Collaborative Art Journey #30! The Bee's Knees

Yesterday I found myself following my 'art resolutions' for 2018 which was to try my hand at a contest. And I did so here by taking up @techslut fun contest.

Now I wish to do so with a challenge from the Collaborative Art Journey community and @everlove who have just hit 30 collabs. So, who I am to deny such success and what am I if not willing to have a go at it myself.

Therefore I give you my interpretation of the supplied image with my own creation:

The Bee's Knees (or the attempts of applications of watercolour to digital photo)


Here is the original piece in which we were meant to alter or add to (If I have the rules of the challenge correct which is in all possibilities completely wrong and backwards as I am wont to not pay too much attention to details, feigning artist's temperment.)

I immediately saw a beehive. Or, that is to say, honeycomb. And as it is my wont to endlessly sketch and paint animals, it seemed a fitting place to put my own creatures upon it. I also altered the colouring a bit in photoshop before my application of watercoloured creatures. I wanted to make it a bit more honey coloured.

Here is the initial sketch idea.


And trying out the colour choices.


And I killed two birds (or bees in this case) with one stone with this challenge. As I have every intention of using these bee studies in some fabric/wallpaper design I have coming up.

Well, I hope I have done this challenge correctly and that it is well received. And I also challenge other artists to join in. The shared community on Steemit is such fun and for we artist what a great way to collab, as they say.

I hope you have a day filled with the sweetness of honey and the creativity and support of a beehive of inspiration and Steemit Friends!


You are quite an artist - very talented and skillful! I enjoy looking at your artworks! What software did you use to create these?

Thank you. I sketch in real life and scan that. THen I use a wacom tablet and painter. and for this piece, to add it to the piece we were to change, I used photoshop to attach my drawing/painting onto the photo image.

This is really good, babe! Lively, nice taste of colors, detailed, nice light. You should be proud of yourself!

Thank you so much

Such a beautiful painting of bees 🐝

Thank you, I love bees!

This is content we would expect to see in an art magazine or in a student workbook for art students. It was really nice to see your thought process as you explained it.

Well, thank you, that is high compliment indeed.

You are welcome. You earned it!

so beautiful artworks!!! The collaborative art journeys is always a great source of inspiration and your art is perfect in this entry!

Thank you, so does it seem as if I did it correctly?

Yes, you did it. Not just correctly, but in a very nice way. I also look a beehive in the image of this round and your artwork express this idea in a very cute way ^_^

Ok I know I say this about every animal you paint but i seriously LOVE bees! It’s a dream of mine to be a beekeeper one day- super well done! Also, I’m sorry if I’ve missed this in ur posts but do u paint with an iPad?

No I draw and sketch IRL then I scan and use a wacom tablet. I switched to using digital a couple years ago when I was in London and couldn't find a good studio for a good price and realized if I was digital my studio could just go with me. I really love going to digital after years of very real world applicable things like pen and ink, print making, screen printing, oil painting you name it. And to have all these tools digitally is wonderful. Sometimes I forget the tablet, which is propped like a drawing table, isn't a real piece of paper and have rubbed my finger on it thinking I was going to smudge something and remembering, "Oh yes, this is a digital tablet, idiot". How about you, do you use an ipad? I'm not really a fan of apple products to be honest, although I know that is not a popular opinion in the art world. :)

That’s awesome! I used to use a Wacom and I loved it but I want to go even more mobile- maybe with an iPad Pro mini this year- we’ll see what the price of steem does haha ;) smart move in keeping things mobile- I think the whole world will be working on the go sooner than we might realize ;)

So very nice! I love it:-) Cool to combine hand drawing and that shining surface in the background.

Thank you so much. I figured, if we were meant to use the image that I'd want some of that original image to still show. And it gave me the opportunity to play with photoshop with my artwork as well, which is a good lesson.

Wonderful collaboration miss Dona ! Love these bees =))

As I love your little bee here Mr. Gnome, but bees must be areoplanes to the likes of you. Or at the very least, a sort of chicken ;)

I think I would have interpreted it with a bee theme also. I love the effect! Maybe I will give it a try and do a different theme.

You should do. I am sure I am not the only one who saw the bee theme, but the more the merrier, we can't ever have enough bees!

Wow! Simply Wow!!! I love the concept and how you pulled off this creation! It looked like a honey comb to several artists, but the interpretation of it is so different for everyone. I'm really thrilled that you have joined this collaboration @donnadavisart! I love the way you tweaked the colors. The white reflection in the upper right makes it look a bit wet, like sticky, gooey honey!

Thanks for coming out to play and helping us to build this artists' community. We are blessed by your presence.

Thank you so much, I really enjoyed it, Yeah, the honey idea was probably low hanging fruit, but it was fun to interpret.

So many possibilities - I think that's what art's about!

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