The Women of Our Home

in #cn8 years ago (edited)

One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no water to drink

I was the only monk, So there I am responsible for fetching water work,This summer was very hot, often need to carry water from the mountain,15 minutes to the foot of the mountain, close to the road,Very clean water,We only do nature porter,We use spring water to cook,tea and coffee.
我们家只有我一个和尚,所以挑水的任务都有我负责,这个夏天差不多一周要上山拉次水,到山脚下只需15分钟,路很近, 水是从山上岩石出来的泉水,很干净, 农夫山泉的广告语:我们只做大自然搬运工,泉水炖汤,泉水泡茶.

200 meters above sea level, there is a waterfall, very cool, and today no one, by the way took a bath in the water, Took some naked photos, record this day.
今天市区的温度接近40度,但山脚下只有20多度,海拨200米处有个瀑布,很凉快,手机一点点信号,今天没什么人, 顺便在水里洗了个澡,记录下这一天的生活.

The Women of Our Home

2016-8-19 / Myfirst
Enjoy :)
following me at @MyFirst


@myfirst 务必要小心,儿童露点可不是小事


like the waterfall so much
good place to visit

Yes, we live near the mountains :)

and its World Photography Day

oh ,i see your artice, Today Is World Photography Day , ha :)




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