Pretty, Steem to 0.0015, Please do not blame me / 漂亮,Steem to 0.0015, 请不要怪我乌鸦嘴

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Today Steem to 0.0015, very happy, about two weeks ago, when the price 0.0026, I wrote this article,
Why do i continue to buy steem?

Mentioned at the best price will go to 0.0015, today has been achieved, large whales you really experience harm, continue to flock effect, trampling each other, fell to 0.001?
A high probability event, please attention to the activities of large whales steemdown on to shot Please wait them to stop Power Down, then it will be stable.

今天回到家,看到Steem to 0.0015, 非常高兴,大约2周前,当时价格0.0026,写了这篇文章,
提到价格最好会到0.0015, 今天已经实现了,大鲸鱼们你们真历害,请继续羊群效应,相互踩踏, 跌到0.001?
大概率事件,请关注steemdown上的大鲸鱼们的活动,要出手请等他们停止Power Down, 那时才会稳定

Steemit of no confidence? No, I am confident that you look at google search engine crawlers, a new article was included in one hour, Steemit traffic will increase
I also take it or leave it? The answer is to continue to buy. Because now happy to buy, buy cheap,It fell to 0.001, the better, so they will stop selling whale
对steemit没信心? 不,我有信心, 你们看看google搜索引擎爬虫,新文章1小时就被收录,Steemit流量也会增加, 那我还买不买了? 答案是继续买。 因为现在买的开心,买得便宜,
跌到0.001,就更好了, 那样大鲸鱼们才会停止出售




I do not think that whales stop selling

I agree. As long as people don't invest more than they are willing to lose.. I'm very bullish on Steem. At most, you lose 100% investment. At most, you gain 100,000% (or more) your investment. No one knows what will happen, but if succeeding is going way above doubling our investment, it is well worth it.

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