日本寺 - 淺草寺, Japanese Temple - Sensō-ji

in #cn7 years ago (edited)


大家好,我是@ edwardcha888

嗨,我的朋友steemit! 昨天我忘了我的密码,我再次注册。

今天我会介绍 Sensō-ji。



请小心我,因为我今天成为一个大家庭^ ^


Hello everyone, I am @ edwardcha888
Hi, my friend steemit! Yesterday I forgot my password and I registered again
Today I will introduce Sensō-ji.
I am very happy today because I joined the Stimet family.
I live in Japan and want to introduce the temple of Japan.
Please be careful of me, because today I am a big family ^ ^
Thank you~

  • 淺草寺, Sensō-ji

淺草寺(日語:浅草寺)- 又名金龍山淺草寺,位於日本東京都台東區淺草二丁目,是東京都内历史最悠久的寺院。山號為金龍山。供奉的本尊是聖觀音。原屬天台宗,於第二次世界大戰後獨立,成為聖觀音宗的總本山。觀音菩薩本尊通稱為「淺草觀音」。

Sensō-ji Temple (Japanese: Asakusa Temple) - also known as Jinlongshan Senso Temple, is located in Tokyo, Japan Taitung District Asakusa dome, is the oldest temple in Tokyo. Mountain is Jinlongshan. Dedicated to the deity is holy Guanyin. Was originally a rooftop, after the Second World War independence, as the holy Guanyin were the total mountain. Guanyin Bodhisattva is known as "Asakusa Guanyin".















  • 重要節慶與活動, Important festivals and activities


Needle support (February 8)
Golden Dragon Dance - March 18th of the Goddess of Mercy Show (じ げ ん え), October 18, the occasion of the cultivation of chrysanthemum, dance dragon activities.
Three Sacrificial Rites (May 17:18) The ritual of the Asakusa Shrine, one of the three major offerings of the Edo.
Forty thousand and six thousand days (July 9-10) The visit is considered to be equivalent to the merit of forty thousand and six thousand days of worship. Set lantern flower market.
Wan Ling lantern support (August 15) Festival ancestors of the Bon Festival.
Aged city (December 17 - 19) every month on the 18th of the day for the Guanyin Bodhisattva, especially at the end of the year set the old city. Yu Yuzi board city.

起源與历史, Origin and history



According to the information of the temple, the ancient emperor 36 years (628 years), in the palace of the river (now Sumida River) fishing cypress Hamamatsu into bamboo (ひ の く ま の は ま な り た け な ri) brother found in the fishing nets A statue of Buddha. Is the Asakusa deity of the holy view of audio and video. Brother of the master of the masters know (は じ の な か と m) worship this Buddha after the monk, the house into a temple to worship. This is the beginning of Asakusa Temple. Goddess of Mercy, according to legend for the high one inch eight (about 5.5cm) of the golden elephant, because it is non-public secret Buddha, so the entity is unknown. Later, Dahua first year (645 years), is said to marry the sea for the monastery to prepare, by the Goddess of Mercy news to the deity of the statue as a secret Buddha. To the early days of the early days of peace (857 years) (Tianchang 5 years - 828 years), Yan Temple monk 円 benevolence (Ci total master) to the temple to create a "お Qian Li ち" (instead of secret Buddha for worship) The So that Asakusa Temple by the sea Kai Kai (founder), Jun Ren Zixing mountains. Lei Men and Ren Wang door in the days of 5 years (942 years), An Fang Shou-ping-yang,
The first appearance of the Asakusa Temple is the "My Wife" in the Kamakura period. Nearly for the Tokugawa home prayer temple, Kanto count of Goddess of Mercy, worship the public.

The second half of the Edo period, the territory of "Zhong see the world" area began to store and Chi Hut, also sold artists concentrated, became the common people of the entertainment center. Until modern times, Asakusa is still the bustling street of civilians, entertainment developed, Asakusa as a landmark here. The Ming Dynasty was designated as the park, 1885 (Meiji 18 years) on both sides of Omotesando "Zhong see the world" gradually become a modern brick building. In 1917 (Taisho 6 years) began to play the Japanese opera "Asakusa OPERA (Asakusa オ ペ ラ)", before the popularity of the film, the public drama grand moment. After the Second World War Asakusa, due to the diversification of other entertainment venues in Tokyo, and experienced a recession. But, as a representative sightseeing place in Tokyo, we add event such as feather board city, lantern flower market and sightseeing visitor.

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