My Stories (1) 生活小確幸(1)-Amazing Sunday! 奇妙的週日!

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

Hi my friends, this is the FIRST POST from "My Stories" series! Thanks for your support:)


On this beautiful Sunday, I went to the "Fun Sports x Water Carnival- 460m Water Fun " held at the Pier next to the Hong Kong Science Park!! It was a race on many inflatable "obstacles" which included slip and slide runways, huge floating icebergs, large water slides and... you name it! I had been extremely EXCITED coz I love challenges!!



The scale was just LARGE!



As I was not able to take photos during the competition, here comes the result..



It's a GOLD MEDAL!! (Ok, I knew no one would believe it ;p and the HK flag just happened to be here LOLL!!) I tried really hard and was happy to receive the award!!
是金牌哦!! (好吧,我知道才沒人會信呢, 而且香港的區旗只是剛好在這裏啦...... ;p) 我真的很用心哦,能得到它很高興😌

And I "tried" canoeing (on land)!!!! Omg everyone's staring at me!!
我還"嘗試"了(在陸地上)划獨木舟哦!!! 天吶,所有人都盯著我!


At last, I paid a visit to the Hong Kong Science Park:) The egg-looking Auditorium is the most famous architecture in the Park. It is called Charles K. Kao Auditorium, named after the Chinese Nobel Price winner Charles K. Kao who is known as the "Father of Fiber Optics".

最後,我去參觀了香港科學園裏這個長得像蛋一樣的建築:) 它其實是高錕會議室哦:) 想必沒有人不知道他是誰吧?他就是諾貝爾物理學獎得獎者,著名的光纖之父哦!


I guess I'd stop here:) If you visit Hong Kong, don't forget to visit here!
今天就寫到這兒吧:) 如果你來香港的話,一定不要忘記來這裏哦!

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and I'll keep on going!





Hong hom?

Oh it's not hung hom!! It's Tai Po, near the HK Science Park :)

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Wow thanks very muchhh @albertvhons!! Haha it's very nice of you to start a thing like this! I would like to ask that is it a campaign or competition or sth like this? And thanks again for supporting me and please follow me to know more about me!

It is just a plain support to fellow steemian whom i belive it is a good post,

Woww that's so nice!! Thanks for finding out and reading my post and I'll do better. Thanks again for encouraging me!

你是我见第一个把FOLLOW ME翻译成“請追蹤我”的人。


我不是客家人哦:) 這次活動是香港客屬總會為了慶祝香港回歸20週年舉辦的,但我報名的時候不知道哦! XD 我也是看到他們的宣傳品才知道的;p

以前有个英文教学节目叫做follow me,官方翻译是:跟我来

Haha,那就變成 "謝謝你把它看完哦,請跟我來"haha nice ;p



嘿嘿!"快跟隨我,我保證大家好吃好喝!" 霸氣!下次可以考慮這樣寫;ppp (然後所有人都嚇跑了)



The "Golden Egg" Charles K. Kao Auditorium is amazing! I wish I had the specifications for the outside structure - it looks just like a starship in a novel I am writing right now!

YAA you're right! It looks fantastic! And I always wonder how people can walk inside given its shape LOL!! I tried to search for its design but I couldn't find anything TT Sorry TT Maybe it's confidential? But I guess you might be interested in this report on HK Science Park :):) It gives you some idea on the planning of the whole Park:
And wow you're writing a NOVEL!!! That's really nice!!! Wish your novel a HUGE success!!!! Don't forget to tell me its name when it is published! Cheers!!!

Thanks for following me!!

You are welcome.

Following you because you keep positive, always believe you can do everything!!:))

Thanks for following me! Haha yaa i may look reckless but I like challenges!! Thanks for your appreciation:):)

I like thats kaya part very well @susanlo, maybe I'll learn Chinese cus of u! Great article!

Wow thanks very much @drled!! Haha yaa please learn Chinese!! It's fun but people always say it's difficult ;p I like that kaya toooo!! Haha but I only managed to sit in it on land TT but I'll try next time I'm pretty sure!! Haha thanks for supporting me! :):)

that's really an interesting event! a good way to spend your weekend!

Haha yes!! It's really fun! Except I spent like 2.5 hours in line TT but I enjoyed it a lot XD and the weather was definitely a bonus:) haha you may wanna try it! It's exciting and more importantly, not dangerous! Thanks for you support:)

Thanks!! Yeahh it's just exciting!!

Your sunday is colorful.i like it

Thanks so muchhh! Haha ya the day was just BEAUTIFUL! It's was sunny and I enjoyed this a lot XD

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