My Co-Dependent Adopt A Minnow Plan...

in #codependent7 years ago (edited)

Since I have been feeling a bit amused (and maybe jealous) of the Cryptokitties, I've decided I also have an emptiness that can't be filled by human interaction, hence I need a pet.  Cryptokitties just aren't enough to fill the void that I feel, so.. 

I've decided to adopt a Minnow.  Not just adopt, but live vicariously through you co-dependently.  

Not just adopt though, to take an unnatural, over-involved interest in a minnow's life

  • If you are adopted, I will live for your success or failure.
  • I will over-estimate your successes and become over-involved in your failures
  • I will brag about you even when you don't deserve it.  I will post about how fabulous you are even if you are barely average.
  • I will nag you and give you unsolicited advice
  • I will upvote you just to keep you happy, I will demand that others acknowledge your talents and shame them for upvoting others over you.
  • I will quickly tire of you when you become self sufficient and can no longer meet my need to be needed

Since my own success is moderate at best, I hope to catapult you past my own level and remind you for the rest of our lives, how I am responsible for all of your victories.

If you are interested in becoming my online project giving me illusions of making a difference and a smug sense of personal importance, please apply below.  I will focus on you until I lose interest.  Likely about a month, after which I will forever remind you that I launched your career.

Please let me know how you can fulfill my need to be needed below..

Must be a small account with less than 1k SteemPower, a history of PoweringUp, and some reasonable content.

For the rest of you feeling unloved, you should adopt a minnow also, everyone needs an indentured servant.


(it is all in fun, but I really will adopt a minnow for a bit)


I knew it! I knew those cryptokitties were going to result in unforeseen collateral damage. But I wish you all manners of success with your new project... I shall follow it with interest, and hope you end up with many groupies who will collectively help launch the wee minnow directly to whalehood... or something like that.

To totally misappropriate an overused political quote: "Make Steemit Interesting Again!"

Its cool idea, lets see whose future is going to rock.

Awesome idea! Maybe you will start a trend! :)

I'm your man/minnow/goat.
My credentials are: being co-dependant. You working for me will make me work harder for myself. I'm fine letting myself down, but I hate disappointing other people.

Hmmmm! @whatsup,

This is a good idea.

Hmmm! Who would be the lucky minnow to be adopted by a whale. Hahahàha!

Adopt a minnow, so much more PC than the derogatory label of 'intern'. Pick me, puhlease, turn I'll be super sweet for the first day, then quickly resort to yelling: YOU'RE NOT MY DAD - YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!

I need someone to rebel against...this could be a co-dependent match made in hell!

I am considering you, it does seem like a match, can you spend some time telling me how important my assistance will be to you?

DON'T YOU EVER TELL ME WHAT TO DO! But please don't leave me, I need you. crying laughing emoji

You are a finalist... If you want my attention, affection and votes... Please stroke my ego below.

I was too busy being pregnant and paranoid I was going into labor every other day to check Steemit LOL. (I wasn't, I'm ok, baby is ok, not even due for another 6-8 weeks so don't worry haha). Seriously though. If you keep this adopt a minnow up for long term, maybe I can 'apply' again when I'm more reliable ;-)
I'll watch you and your new protege very closely...very critically...;-)

Love it.

Oh, sounds like real life! Obviously more import! Yes, depending on how this goes I may do another round.

You can brag about any upvote you have ever given me, past and future. Tally them up if you'd like. Right now I must owe 70% of my fortune to acidyo . Feel free to beat him as my #1 benefactor and steal me from his custody. I sometimes shit on the floor.

If you choose a smaller, cuter minnow, I will understand.

Hahaha! This is too much competition for my weak spirit. Acidyo is more successful than me, and I can't face that. :(

It's ok, he usually doesn't want to upvote me, he just has to cause his OCD staff loves me so much :-D!

If I owe 40% to him and 30% to you I can call him daddy and you mommy. Or the other way around if you'd like, mommy can be stronger.

hahaha. Mommy is okay, but tell Daddy, I wear the pants.

Daddy must know, that's why he disappears for weeks at a time.

Ahahahaha!!! You are hilarious and this is complete genius. I hope you have fun with your project and eliminate your crypto Kittie jealousy. Additionally I hope it elevates to minnow breeding which I hear is the true benefit to the kitties. Ha! Completely absurd our world, however clearly we are entertained. Maybe entertained enough to put myself up for minnow adoption 😂😂

Hi Brandy, consider the adoption, my annoying factor can go through the roof! :) it is going to be yyyuge.

Whale I've considered it! And annoyance is not enough to say no. I'm up for adoption!

You are a finalist! Please tell me how much I might mean to your future. How you show gratitude.

Beings this platform is based on all of our our mutual success your boosting my future will also in turn boost your own. The mere fact that you even came up with such a proposal is inspiring and I think we may find ourselves working towards the success of others as a team. #minnowadoption is a great way to pass on the torch... you help me, I am likely to inherit your generous nature to find myself all grown up and following in your footsteps. I am a student of crypto and have lots to learn. I plan to share what I learn in a simplified way in order to make it more approachable for those who may not be a tech savy as someone like yourself or the other big fish in these digital waters. My gratitude will literally be announced in the form of posts, comments and genuine appreciation until our goals are met or become bored. All of this being said, I am likely to bore you quickly with my dry humor and kind nature. I will be the biggest fish I can be and I know that will never happen without the communities support, putting myself up for adoption is admitting that I am nothing without it. Finally you will have to live out your days knowing that you chose a qualified and hard working candidate. That's the hard part. Warning.... this could also result in some giant misunderstanding and the outcome could be steem kitties and since kitties eat fish, this could get ugly!

lol, had I adopted a crypto kitty, I would have been able to breed it and sell the offspring, but in this case...

You will have to sell your own off-spring.

I will begin pushing your boundries now. Oh can I paste your face on Minnow? :)

I am so honored to have been chosen over so many worthy candidates and witty contributions! I will prove to be a most loyal pet minnow!

unlimited image hosting

Here is a token of my gratitude!! I will be telling everyone I've been adopted!

Well done! :) Omg, I have adopted the best minnow ever, I can wait to show of my Cyber_Minnow!

I have never had a father. I am homeless, hungry and unloved. I made a wish to the good fairy an hour ago for a father who would be obsessed about me. I wonder if my wish is being granted😢😢😢

The good fairy may have answered both of our prayers.

Amen! Amen! Amen!!!

Would you really like to be a part of my attention seeking, self promoting project that I will disguise as an attempt to help you? Grovel here if so.

Oh wise and noble master, how could any man born of a woman not want to be a part of your project? How could I, a lowly man who is from no royal lineage, mistake your altruism for selfishness? If this be disguise, then disguise is what I will have. No honor is greater than being known by you, oh mighty king. Please, let me be the means by which your fame is talked about even in the remotest corners of the earth. I say this before you and all those gathered here this day, that I and my people shall be your servants even after your reign is over. Oh mighty king, may I find favour in your benevolent eyes

This is a great initiative as there are too many minnows and planktons who are unloved and unrecognized.

They post great content but is sadly just getting cents or even no votes at all. I remember my own journey of my own introduceyourself post barely hitting 10 cents but you continue and post on.

Sometimes I get good exposure and votes, more often not but you continue on hoping that you'll get curated or be witty enough or funny enough or hit on a piece that resonates well with folks.

The introduceyourself is the obvious choice to look for a new minnow or plankton to help out but those freewrite and fiction tags could also be a good place as there are a lot of good content out there that get undervalued.

I would like to nominate fellow writers @rdj and though as they have great content.

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