Another first time // 又一个第一次

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

Last two days, I brought my daughter to orthopedist. She fell from chain and that chain hit her sole last night. It was swell. But it doesn't look too serious for me. She could still climb the stairs. How this happened? I'm not sure because I was sleeping at the moment. She was downstairs with grandmother. She told me she was looking a shortcut to kitchen, and when she climbed onto a chain, it fell.

When I sent her to school, I offered to carry her into class but she rejected. Maybe she was shy and she didn't want her classmates to laugh at her. She asked me to help her to explain to her teacher why she wears slippers to school. She said she doesn't dare to tell the teacher, I said why not? Teacher won't punish you. When I wanted to tell her teacher about her injury, she came forward and automatically told her teacher herself. I was so glad of her.

I was advised to bring her orthopedist and I can claim from students insurance. (So good because I don't need to claim her own insurance.)

After consulted orthopedist, and taken x-ray. She has very mild bond cracked. Not special treatment needed, let it recover by itself. This is the first bone crack, (I hope this is the last too.) My first bone cracked was during my secondary school.

I still remember how many FIRST time her experienced.

  1. This is a terrible one. She infected Foot Hand Mouth Disease when she was 11 months. It is terrible to first time parents. Luckily I have bought her medical card. And we can be easily to take care of her in a private hospital. Before the age of 2, she experienced two time HFMD.

  2. Terrible constipation. She has very serious constipation since small. Doctor only advised more water and fruits. But still not much help. Every time when she wanted to defecate, she'll hang on you for along time. Always bloody every where. Sometime even wee to help her to pull her solid stool. She will also cry and asked you to give her cathartic. We brought her to doctor, doctor can only gave her stool softener. I've give her special formula milk powder for constipation, stool softener, probiotics, and even kid's cathartic. I also not sure which one is useful to her but at least she can defecate better.

  3. Cough. She cough frequently. Doctor said she may have sensitive airway. But for kid below 2 years there no medical for her to use. Only some natural herbal which she really doesn't like it. It occur and recover again and again. Finally caused her lung infection. Admitted again to hospital. Took her first chest X-ray. To relief her from cough, I bought her a air-purifier with HEPA filter. Doctor gave her a spray to control help her airway less sensitive to prevent asthma. I have been think to buy her a nebula so that I don't need to bring her to clinic so often.

Hope my kids will grow up health and safe, this is what's every parent wished to.






这么小就经历了这么个第一次。老爸我裂骨头的第一次还是中学呢。还有就是, 你是女生啊!怎么不学会淑女一些啊?



女儿许多的 第一次 列表:






2013-09-15 08.35.19.jpg

每个做父母的都希望自己的孩子平平安安, 健健康康长大。 愿上苍保佑。


神经一点的真的是每天提心吊胆的。 看到身边的年轻妈妈,一旦孩子生病,就好象患上绝症一样,你就会明白了。





I hope she gets to recover soon
that's pretty sad
cyber hugs sent!

这个第一次可不咋样 😄


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I am sorry to hear this. I hope she is feeling better soon. It must have been frightening to wake up and find that she was hurt! It is good that you had the student insurance. She sounds very brave!

I think maybe the word 椅子 is translated better in English as "chair" rather than "chain"? I am sorry that I do not speak or read Chinese!

This is a chain (链):
anchor chain.jpg

This is a chair (椅子):

Best wishes to your daughter for a fast recovery!

Sorry it's my typo error's chair ....think about blockchain too much ...thanks for the correction...

No problem - I hope I wasn't being obnoxious. I just thought I'd point it out in case. Your English is excellent.




哇~~ 妹妹自小就好辛苦,不過她也很堅強,希望她可以健健康康長大! :)


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