A Possible Steemit Advs Solution 也许在STEEMIT投放广告可以行得通

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

Many have discussed wether the advertisement e.g. Google Adsense will be beneficial to STEEMIT. Bascially, we have come to two different opinions: @tumutanzi thinks it is not a good idea to introduce advertisement to steemit while @herlife thinks it is possible that in the future Steemit may start earning by puting some adsense advs units on the page.

steemit.com receives about 176,000 unique visitors and 867,680 (4.93 per visitor) page views per day which should earn about $4,520.50/day from advertising revenue. Estimated site value is $2,568,460.69. According to Alexa Traffic Rank steemit.com is ranked number 2,130 in the world and 0.0352% of global Internet users visit it.

We have to admit that advertisement have the impacts on user experiences, and according to the Alexa ranking of STEEMIT.com, the estimated revenues (calculated from the traffic) from the adsense may not be so significantly attractive compared to the current estimated value of the STEEMIT inc.

The other day, I was trying Viglink and I've got around $20 revenue by just 1 click. Viglink works by identifying the text and existing links in the page and transforming them into a revenue-based links. So it does not ruin the user experience as there is no advertisement units visible apart form the hyper links.

So, maybe it is a solution for STEEMIT to introduce the Viglink , and the steemians can choose if they want to participate in the program. The revenues from the Viglink can be shared by STEEMIT and the post authors. The advantages are:

  • The STEEMIT pages still look clean.
  • The steemians can choose to participate e.g. if yes, some texts/links of their articles may be transformed silently to the hyper links that can generate revenues.
  • Part of the revenues can be shared to STEEMIT and those can make a difference e.g. used for further development or more payout for authors.
  • Authors benefit from this, and also they basically don't have to do anything apart from saying yes to join the program.

What do you think of this? STEEMIT + Viglink, is this a game changer?

Image Credit: Pixabay.com

博客圈很小,STEEMIT中文圈也很小。最近圈里在讨论 是否在STEEMIT上投放广告的是,比如 @tumutanzi 认为不适合在 STEEMIT上投放广告, 而 @herlife 则认为很有可能将来STEEMIT上会投放广告

说白了,就是在广告收入和影响用户体验的一个平衡和较量。Google 的广告收入2017年占世界上的33% (738亿美元)。根据 Adsense 用户协议,广告主的收入分成是68%,对于一般小博主来说,已经是一个相当不错的收入来源了。

然而,如果在STEEM上放广告,根据当前网站流量(e.g. Alexa)所估计出来的收入比起公司的市值根本算不上什么,换句话说,STEEM目前看不上这一点广告收入。最大的问题就在于只要投放广告了,就会很大程度影响用户体验。


用户体验还包括了整个页面的布局。投放广告势必会破坏页面的整洁度。Google 公司还明确禁止把广告和文章正文弄的很相近(让用户无法很容易区分开来),但讽刺的是,如果广告太过于明显,则用户又不倾向于点广告。最好的广告就是内容放错了地方,既要让用户觉得感兴趣(相关),又不能让读者觉得过于喧宾夺主。


说不定 Viglink 能行得通呢

前几天,我的PAYPAL突然收到了 一笔20美元 的收入,我一看,原来是我7月份的时候试投了 Viglink 广告。刚好用户点了一次,单价就是20美元。

Viglink 广告是一种 随风潜入夜,润物细无声的模式。简单来说,它不是一种很突兀的广告单元,你不需要指定它投放在哪个页、哪个位置。Viglink 在安装好之后会检测你页面的哪些文字是可以被添加广告的,并且有链接也会帮你优化。简单来说,有点类似推广链接。所以 Viglink 有以下好处:

  1. 投放简单,在需要投放广告的页面加上一段JS代码即可。
  2. 可以指定哪些 页面元素投放或者不投放。
  3. Viglink 会把文字或者链接自动的根据优化成最佳“推广链接”。
  4. 由于没有添加广告单元,所以不影响用户体验。
  5. 推广链接很智能的被JS代码给加上,不影响SEO的分数。

STEEMIT上说不定能有这么一个功能让用户选择是否开启 Viglink , 如果开启了,文章中的适当文本或者已有的链接就有可能被改成 能带来收益的 推广链接,这部分广告收入也可以和 文章作者来分成,这种形式的广告肯定相比 Adsense 较大众接受,你说是么?

@justyy 是CN 区的点赞机器人,对优质内容进行点赞,只要代理给 @justyy 每天收利息(100 SP 每天0.04 SBD)并且能获得一次相应至少2倍的点赞,可以认为是VP 200%+ ,详细请看:

中文区的大鱼 @htliao 都加入了这个计划(530 SP)表示支持,您还不来试试么?

@justyyhttps://justyy.com 的博主 - 西半球知名的“土豪”博主。在大哥 @tumutanzi 的带领下加入了 STEEMIT。感谢您阅读 @justyy 的帖子 希望得到您的follow、upvote 或者是 reply 。


A Possible Steemit Advs Solution – Viglink
也许在STEEMIT投放 Viglink广告可以行得通
Steemit 在线工具和API接口
SteemIt Tools and APIs


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