历史上的今天 Steem History Today (大鹏观察 Steem's Watch 08-27)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

去年今日此门中,人面桃花相映红。 人面不知何处去,桃花依旧笑春风。

去年今日,steem 上发生了什么事情?"大鹏观察"从今天起推出”历史上的今天“,每天一期,让我们一起揭开历史的画卷,勾起尘封的往事。


"cn" 类目 2016-08-27 收益最高的帖子 Top posts with the most payout in "cn" category

@sweetsssjDo cats have logic? My cats top 3 cat logic explained! 探索Top3的喵逻辑。572.490158
@anwenbaumeister一个隐秘小巷与色彩鲜明艺术壁画之旅 // A Tour into Hidden Alleys and Vibrant Art Murals (featuring @originate as author)69.880170
@yangyangLotus Beauty,Lucky for Macau! 荷花純潔之美66.90451
@coinbitgoldMy Weekend Special #1: Kowloon Walled City, a case study for anarchy / 我的周末刊#1:九龙城寨的故事44.72065
@thornybastardChapter 5: Wudang Mountain---武当山, 5-2: A New Kind of Kung Fu---一个新的功夫35.78252

"cn" 类目 2016-08-27 获赞最多的帖子 Top posts with the most net votes in "cn" category

@anwenbaumeister一个隐秘小巷与色彩鲜明艺术壁画之旅 // A Tour into Hidden Alleys and Vibrant Art Murals (featuring @originate as author)69.880170
@sweetsssjDo cats have logic? My cats top 3 cat logic explained! 探索Top3的喵逻辑。572.490158
@laonieReal-Time Update of RobinHood Whale Project 罗宾鲸火贴实时更新 27-0826.045127
@coinbitgoldMy Weekend Special #1: Kowloon Walled City, a case study for anarchy / 我的周末刊#1:九龙城寨的故事44.72065
@thornybastardChapter 5: Wudang Mountain---武当山, 5-2: A New Kind of Kung Fu---一个新的功夫35.78252

"cn" 类目 2016-08-27 随机挑选几个帖子 Randomly sampled posts in "cn" category

@myfirstDo not love to drink, today was to see the joke / 不爱喝酒,今天被看笑话了21.09535
@wuyueling转发: 【秋】0.03511
@myfirstPretty, Steem to 0.0015, Please do not blame me / 漂亮,Steem to 0.0015, 请不要怪我乌鸦嘴9.62644
@laonieReal-Time Update of RobinHood Whale Project 罗宾鲸火贴实时更新 27-0826.045127

2016-08-27 全网收益最高的帖子 Top posts with the most payout on Steem

@infovoreSteemMag – Steemit’s Weekend Digest (MEGA EDITION) #7: Falling Prices and Superchargers of Steem: Chats with The Lazlo of Steem, Creators of SteemPay, RadioSteem and FirstBlood.io ….. The Man behind SteemDrive Campaign…….and lots more2669.989471
@calaber24pWhy Have We As A Society Given Up Our Right To Privacy?2293.939435
@steempowerThe Bigger They Are The Harder They Fall; Biggest Crypto Currencies Exchange Failures1825.524384
@infovoreMeet The Man Behind The SteemDrive Billboard Campaign….A chat With The Co-founder of Firstblood.io… and Steemians Speak – Favorite Post of the week……. SteemMag – Steemit’s Weekend Digest #7 p.21641.155427
@heiditravelsA Chance Encounter With The Dollar Vigilante: Jeff Berwick1525.399427

2016-08-27 全网获赞最多的帖子 Top posts with the most net votes on Steem

@infovoreSteemMag – Steemit’s Weekend Digest (MEGA EDITION) #7: Falling Prices and Superchargers of Steem: Chats with The Lazlo of Steem, Creators of SteemPay, RadioSteem and FirstBlood.io ….. The Man behind SteemDrive Campaign…….and lots more2669.989471
@calaber24pWhy Have We As A Society Given Up Our Right To Privacy?2293.939435
@heiditravelsA Chance Encounter With The Dollar Vigilante: Jeff Berwick1525.399427
@infovoreMeet The Man Behind The SteemDrive Billboard Campaign….A chat With The Co-founder of Firstblood.io… and Steemians Speak – Favorite Post of the week……. SteemMag – Steemit’s Weekend Digest #7 p.21641.155427
@steempowerThe Bigger They Are The Harder They Fall; Biggest Crypto Currencies Exchange Failures1825.524384

2016-08-27 全网随机挑选的帖子 Randomly sampled posts on Steem

@logicHope For Planet Earth - Greenhouse Gases Converted To Fuel! Scientists Discovered Two Pioneering Ways of Converting Carbon Dioxide0.96219
@kanaHello! Guys look at these pictures and write about your first thought.0.09717
@missmiscellanyAllow me to introduce myself...0.1167
@abcxyzpoN.F.L-L.i.v.e#** Lions v.s Ravens Li.ve S-tre.am(P.r.e.s.e.a.s.o.n)A.u.g.u.s.t 280.0000
@rwgunderson------ YOU!! --- You're going to be...0.0003


Tags: #steemit #cn-programming #steemit-stats #steemswatch


说实话,全网的排名 我没感兴趣点开。。。

我也没兴趣,但对这个帖子走向国际化有用。说实话,我对那几篇 cn 区随机选的帖子最有兴趣。

Nice post .....like it




我也觉得没意义,或者 弊大于利。怎么说呢, 如果你创建一个专门的号 像 @chinadaily 可能还有些用。要不然, 很容易被取关。

这叫挖坟贴 :)

说得好听点可以叫做恋旧帖 :)


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