Steem Watch 大鹏观察(A1) @justyy
为了活跃 CN 区的气氛,同时也提醒大家注意个人数据的安全,我试着发起个活动,名叫“大鹏观察”。活动的方式很简单:你报名,我干活儿。
在前不久,我对 @tumutanzi 公开的用户数据进行了粗略的分析。刚一挖,@tumutanzi 就觉得他要红了,果然他就红了,得了 50 万 SP,而大家对数据的反响还不错。“大鹏观察”将用类似的方法,对其他的 Steem 用户数据进行同样分析。选取哪些用户呢?这就需要你的参与了。
- 点名。@A 可以点名来挖 @B 的用户数据,只需 @A 和 @B 两人在最新一期留言,两人均同意即可。点不点赞请随意。
- 自荐。自己点自己的名字。只需在最新一期留言即可。点不点赞请随意。
本活动计划每周举办一期,每期挖一个 ID 的最近 100 篇帖子。周二前报名,周三发布。点名优先于自荐(为了活跃社区气氛),被点过名的具有优先点名权(希望弄成一个接龙)。重复一遍,优先顺序是:
接龙 > 点名 > 自荐
如果报名人数多的话,置顶者优先(容易找); 如果没人参与的话,就暂停或终止。游戏规则如果以后有调整的话,以最新一期公布的规则为准,并且最终解释权归 @dapeng。
“大鹏观察”第一期的志愿者是 @justyy,他是自荐报的名 。希望 @justyy 跟 @tumutanzi 一样,一挖他就红,一红就赞我。
In my previous posts, I roughly analyzed a steem user's data and got some interesting results. From this post, I will analyze more users' data weekly. If you are volunteered, please upvote this post and leave a message. One ID per week. First come, first serve. Our first volunteer is @justyy.
Previously on Steem ID Report:
- Steemit 的新手们,你们考虑过数据隐私的问题吗
- New Steemians, have you ever thought about your data privacy?
- 看到他暴露的 Steem 用户数据后我震惊了 a preliminary analysis of a steem ID's data
- NO.1s of his steem posts 坛中酒醉: steem 的帖子到底应该怎么写
This is a report of the Steemit ID @justyy. The data were sampled from at 2017-08-15 09:35:33 UTC.
本文是 Steemit ID @justyy 的用户数据报道。数据来自, 采集时间是 2017-08-15 09:35:33 UTC。
Basic information 基本信息
_id | created | post_count | followers_count | following_count |
justyy | 2016-08-20 18:36 | 1552 | 506 | 288 |
Top posts 帖子之最
In this section we listed some of @justyy's top posts.
我们来看看 @justyy 发布的帖子里的几个第一名,研究一下究竟是什么样的帖子最受欢迎。
Top post with the most characters. 字符最多的帖子
- Software Engineer Interview Question - How Many Ways from A to C via B? 软件工程师面试技巧之 从A到B再到C有多少种方法?,含 9664 个字符。
Top post with the most figures. 插图最多的帖子
Top post with the most edits. 修改次数最多的帖子
Top post with the longest time between the publication and the final edit. 修改间隔最长的帖子
- Software Engineer Interview Question – How to Improve Dynamic Programming Space Complexity? 进一步改进动态规化的空间复杂度,发布 165.2 小时即 6.9 天之后,作者做了最后一次修改。
Top post with the longest life time. 生命力最顽强的帖子
- Technology-driven or Business-model-driven? 技术优先还是商业模式优先 – 献给在30多岁还在写代码的朋友们,发布 238 小时即 9.9 天后仍然有人留言。
Top post with the most upvotes. 得票数最多的帖子
Top post with the most payout value. 赚钱最多的帖子
Followers and following 粉丝情况
@justyy has 506 followers. @justyy followed 288 ID in total, in which 123 IDs interacted with @justyy bidirectionally, while 165 IDs did not follow him, including:
@justyy 的粉丝有 506 个 ID,@justyy 关注的 ID 总数是 288。其中,有 123 个 ID 跟 @justyy 是双向关注的,而 165 个ID 虽然被 @justyy 关注,但却没有关注 @justyy,他们是:
@ability, @acrich, @act, @adsactly, @akareem, @alexkoshy, @allasyummyfood, @alphacore, @amedeo, @analisa, @andrewlyte, @apsu, @arbitrarykitten, @askaran, @berksaustins, @blackbunny, @boomshikha, @booster, @borganic, @bryantandk, @btsabc, @bue, @cheetah, @chelsea20, @coinkingz, @colmanlamkh, @completelyanon, @creadordelfuturo, @crimea, @crystalpacheco30, @dalao, @dan, @daut44, @davidding, @deearchi, @deepwaterscrypto, @dollface, @donkeypong, @duda, @duplet, @elfkitchen, @exan, @fancy-shmancy, @feelapi, @forexbrokr, @freedomnation, @frostfan, @fshnkey, @fundurian, @furion, @glitterfart, @good-karma, @hanshotfirst, @head10, @heimindanger, @hendrikdegrote, @holays, @homeartpictures, @hr1, @ifty40, @incrediblesnow, @iphonetraveler, @ipkiss, @jademont, @jakkk, @january1992, @jinbo, @joshsigurdson, @just-me, @justtryme90, @kamaroopi, @karenmckersie, @kawaiiiiiiii030, @kaykobad-reza, @kevinwong, @khunpoom, @king-crypto, @kingjan, @kishore1988, @kitcat, @kyleb15, @laodr, @lemooljiang, @lenatramper, @leobliss, @lilywang, @lingfei, @linuslee0216, @lisadang, @livingfree, @livinguktaiwan, @luis10salas, @marius19, @markangeltrueman, @marzuky, @minnowbooster, @minnowsupport, @mostafa.amin, @mrwanderlust, @mygoblin, @ned, @nextgen622, @nextgencrypto, @nicolemoker, @nigulax, @nter, @null, @oksanasemenova, @pakyeechan, @palashsaha, @penguinpablo, @pinaynomad, @pizzachain, @poloniex, @promoted, @qcb, @rakiblove, @randowhale, @randowhalebonus, @randowhalefund, @raziell, @rea, @reggaemuffin, @renzhichu, @robrigo, @roelandp, @rok-sivante, @sean1980, @slowwalker, @somebody, @someone, @sophiachan, @steemit-health, @steemiteducation, @steepshot, @stephenkendal, @super-man, @sv67216721, @sweetsssj, @sylejmanbajgora, @sylvia1997, @terinadx, @the.masses, @thecryptofiend, @thedonfreeman, @theking, @themarkymark, @timool, @timsaid, @titusfrost, @trafalgar, @tsinrong, @twinkledrop, @tylerdourden, @ulion, @upboat, @vitap, @wang, @xaero1, @xiaohui, @xiaoxijie, @yey, @yukimaru, @yyyy, @zealsun
On the other hand, those who followed @justyy but @justyy did not follow (yet) were:
反过来,关注了 @justyy 却未被 @justyy 关注的有:
@a-condor, @a-jeffrey, @a3ar, @aafeng, @aaronhouu, @abdo.sharaby, @abraham01, @abupasi.alachy, @acge, @adam486, @adeel99, @adforce83, @ahmedezzat, @aijeong, @alanhohoho, @alecsadler, @alexzhan, @alhasan, @alienposts, @ammadkhalid, @andre-verbrick, @angelamei, @anja-caballero, @aqeelmalik, @arielthemermaid, @arkoko, @arnoldwish, @artintelicoinves, @azazqwe, @azirgraff, @babasikandar, @bago, @bernardchapin, @bertimusx, @biddle, @bilalhaider, @binodsinghdhami, @blueheaven, @bobiecayao, @bocaiwen, @born2win, @boyhaqi, @brianchen, @bring, @britt.the.ish, @brnofre, @calinconst, @carlobelgado, @carlosd14, @carobetc, @celestialme, @cenai07, @chance777, @changkun, @chelseanews, @chencool, @cherrypick, @cjstewart1984, @coinbitgold, @coinsine, @cophey, @crypt0news, @crypto.don, @cryptochamo, @cryptokiing, @cryptomonitor, @cryptonnn, @cryptopie, @crystone, @dafahd, @dan-wilson, @daniel007, @daniellimcm, @darmaputra92, @davinger, @detol, @dickoverdale, @dimidrolshina, @dinocreative, @dixydator, @dolov, @dr-stafford, @dragos0897, @dreamcatchers, @dreamstream, @drewzshots, @drrq, @duckmast3r, @dukekjams, @duytruongnguyen, @dwightjaden, @edith1990, @elements, @ellocosaurus, @eltooni, @emonandels, @emsweet, @enazwahsdarb, @epeakinfo, @ernestine, @eslamelnagar, @evgsk, @evhannugrahaaa, @excessivetravel, @exploretraveler, @fatma, @faustino, @fazulujjan, @fire-fly, @firepower, @fitexercise, @fitinfun, @fkofficials, @followseveryone, @forthecraic, @fractal, @freeman01, @freethink, @gabrieliusart, @gamemusic, @gatmi, @geneeverett, @georgetan93, @gergi6a, @ghasemkiani, @globaldoodlegems, @gnimeets, @go4it, @gowldie, @grildrig, @hafeezurrehman, @hag228, @haishen, @hamzaoui, @harmonyhomestead, @hawk1987, @healthycell, @healthytips, @helene, @hendra.hrv, @hengist-horsa, @hereforawhile, @hiroyamagishi, @hoof, @hopsken, @hqfzone, @iamnotageek, @idealkollari, @idx, @imagediet, @imako, @imash, @imranroza, @infinitysci, @instructor2121, @investlimestone, @iqbalbireuen, @irphotography, @irrs, @isacoin, @ishaq, @ismaour, @itissimple, @izbing, @jack8831, @jacker, @jaikumar, @jarendesta, @jejangkit, @jetmirm, @jezhead, @jhenyen-17, @jiangchen, @jigs3716, @joanaltres, @jocool, @johnlue, @johnnyray, @jones420, @joseburgos, @joydip8116, @jukas, @julee, @junyi, @kam.ila, @kanhaiyalal1, @karliks, @kartikk, @kassimbass, @katy-adelson, @katythompson, @kdogdiggles13, @khalilalfamahera, @kimamaxgreen, @kingscoin, @knowledge-trust, @kona, @kristiana, @laboulangdexav, @ladyrebecca, @landeberg, @lannocc, @lautenglye, @ldn-undiscovered, @ledygaga25, @liangfengyouren, @lifetech101, @linminquan, @logic, @longfield98, @lordgangler, @lordofthemidges, @lunaticenigma, @luocj, @lupo, @lykencrypto, @lynx, @mac-gallery, @madsweeney, @madus, @mady27, @manosteel211, @markd, @maro666, @mastergreen, @maxer27, @maxtill94, @mayun, @mehdikh19, @melowd, @mianfahad, @mikega, @mikeshoman, @minknsa, @minnyfatty, @mohamedrafik, @monalishabiswas, @moneyminer, @morshedranan, @mouradb4, @mrceebo, @mrnastykilla, @mydarlings2, @myson, @mytamilabiz, @nadirnaji, @nandibear, @nandikafuture, @new-game-coin, @nicolebh, @nigelmarkdias, @nikhilguru, @nirmalprajapati, @nocrypto4oldmen, @nollza, @notonlyfood, @notregme, @nunojesus, @orianaarmand, @ouba2, @paansingtomar, @pablito, @pakforex, @phoo, @physicfactor, @phytonian, @pistox, @polyurethane, @pomelo, @pptx, @pqlenator, @prateek547, @prufarchy, @qipashuo, @quintomudigo, @quoteoftheday, @raheelaslam111, @rahulmakhija, @ransty, @raoharoon, @rasool584, @ravivshachar, @rawansaeed, @rdickey, @reachfem24, @redtea,, @reyes907, @richforever, @rikusalomaki, @rishi556, @rmaxhuni, @rmp, @roba, @robertolopez, @robi8888, @rodneyaspiras, @rojo, @romitroksharan, @ronel, @rundmc, @ryan313, @safwaninisam, @sallykwitt, @sandeepsaini, @sarahsarah, @schlijk, @sebcamtv, @sergey44, @seugerry, @shaheer001, @shahzaib, @sharebaby, @sheikhfarooq, @shengjian, @showoff, @shresthaprince07, @simonpeter35, @simonsayz, @siniceku, @skyefox, @smartcasual, @sofiya, @soheilsadeqi, @soi-green, @sosolala, @sshh, @stackin, @steem.engine, @steemit1234, @steemitph, @steemitprime, @steemlinks, @stuffy, @surrealist, @sweetpanda, @sweety170, @syh7758520, @sylviamiller, @tabishez, @talalofficial, @tanko, @tarakki, @tastetwist, @tayyabanoor, @team101, @tecca, @teddy7, @tensaix2j, @teukuarmia, @the-mountain, @thepsychguide, @thestar, @tigerhite1, @tinoei, @tonyboney, @towardsthesun, @ulfr, @uniiq, @vajola, @vargapauline, @vermillionfox, @vpcc, @vsoutdoorsnaps, @wahyusaputra, @wallsnow, @wayforhappiness, @wereviewit, @whydowork, @wiedy, @wlcpu, @worldwidetravel, @xiobus, @yaserphys, @yash0108, @youngjerv, @zainalabidin, @zauberware, @zero9, @zeroshiki, @zerozero777, @zhuqiankun, @zulfahmi2141
Active time 活跃时间
The following figure shows @justyy's active time. The green line indicates @justyy's register time on Steem.
下图是 @justyy 自注册以来的发帖时间图,图里每个点代表一篇帖子,往左水平看对应的是发帖的时刻,往下垂直看是发帖的日期。时区是 UTC,请自行根据自己所在时区修正。
## para value
## 1 min 0.100000
## 2 1q 11.700000
## 3 median 17.800000
## 4 3q 21.750000
## 5 max 23.800000
## 6 lower -3.337500
## 7 upper 36.787500
## 8 mean 16.066000
## 9 sd 5.953765
The figure above shows the frequency of @justyy's posts.
上图显示的是 @justyy 一天24小时里发帖的频次,横坐标是每天的几点钟,阴影面积越大的时段,发帖数就越多。
Attitude to posts 对帖子的态度
The figure above shows how many edits for each post. Averagely a post was edited 1.8 time(s). The most edits was 7.
上图是每个帖子的编辑次数,图里每个点代表一篇帖子,往左水平看对应的是该帖被编辑的次数。单篇帖子最多被修改了 7 次,最少是 0 次,平均 1.8 次。
category | Freq |
bitcoins | 1 |
cambridge | 1 |
cn | 85 |
date | 1 |
gadget | 1 |
gardening | 1 |
linux | 1 |
photography | 5 |
programming | 1 |
steemit | 2 |
travel | 1 |
The table above shows the categories (the first tags) of @justyy's posts. @justyy posted most posts in 'cn'.
上面的数据表格是 @justyy 发帖的首选分区的次数。@justyy 发帖最多的首选分区是 'cn'.
Quality and money 帖子的质量和收入
## para value
## 1 min 0.00000
## 2 1q 6.98400
## 3 median 32.99850
## 4 3q 51.23500
## 5 max 287.92800
## 6 lower -58.00200
## 7 upper 116.22100
## 8 mean 40.27136
## 9 sd 45.49615
Now let's talk about money. The figure above shows the dollars @justyy got from each post. Averagely @justyy earned 40.27 dollars per post, with the maximum of 287.93 dollars from one post.
现在我们来谈谈钱。上图显示的是单篇帖子收入的分布。横坐标是美元,阴影面积越大,对应美元的帖子数量越多。 @justyy 单帖收入最高为287.93美元,平均每帖收入为40.27 美元。
## para value
## 1 min 0.20000
## 2 1q 14.66667
## 3 median 31.91667
## 4 3q 68.54167
## 5 max 238.13333
## 6 lower -65.13958
## 7 upper 148.34792
## 8 mean 49.28714
## 9 sd 50.75661
## [1] "2017-08-11 17:16:00 UTC"
## [1] "shenchensucc"
## [1] "2017-08-01 19:08:00 UTC"
The figure above shows the trend of @justyy's money per post.
The figure above shows the upvote number of each post. Averagely @justyy earned 40 upvotes per post, with the maximum of 151 upvotes.
上图是 @justyy 帖子获得的投票数。 @justyy 单帖得到的点赞数最高为 151 个,平均每帖得赞 40 个。
怪了, @justyy 的单帖获赞越来越多,单帖收入却越来越少,这是在走亲民路线?
以上是对 Steem 账号 @justyy 的初步分析。感谢关注“大鹏观察”。欢迎参加下一期的活动,也欢迎提出宝贵意见。谢谢。
赞一个, 数据分析很给力。不愧为R程序员。
我觉得收入变少,只因为 加入CN的小鱼越来越多, 大鱼们需要照顾到(好比一块蛋糕分得人更多了)。
我來毛薦自遂了 @htliao
这分析,太赞了!我觉得我原来那个丢了的账号 @PPT比较适合你哈哈哈
我那个号密码丢了,我想点 @jubi
我能直接 点 @jubi 么,我对 菊大哥还是挺感兴趣的, 想挖挖他的料 :)
当然!你是本期主角,具有点名的最高优先级(即接龙)。但是必须 @jubi 本人来这里回复同意才行。
比如,对你的数据分析时,我发现你插图时极少用 markdown 语法
,绝大多数用的都是 html 语法,这说明什么?大家打开脑洞去猜……另外,你的24小时发帖时间分布说明你跟 @tumutanzi 不同,他是放弃了 X 夜生活来发帖,而你经常在上班时间发帖,这说明了什么?大家打开脑洞去猜……
哦哦。。我其实挺想要 你的“深入分析和挖掘”。。有什么都放马过来吧。
Phython 也很强大,正打算跟着你的帖子学习呢!