A nice cafe, a good memory and a weekend giveaway! 美好的咖啡廳與週末猜謎

in #cafe8 years ago

Dear weekend Steemians!

At weekends I'd like to share something relaxing. Take a look at this cafe. So beautiful and relaxing, isn't it? I was here early this year and had a great 2 hour coffee break and a wonderful memory here. I especially like the fact that it is renovated from a old house and the big window with an old tree just outside. 


Here is the first question: which coffee chain store is it!? This is too easy so I will just upvote the first correct answer! Second question with a $1 SBD giveaway is actually not easy: which specific cafe is this one!? where is it? I will give the first correct answer $1 SBD!! if eventually none gets it right, the one with correct city can get the prize as well or the closest one! My hint is - it is in China!!

好,週末開心一點,先考考大家,第一個問題:這是哪間連鎖咖啡廳?這題太過簡單,所以沒有獎,但我會第一位正確答案點讚。第二個問題,注意囉!是有獎徵答,答對可以拿到$1 SBD !! 猜猜看,這是在哪裡的店?第一個答對的可以拿到獎金,如果沒法具體說那間分店,可以猜猜城市或城市的某個地點等,總之最後最接近的答案可以拿到獎金 !! 只是好玩,讓大家動動腦 !! 提示一下,當然是在中國大陸的某個城市啦... 

Come here yourself next time! Will post more photos after the answer is revealed.


A further hint. Come on! this photo has revealed 80% of the answer!

further hint: G20 and a famous lake... no body?!

by the way, right click this photo and open it in a new page will let you have clearer view.

Let me guess. I was in Shanghai and saw a Starbucks there at interesting location. 上海城隍庙?

nice try, but no... will post some more photos later to make it much easier... guess again then!

Only been to few Chinese cities. Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjiang.
Cannot count Dongguan - only went for a 2 hours meeting.
So, out of ideas on this one but I thought there should be enough #cn community folks that can get the answer.

check the new photo! you can guess it right even you did not visit!

Have seen a post earlier today. will check again for sure.

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