'Cosmic Code Activation: Ascension into Unconditional Love' ~ Original Digital ReikiArt by @thereikiforest

Bright Blessings BeautyFull Souls!

Happy Thursday :) How are we all Being today? Very well I hope and I am sending the highest vibrations in supporting such my friends.

For today's #colorchallenge of Thursday Green

by @kalemandra & my personal #reikiartchallenge to create something in today's color that also represents the healing energy of our Heart Chakra, I am pleased to share with you now my fourth piece of the year so far.

I call this one...

'Cosmic Code Activation ~ Ascension into Unconditional Love'

This reiki-infused work of art represents

the synergistic process of our first three chakras blending together with our fourth and beginning the ascension journey into & through the Frequency of Unconditional Love.

For those who may not know...

ReikiArt is artwork that has been created from the heart.

It is typically conceived & created while meditating on a specific intention throughout the entire process. It is then infused again upon completion. All of my creations made with the highest vibrations of love and the intent to assist each viewer with moving into alignment with their greatest good.

How Does It Work?

Simply viewing the image/artwork with an open heart & sincere willingness

to receive the energies contained therein will allow the current of Universal Life Energy to flow to you and through you. Your genuine receptivity is required for transmission of these healing vibes to be received, as in accordance with the Universal Law of Free Will.

That being said...I present today's ReikiArt again for your viewing pleasure & meditation

Tip: Right clicking on the image and opening in a new tab will allow for optimal viewing (thank you to @whitelightxpress for giving me the heads up on that one!)

Pretty cool, right? If you think so...maybe you would like to join in The ReikiArt Challenge.

How so? Super simple!

Join in as a Meditator and/or Creator.
Each day of the week you are invited to meditate on the piece I share, and if you feel inspired, provide feedback in the comments or reach out on steemit chat.

If you feel moved to make an original piece of art as well, simply follow along with the corresponding color/chakra/properties of the day as your inspiration and then share your ReikiArt and tell a little about it. Use the tag #reikiartchallenge and/or tag me in your post if you like. You can also share a link below in the comments to your post.

Monday Red - Root Chakra - Survival/Security/Trust/Reproduction
Tuesday Orange - Sacral Chakra - Creativity/Emotions/Intamcy
Wednesday Orange - Solar Plexus - WillPower/Wisdom
Thursday Green - Heart Chakra - Love/Healing
Friday Blue - Throat Chakra - Healthy Communication
Saturday Blue - Third Eye Chakra - Awareness/Perception*
Sunday Purple - Crown Chakra

To read more about the chakras browse here.

For your InJoyment, please find a complete list of my 2018 ReikiArt:

Being creative and stepping outside the box is alot of fun and a great way to grow and connect Mind, Body & Spirit.

I hope this challenge will inspire my fellow metaphysicians & energy workers from all walks of life to dabble in their artistic side with some focus on 'the force.'

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions

reply below or send me a direct message on Steemit.Chat @thereikiforest

Love you ALL!

Thank you for reading/viewing/meditating :) and if this resonates with you, please give a resteem to help spread the good energy & the word around.

Thank you for Being YOU! & for spending some of your time in @thereikiforest.

It is a pleasure & honor to be sharing this journey with you, Beauty-Full. Have a wonder-full 'NOW.' Namaste

Gif courtesy of @malos10

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