ReikiArt: What it is & How to use it PLUS a Challenge/Call to My Fellow Metaphysical Artists/Energy Workers of STEEMIT

Happy 2018 Everyone! Did you happen to notice the new year bringing us the gift of a Full Moon?

It sure feels nice to get that extra support from the Universe in tying up loose ends from last year (& getting those cords cut as we move into full steem ahead mode!).

The Cosmic Juice that is flowing right now is no joke - can you feel it, too?

I'm feeling that transformative & inspirational fire within me. It feels nice - so nice - that it inspired my first piece of Digital Reiki Art of the year. I call this one:

'Purification & Remineralization'

This reiki-infused work of art represents the Sacred Space in which the seeds of change within the Soul are activated & begin morphing into their next stage of involution/evolution/growth/ascension.

So, what is ReikiArt? and How does one use it?

In short, ReikiArt is artwork that has been created from the heart.

It is typically conceived & created while meditating on a specific intention throughout the entire process. It is then infused again upon completion. All of my creations are infused with the highest vibrations of love in addition to the theme which they represent. For instance, this piece is powered up to provide assistance with initiating the purification & remineralization process in the lives of those whom are ready to step things up.

Simply viewing the image/artwork with an open heart & sincere willingness

to receive the energies contained therein will allow the current of Universal Life Energy to flow to you and through you. Your genuine receptivity is required for transmission of these healing vibes to be received, as in accordance with the Universal Law of Free Will.

That being said...I present this piece again for your viewing pleasure and to meditate upon if you so choose..

Pretty cool, right? If you think so...maybe you would like to join in a new challenge I am proposing. #reikiartchallenge

I would love to hear what you think about ReikiArt and see some of your creations, too my friends. Remember, everything is energy and you don't have to be a master to injoy the practice & the process. Art comes in all forms, so every medium that can possibly be shared on STEEMIT is welcome and encouraged. The vibes from your heart will always come through everything you say, do and create.

Part of my inspiration comes from @kalemandra's #colorchallenge

as such, I wish to honor that by kind of blending the reiki art challenge with the color challenge. How so? Super simple! Each day of the week you are invited to take your color challenge contributions to another level, if you feel called to participate, by consciously incorporating the metaphysical aspect into the mix.

Each color, as you know, represents an Energy Center (Chakra)

that is located within the mental, emotional, physical & spiritual bodies. Monday Red corresponds with our Root Chakra, Tuesday Orange the Sacral, Wednesday Yellow the Solar Plexus and so on (see below image for complete list of colors and chakras.)

image source

The piece of ReikiArt that I am sharing today

corresponds with our Root Chakra and the generative/regenerative properties of this center. It is my first 'official' ReikiArt Challenge contribution as well as my humble submission for today's color challenge of Monday Red.

In Summary

ReikiArt is any art that you create from the heart with a specific intention/purpose. It carries forward & emanates/offers those frequencies to all whom it encounters. The ReikiArt Challenge is meant to inspire/motivate the metaphysical artists and energy workers in our beautyfull STEEMIT community to cultivate, bring forth & share their unique gifts and talents with the world and each other.

If you feel inspired to join in the ReikiArt Challenge

all you need to do is share an original creation that corresponds with the Color of the Day and represents some aspect of the appropriate Chakra's properties. Add the tag #reikiartchallenge (doesn't have to be first) and if you would like, post a link below in the comments. I will do my best to upvote & resteem high quality authentic contributions that meet this criteria.

Here is another chart to give you an idea of the properties associated with each color/chakra/day

image source

You can also find more information on each of the chakras here.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions

reply below or send me a direct message on Steemit.Chat @thereikiforest as I still need to find my way around Discord. (I will soon be familiarizing myself thanks to the kind offer of @sykochica to help show me the way around there). I will be in touch this week SiStar.. Thank you again!

Love you ALL!

Thank you for reading and if this resonates with you, please give a resteem to help spread the word. Your friendship and support is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for Being YOU! & for spending some of your time in @thereikiforest.

It is a pleasure & honor to be sharing this journey with you, Beauty-Full. Have a wonder-full 'NOW.' Namaste

Gif courtesy of @malos10

Exciting. Love the idea of taking the 'color challenge contributions to another level ~ By consciously incorporating the metaphysical aspect into the mix.' 🦋

Beautiful artwork,happy new year.

Thank you very much :) Happy New Year <3

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