Chopsticks in China diet culture 筷子:中国的饮食文化

in #cn8 years ago


Chopsticks are used every day in China. I'd like to share their interesting history with food tag in Steemit. Can you agree that even an ordinary item used in daily life can have a fascinating story? 

中国人每天都在使用筷子。我想在Steemit里聊一些有关于筷子历史的有趣故事。你应该会赞同就算是日常生活中一件小物,也会有引人入胜的故事吧 ?

Although chopsticks originated in China, they are widely used in many Asian countries ( Japan,Korea, etc). The first chopsticks were made from bone and jade.Copper and iron chopsticks came into being.


In ancient times of China, the rich used jade or gold chopsticks to display their wealth.Many kings and emperors used silver chopsticks to see if their food had been poisoned.Chopsticks are traditionally placed in brides' dowries,because "chopsticks" in Chinese is pronounced "kuaizi", which sounds like "get a son(boy) soon."


Even the former president of the United States Richard Nixon, used chopsticks at the welcoming banquet held in his honor.As soon as he left his table, a foreign diplomat grabbed his chopsticks as a historical souvenir.


Remember to tell this interesting story the next time you eat with your friends and show off your knowledge.



I've been using chopsticks for years even in Canada. They are much more elegant to eat with than hacking away at a piece of meat at the table with a knife and fork.

One of the questions i always get asked here in China is "can you use chopsticks" and when people eat with me for the first time they watch amazed that i can use them.

I always reply "every foreigner i know in China can use chopstick but i know 2 local Chinese people that can't" True story.

But that interesting chopsticks trivia.


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