
in #cn-reader7 years ago (edited)

  昨天晚上的时候,为了给即将开始的“听故事 学中文”活动的参与小伙伴们做个示范参考,我写了篇文章《此地无银三百两- 听故事 学中文》,并且在备注里写到:

  "这篇文章是为即将开始的“听故事 学中文”活动系列所准备的示范开篇文,“听故事 学中文”主要是面向中文初学者如儿童、外国人士等,以简短、有趣、图文并茂的故事形式,让你在轻松中学习中文,同时又能感受到中华文化的博大精深和源远流长"。


  随后大家陆续给到了不少建议,其中有几条我觉得非常好,比如 @moster1894 @jinluan 建议 增加音频,在线播放 ;@vivia 建议 为关键词语故事进行内部关联,方便读者进行链接阅读 等。

  @wilhb81 也留言建议是否可以做成电子书那种,因为我们当下的重点是在文字和插画创作上,考虑到很多参与小伙伴对markdown等的编辑排版语法不熟悉,所以暂时先不做电子书排版,待日后有机会再考虑统一由专人来完成这个工作。

  对于文字的改进,Tournesol给到了我很多建议,让我在此过程中收获非常多,比如,我原先在文中用到“好不容易”这个词,Tournesol 给到意见:好不容易的意思是容易还是不容易?又比如“踏实”,“这样别人就发现不了了”文中出现的两个“了”字分别是什么意思呢?“即便”是什么意思?“冥思苦想”又是什么意思?等等,这些对于我们母语为中文的人似乎很司空见惯,但对于汉语初学者来说,可能就有一定难度了。因此,我又按照建议重新修改了部分文字,这次的版本就更加简单明了了,我相信这次修改后,对于初学者会较为容易许多,事实上,Tournesol在看过我修改后的版本后,也是这么认为的。:)









English Version Of Today's Article by Teacher @rivalhw

Do not accumulate steps, immeasurable

Last night, in order to give a model reference to the participating partners in the upcoming "Storyteller Chinese" activity, I wrote an article titled "There are no silver three hundred and two here - listen to stories and learn Chinese," and in the remarks Wrote:

This essay is an introductory essay prepared for the forthcoming series "Listening Story Chinese", which is aimed at Chinese beginners such as children and foreigners, with short, interesting and illustrated Story form, let you easily learn Chinese, but also feel the profound and profound Chinese culture and the long history. "

After writing, I read about 500 words or so, and then read it, think the text is concise, should be suitable for beginners to read, then sent to the activities of preparatory group, would like to hear everyone's comments.

Then we come to a lot of suggestions, including a few I feel very good, for example @ moster1894 @ Jinluan recommended to increase the audio, online play; @ vivia recommended for the key words and phrases related to the internal link to facilitate readers to read the link.

@ wilhb81 also leave a message proposal can be made into a kind of e-book, because our current focus on writing and illustration creation, taking into account a lot of participating partners on markdown editing and layout grammar is not familiar with, so for the time being do not do e-books Typesetting, to be given the opportunity to consider reunification by the person to complete this work.

For the improvement of the text, Tournesol gave me a lot of suggestions, so I gain a lot in the process. For example, I originally used the word "hard-won" in the text, and Tournesol gave her opinion: The easy meaning is easy or not easy? Another example is "pragmatic", "so that others can not find out" the article appeared in the two "the" word what are the mean? What does "even" mean? What does "meditation" mean? And so on, these seem to be very common to people whose native language is Chinese, but for Chinese beginners, there may be some difficulty. Therefore, I re-edited some of the text according to the suggestion. This version is even more concise. I believe this amendment will be much easier for beginners. In fact, after Tournesol read my revised version And that's it. :)

The current illustration is already in preparation, and the audio playback part is also under preparation.

With the wide range of suggestions I have received and the changes I have made to the contents of the essay, I think it is not too difficult for you to do something. The real challenge is to find a solution to the problem. At the same time give me the biggest feeling is that things can not just do their own immersion ride think of course, to consider the object-oriented, combined with the actual situation can be better to do things.

There are a few companions who can not wait to get ready to begin. I can understand everyone's feelings. I am also looking forward to the early start of the activity. However, compared with the quality of the article, I think that it will be better for the preparatory work to be adequate. After all, Quality is the most crucial. I am looking forward to producing a batch of high-quality works, be it words or illustrations, etc., and not simply to sort it out.

This is really not a result, without limit, not plot a small stream, into Jianghai ah.

That's all from this article. All the best for the people who are learning Chinese and much appreciation for the people who are doing lot of efforts in this regard like @rivalhw. Stay blessed !

@rivalhw 嗯,谢谢大伟哥你把我的建议给呈上了。现在要做的是先把思绪理清和一切铺陈妥善,然后才大展拳脚~


热烈欢迎,请加下我微信rivalhw 备注:音频 谢谢












Woo Sing停下来思考这些奇怪的行为,他对自己说:“这个男孩嘲笑我,他做了我所做的一切;”他越想越想,生气的就成了,不久他就注意到男孩也变得生气了。







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