Color Challenge - Red Monday - Tie

Dress to impress with a perspective on what can be based on what has happened. You can focus on failure, on what you cannot do based on what did not work or you can visualize like athletes on what you can do based on what works.

Stuff works.

Risk Over Regret

We will always regret not trying, not knowing, and risk is worth it. Only risk what you are willing to lose. Dress your best because that changes you like nothing else. When you dress like a slob, you begin to feel like a slob. Dress the way you want to be based on who you are. People will see you for who you really are. Don't judge books by covers but people do judge your book cover. Dress like kings and queens. It changes the way you think, feel, talk, live.

Dress to impress.

Live each moment with all you got.

Enjoy those moments like a magician.

2013 Pagoda Girl 04.jpg

2013-XX-XX: Chua La Leaf Pagoda: Go Vap HCM: Oatmeal

Color Challenge - Red Monday - Tie

2018-05-07 Monday 08:50 AM LMS: CC RM Tie
Published at 09:11 AM
Email: [email protected]

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Biography & Resume

My experience - (Web-Designer) @Small Music Store in Shelton, WA,(Film-Maker) @Arnold Attic,Camp-Counselor, English-Teacher in Vietnam, carpenter, musician, dishwasher, artist, journalist, creator, & more... (See More)

Have lived in - Oregon, New York, West Virginia, Vietnam, Hawaii, Quebec, California, Seattle, Idaho, Cambodia, Oregon, South Carolina, & more... (See More)

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your tie look good! @joeyarnoldvn
hope you had a great day

Thanks. Dress to impress. You look great.

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