All you need to know about Steemit interface revamp【Steemit 改版需知】

in #cn7 years ago (edited) has revamped their website interface this morning. The first thing came to my mind was 'D*mn'. I just deployed my newly designed footer using the old logo and blue color. Now I will have to do it again?

Oh chill. According to the latest announcement by @steemitblog, we can conclude the following:

今早起来发现 Steemit 改头换面了,之前闹得沸沸扬扬的新 Logo 也华丽的登场了。第一个念头就是 “糟糕,上次才设计好的页脚里包含了旧的标识,难道不能再用了?”
冷静点,根据 @steemitblog最新通告,我们知道:

New Steemit logo is completely owned by Steemit Inc. 新的标识完全由 Steemit.Inc 私有


The Steemit brand and logo are protected by intellectual property laws, including copyright and other proprietary rights of the United States and foreign countries. Steemit 品牌和标识为知识产权所保护,包括周边的一切专利都将在美国和世界各地生效。

This means that you can no longer make use of this new logo without their official authorization. You cannot print this logo on any T-shirt or accessories and sell them, or publicly display them for commercial use. I'm not sure about how far does the copyright cover but we should treat this logo just to represent the Steemit company only.

这意味着新标识不能被第三方所使用。人们不能在衣服或是周边产品印上 Steemit 新标识并售卖,或是在商业用途的角度公开展示此标识。公告里没有给出详细的例子,目前也不清楚专利的覆盖范围有多广。必须了解的是,Steemit 标识和 Steem 本身是没有冲突的,它只是代表了 Steemit.Inc 这间公司。

The Steem logo is still the same and free to use 原本的 Steem 标识没有改变并可以免费使用


Steem logo is licensed under Creative Commons CC0 which means this logo can be freely used without permission. So I can keep using my newly-created footer which included the Steem logo and still is valid. Other Steem front-end website like by @skenan and can still use the Steem logo as usual, though they can come up with an exclusive logo to their site and patent it.

代表 Steem 货币的标识没有变化。因为是登记在創作共用授權條款之下,此标识将不需批准就可以使用在任何地方,网上看见的各种衣服和装饰都是合法的。所以我之前依据 Steem 标识创造的页脚仍然可以使用,因为我想代表的是 Steem 区链块而不是 Steemit 这间公司。第三方网站如 仍然可以使用 Steem 标识,当然参考 Steemit 官方的做法这些第三经营方也大可设计自己的独有标识,并将之专利化以作为自己网站的独特门面。

New feature - Toggle Night Mode 新功能-夜间模式

I found this feature the only practical and useful feature in this update. Now the heavy users can tuck inside their bed scrolling Steemit without straining the eyes with the screen blue lights. And I found the turquoise color match the black theme very much, the contrast makes the wording and logo more outstanding than in the usual white background.

这是改版后我发现最为实用的功能。对那些喜欢睡前窝在被窝里刷 Steemit 的中毒用户可谓一大福音,眼睛终于可以少受罪了。个人而言,新版的綠松色因为属于亮色系,在白色背景下是有点难看清楚的。但是在夜间模式的黑背景的衬托下,看起来就很舒服了,这样的黑绿配色效果也是很不错的,看起来有点游戏风,页面年轻了很多。




还说我Logo过期了,搞得我把画都发了。。。。呜呜呜(┯_┯) @yellowbird




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