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RE: The Curmudgeon's Bible - What Are The "Governing Authorities" of Romans 13:1?

in #christianity7 years ago

Regardless of how one translates the Greek, the state is the object of the passage. And while there are those who will use this passage to manipulate others into believing that they inherently owe an allegience to the state, Paul is simply saying that if you are going to play the state's game, you need to follow their rules. The good news is, believers are not obligated to play the state's game. Unfortunately, most people don't understand how the game works, and end up playing it without even knowing it. Such people tend to be those who use resistance to try and fight the powers that be, which is against Paul's counsel. Little do they know that resistence is like poison ivy, the more you scratch it, the worse it gets. Those who use the state to further their own ends know this, and use it to increase their power, as Solomon said.

"For the transgression of a land many are the princes thereof." Proverbs 28:2.
From my experience, this man does the best job of laying out how the state's game works.

Hi Timothy, thank you for your thoughtful comments.

"Regardless of how one translates the Greek, the state is the object of the passage."

This may be partially true. I believe that this passage, seen in its larger context, is not speaking exclusively about civil authority, though it may subsume civil authority in its scope.

I do agree that head-on resistance is not a good or wise program, and also that this passage may in part be counseling a degree of cooperation where appropriate.

However, there is and must be a clear place for resistance ( James 4:7, I Peter 5:9) when the action and intent of the state is demonic and when we see an opportunity to defend our brethren.

Finally, Thank you for the link to Marcus and Servant King, I will look over that material as I have opportunity.


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