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RE: Christian and Atheist discussion: Faith is a gift? Hell. Belief. Philosophy. Mythology. Truth.

in #christianity7 years ago

It is refreshing to finally see someone talk of their 'unbelief' here.

Having be a Christian or church goer if you like, I believe we all tend to feel some 'pity' for someone on the other side thinking 'how I wish they see the light'. But religious people are worse in this thought because they feel everyone no in their belief will perish eventually.

I really tried to believe, even reading the bible deeply but I ended up become more of an 'unbeliever'. The acts of the god and other things written there is contradict what the God expect me to be or do. Add that to so many unprovable things written there...or sorry the devil has blinded me.
I remember my religious friend telling not to be logical when reading the Bible or dealing with the god. Like WTF? But I was created with a Brain anf meant to be logical.

In this part, they relate atheism to insanity. Believing every absurd thing you are told without asking question...believe fish hide someone in its belly, donkey talking, a sea parting and so on is insanity.
If been able to be logical and use my brain for what is meant for...thinking is insanity. Then someone tampered with the dictionary too.


Actually, for those of us who are Christians we know that hell awaits those who refuse to believe the truth. So those of us who are saved, and are heavenbound, should be very concerned for those who are unsaved and hellbound.

In other words, what makes others hell bound and unsaved is because they don't believe in your 'truth' or chose to believe in another 'truth'.

Good luck with your truth.

You don't know that. You just believe that because it's written in a book. I could say I believe that there's a special fish I can place in my ear that translates all languages in the universe (I've read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy). There's as much proof of that as there is for the god of the bible.

And, in order to get people to believe what you believe, you need to dangle the threat of eternal torture, just in case they don't come willingly. Don't you see how nasty that is as a tactic?

Thanks Gold

Great reply. I hear you. I tried believing too but my brain got the better of me. Looks like your brain won out too.

Yes, being logical and thinking for yourself is discouraged in religion, for obvious reasons :P

Anj :)

My guy

You self day here?

It's swell to find other Nigerians who are atheists.

I remember my religious friend telling not to be logical when reading the Bible or dealing with the god. Like WTF? But I was created with a Brain and meant to be logical.

As in.. I get this all the time. They tell me God cannot be understood by my senses. Yet, when they are preaching, they appeal to our senses. It's just messed up.

They say God is beyond what we can comprehend so we should accept him unconditionally. Well, Grayesque, the God of TheGray, is also beyond comprehension too. Same with any God anyone can think off.

Think about this, if Christianity wasnt as profitable as it is today with all of the private jets and luxurious lifestyle, it won't be making much waves as it does. Unfortunately, it's a tool to brainwash and suck people dry

My guy, your head day there

Carry go

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