty unsuccessful at work so this is going no-where
49I am funny because I thought of the best roasting of @idikuci but decided not to include it here because I'm afraid he will roast me back and he is the master of comedy

100 reasons I'm funny.jpg

...continuing the list of 100 reasons of why @nobyeni is funny
50If you have that little bit funny feeling inside which Elton John sings about, that is me
51I spent three years writing a book that was just published and when people ask me 'why did you write it' I tell them I don't know I shouldn't have and sorry for making you buy it
52I googled some more and it says the way to be funny online is to keep it short and simple.... FAILURE
53I actually have a pretty tight schedule for what I have to do today, but I'm writing this post instead, which is so extremely not funny, that I have to laugh about it (tears forming atm)
54I am funny because I think @dj123 is pretty funny even though dj no blog.JPG
55There are people whose first name are Funny, and I really feel for them
56I should say something about @steemwizards because otherwise he feels left out, which would be very funny, so I will not mention him
57Queen has this song called 'Funny how love is' but I have no clue who could have come up with such a title. (Well, obviously I can look it up, but what fun would there be in that?)
58There is this steemuser called @punchline and I've never once laughed about any of his posts. He thinks including the punchline is funny, and probably there is no other way for him to write jokes because otherwise he gets in an identity crises... comedy without punchline, when you are punchline... ow forget it if I still need to explain this joke that would mean I'm no fun at all, so I'll stop
59Having reasons for being funny is pretty exhausting
60-73Leaving these out because I don't think anyone will really notice (which is unintendedly funny)
74I'm only writing comedy for the money (which is hilarious)
75And if this post doesn't get me some big prize somehow, I'll stop being funny
76Which I said three hundred posts ago, but somehow I'm still here (it's a little bit funny)
77I simply have too much fun writing this shit (which might be somehow funny)
78And if not, I'll stop giving my tiny puny minnow upvote to the @comedyopenmic posts... that'll teach them!
79-83Leaving these available for all the fun I am to be in the future. I am sure all my good years are still to come
84I've decided to nominate two people who I think are extremely funny but they should finally write a post about it
85And once they have written it and nobody thinks those things are actually funny, that will prove once again that I am the funny one for thinking they are funny. It's not them, it's me. You see?
86@rhondak is funny because she traveled with a raccoon and stayed in a hotel and she should just post those pictures already
87I realize this is maybe only funny to me, as my imagination may be large, but not large enough to think about how to get a raccoon out of a bathroom
88I also nominate @Gmuxx because he seems so serious with his 3D modelling but actually he is pretty funny
89I am funny because I once laughed about a post by @bitfiend and that is a pretty amazing achievement
90I actually went and checked and took out all punctuation in these entries
91-96I fell from my bike six times, one time I even had to be taken to the hospital because the bone in my elbow decided to become visible
97Even though the one time I was hospitalized doesn't really count, but they made me get a MRI and then I could see the inside of my brain and since then I know for sure I'm funny
98Also that one time I could only eat apple sause for months because my cheek had no more skin, which was only funny in hindsight, but I think it still counts
99I'm funny because I put all my jokes into one list and then expect people to read all of them
100There is an end to this list (which, if you think about it, is pretty funny, because that would mean there is a limit to how funny you can be, which is maybe more insane than funny, but I'll settle for it being insanely funny)

The MRI didn't point out the early signs of madness?

Mad people are funny.
I am mad.
Therefore I am funny. [reason 101]

You mean reason 86 68 (I'm on to you)

Wow, that's a pretty long list. My tongue got tired just reading it, even though I was reading it in my mind. Thank you for shortening it from 1001 to 100, spreading out the laughter is better than having it all in one go. Looking forward to more from you.

You're welcome! I try to accommodate my readers as much as I can, but often my philosophical brain gets in the way.
Good luck with your tongue!

.it long list to be funny

.not sure your comment

wtf the post about dicks got upvoted by curie?!

Now that's funny. Real funny, @carlgnash and @curie, reeeeaaallllyyy funny...

throws out all the awesome scripts for future great content and prepares to write about dicks and dicks only

It was actually a post about how dicks are not funny. And how men are obsessed by something that is ugly and of no attraction to women.
But maybe they misunderstood...
I should work on argumentation skills

It was still about diiiiiiicks
Don't you see, they'll favor anything with dicks in it; because they have it too!

you're the guy that got curied? I got curied but it wasn't because I was funny. What a list! I think I could come up with 100 reasons as to why I'm not funny. You're funny because you don't want to be funny anymore? What a riot! If I made you laugh then you are indeed funny, because I think you're funny. So if someone that I think is funny thinks that I'm funny, it validates my funniness. You only gave me 85 86 77 69 reasons though.

I failed at counting

Good number! If you did this on purpose, it's another reason. Fuck, I'm too tired to count.

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