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RE: ColorChallenge: WednesdayYellow - "Persecushion" [13MinuteFreeWrite]

in #colorchallenge7 years ago

And the plot thickens... A sordid dystopia if ever I saw one. Being isolated away from society (and family) is a hellish nightmare. You portray its absolute horrors perfectly and with vivid aplomb. Now after the meeting with her daughter, how does this change proceedings? Hope I don't have to wait to long to find out.

Brilliant work so far, my brother! :)


Wait, what? Did you catch up on everything in one sitting?? Haha! You're in luck, my bro. This updates every day haha! I just wish The Setup updates at the same time hmmmm....

I could've easily placed them in concentration camps or something similar, but I wanted to subject her to a different, but equally horrifying, situation. You're on point when you noted that my bro! It doesn't have to always be barbs and physical abuse. I really wanted to accentuate the hurt while she was sitting on a supposedly comfortable cushion.

I'm glad that you're enjoying it so far, my bro! I hope the next ones don't disappoint!

You never disappoint, bro! Quite the opposite always. You inspire! And man, you've captured the setting perfectly. You keep the reader on edge with the non-stop pacing and relentless tension. Simply love it and am very impressed with this new series.

It's God's honest brilliant stuff, my bro.

I think you'll change your mind when I launch my one-line story series posts haha! Just one line for the entire post bwahahaha!

Seriously though, this encouragement your providing is really uplifting me to the heavens! Coming from a writer I deeply admire, this is truly a blessing! I just hope I could keep up with this, as I fear that I might become complacent because of all the love and praise haha! Really though, I feel motivated posting alongside great writers I admire, yourself included of course. It keeps me on track to where I want to go. I may be lagging behind in terms of progress, but having friends like you guys keep me running. I'm so appreciative of that :D

Anything new posts from you will be happily received by me. You're a jewel in the place, man. :)

Aww shucks ;') You've got my eyes on the brink of tears with this whole sequence, my bro. I appreciate you regarding me as such. Coming from a true (backed by a Golden Steemy) jewel, that means a lot :D

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