Broken Age/破碎时光 [Game Video #10]

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

 This post is about "Adventure game" which named Broken Age. It is developed by Double Fine studio.

Broken Age's plot involves two teenagers: Vella (left) who is to be sacrificed to protect her home village from a giant monster, and Shay (right) who appears to be the only passenger on a spacecraft monitored by an overly motherly computer. The game's art was praised, and called "lush and gorgeous, with the feel of an interactive children’s storybook".

Broken Age《破碎时光》是Double Fine工作室开发的一 点击式触控冒险 款游戏,有点类似行尸走肉的玩法,不过该游戏在剧情上的诱惑远胜于操作。该游戏讲述了两个平行世纪的故事,一男一女两名角色在两个不同的世界中生存,但有着戏剧般的联系 。

游戏有两名主角,分别是女孩 Vella 和男孩 Shay ,他们虽然在两个不同的世界里,分别经历着全然不同的冒险,但都是为了追求自由,逃脱命运。玩家可以随时在两个角色间转换,帮人物完成属于他们的探险。与其说他是游戏,不如说是一部动画,游戏过程中会出现很多对话和选择,进而继续推动剧情。 


  You can look at this video,and then try this game!  



图个乐嘛 哈哈哈



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