Comedy Open Mic Round #28: Dear @Blewitt: I'm So Very Sorry

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago (edited)

Hey, @blewitt buddy, how's it going?

Listen, about the other night. I'd like to formally apologize here, on the blockchain, where no one will ever be able to erase or unlearn the important facts surrounding this most sincere request for forgiveness. I am so very, very sorry for so many, many things, but they always say to begin at the beginning, so let's start from there.

I'm Sorry For Misinterpreting Your Request

When you've consumed as much Mountain Dew as I had that fateful evening, things can get a little blurry. I'm not sure whether it was technically really late at night, or really early in the morning, but in my highly-caffeinated state, I took your Paypal message of funds transferred in exchange for, and I quote, "Buttplugs. Cases of em" at its full face value:

Exhibit A

This, I assure you, is a mistake I will not make again. Mostly because I no longer have cases of buttplugs, but I'll get to that momentarily.

I'm Sorry For The Surprise Postal Inspector Visit

I know ignorance of the law is no excuse, but I admit I should have known better than to attempt to ship whole cartons of sex toys pleasure enhancement devices across state lines without first consulting with my lawyer. Actually, my lawyer would have been asleep at the time this all went down, but if I hadn't needed to void the ol' bladder as a result of the copious Dew ingestion previously mentioned, I could have at least checked with @triverse. Lord knows that guy never sleeps--he was probably up wrapping Jurassic World toys, or Dr Pepper cotton candy, or (as it turns out) entire cartons of buttplugs.

Seriously, is there anything he won't attempt to resell?

In any case, now that saner heads (and emptier bladders) have prevailed, I fully recognize that mail fraud is a serious matter. Next time I'll have them shipped First Class instead of Media Mail. Hopefully this will avoid any unpleasant recurrences involving clothing removal, lube, rubber gloves, and people who don't respond to the safe word.

I'm Sorry For Denigrating (However Inadvertently) The Postal Inspectors' Intelligence

Mr. Inspectors, if you are reading this, "Bulgaria" is a demand for you to cease activity associated with any and all bodily orifices, not a request to "double our efforts until you stop resisting!".

That's actually "Luxembourg".

I know the two are easily confused on the map, but I would think as people responsible for ensuring the proper delivery of goods in an accurate and timely fashion, you would be at least casually familiar with geography. My apologies for not taking this into account before you became so intimately acquainted with my fellow Steemian, @blewitt.

I'm Sorry Your Wife Had To See All That

I can think of very little more off-putting than to wake up in the middle of the night to see your husband surrounded by strange and unfamiliar men who are seemingly convinced he may be smuggling contraband within his prostate.

I noted with all due clarity the pain in her voice when she happened upon the scene and said, "Again?!" in that certain way all wives have of saying, "Again?!" when their husbands have done something mind-blowingly stupid.

I watched her swift departure, the slumped and shuddering shoulders, the unwillingness to face the truth of what was happening in her own living room. I felt her humiliation and her shame. I heard her tears, which sounded like peals of uncontrollable laughter, so great was her sorrow. I felt her pain, and I'm reasonably certain you did too.

Well, maybe that was the Postal Inspectors. Again, all the Mountain Dew makes things a little fuzzy. I swear, one of them was using a goddamn Rubik's Cube or something with at least that many corners. I'm pretty sure I didn't jam it up there myself. I draw the line at pool noodles--you know that.

I'm Sorry For The Memo I Left

As a way of conveying my deepest sympathies and condolences, I hope by now you've seen the transfer of 600 Steem from my account into yours. While it's not likely to come anywhere close to paying all the associated fines, I felt it was the least I could do. Unfortunately during the transfer, an accident involving the keyboard and my genitalia resulted in the Memo field containing the phrase, "For sensual massage":


Exhibit B

I tried to cancel the transaction, but it was too late. Fearing the whole blockchain will think there's something wrong with me, my only hope was to pen this open apology in the hopes of setting everything right. I throw myself upon the mercy of the court of public opinion and beg for my exoneration. As should by now be clear, neither one of us deserved this, and I vow to be more careful when it comes to shipping large quantities of sex toys marital aids in the future.

Sincerely yours,

The contest rules say I need to push two other people into participating, so here goes: @ilsaione and @deadmoonwrites, get in here and tell your stories for a chance to make people laugh and win fabulous prizes!

Thanks to all the judges, apologies to @blewitt, and I'll see myself out.


If I get these butt plugs, can I charge my phone with my ass?

All apologies, @belemo. None of those sex toys adult pleasure enhancement devices come with the built-in power plug or USB port which would allow anal phone energizing. Upon your request, I've refunded your money and cancelled your order for the 'Equine Enlarger' model. Thank you for your past patronage, and I look forward to being able to satisfy you (although not personally!) in the future!

Thanx for your understanding, I look forward to butt plugs that can double as power banks.

Hi modernzorker,

Thank you for your entry in to #comedyopenmic comedy contest. We have asked the judges below to review your entry and give it a funny rating. (They generally have no sense of humor, as the saying goes, those that can't do, start contests and judge).
This will determine your ultimate position when the results are tallied. (That being said, you are free to adopt any position you wish - we can recommend pantsless with beer in hand.)


If you have any questions or queries please feel free to contact one of the judges or come say hi in discord: Click Here

Click To Vote @ComedyOpenMic For Witness And Disrupt The Steem Blockchain With Laughter!
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Thank you to @matytan for the great banner

I would love to participate in this. I am, however, lost as to what the rules are (if any) Is there a prompt i am to follow or is this a free write anything goes kinda deal? Tell me Tell me I must know :-)

So sorry! I neglected to link the rules up above. That's been fixed, but just to make it easy, here's the link directly in this comment:

Basically, use the 'comedyopenmic' tag as your first tag, use any other tags you want for the rest, write your story, nominate two other victims to hurl into the arena, and put 'Comedy Open Mic: Round 28' somewhere in the title. No prompts, it's just a comic free write. Fiction, non-fiction, just something not too long. :)

Winners get SBD, and there are a LOT of places you can place for a prize, so go for it!

Sounds good and I think I have just the story, I hope it's OK if I post it tomorrow evening though. Having a full time job and an over time four year old can really suck the time out of life...

Hello modernzorker
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Always nice to see you, even in GIF format, @cryplectibles. :)

Oh my! I do not know if I could even begin to top this! haha

You need not top it, just tell us a funny story (and maybe win some SBD)! It can even be music-related. You'll be a shoe-in! :D

I do have a semi-funny story about the first time I took a prescription sleep medication but I don't know if it would be appropriate and phrasing it may be a little difficult. Also, someone made a sketch of me with the background of what the circumstances surrounding it were and I have a photo of it I could actually use as an addition. Let me think on it.

If you thought my entry was appropriate but yours might not be, that's all the more reason to post yours! :D

I worked on a piece last night but it was more of a narrative and did not come out funny at all. I'm still working on it. I'm trying, but if I can't get it to deliver in a comedic way, I won't post it! haha

The contest runs every week so tweak it and save it for next week!!! If @modernzorker can do it, anyone can!!! All he's good for is being a buttplug middleman...

@blewitt Next week is going to be a little hectic, but I will try. I will have company here that I have not seen in a year so I may try to participate soon! I appreciate you guys including me, though. And you guys are hilarious with each other! I'm glad you all have such a great sense of humor!

C' can do it!!!

I appreciate the encouragement! I really do! But for some reason, the comedy part of my brain appears to be shut down at the moment! haha

I will set the real story straight tomorrow folks.....

so much money $_$

Ha ha ha ha excellent

What can I say....the Zorker is obsessed with me!!!

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