Fruits and Values Series #3: Peace

in #christian-trail6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to the third episode of my Fruits and Values series! If you wish to check out the previous two posts in this short series, you may read them here:

Fruits and Values Series #1: Love

Fruits and Values Series #2: Joy and Happiness

We will be focusing on PEACE today. You are welcome to share what peace is to you. With no religion and belief bias, I would like to share my thoughts on peace today. I will be basing some of my points on Christian belief, as I am a Christian.

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What is peace?

According to Merriam Webster dictionary,

Definition of Peace

1 : a state of tranquility or quiet
a : freedom from civil disturbance Peace and order were finally restored in the town.
b : a state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom a breach of the peace
2 : freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions
3 : harmony in personal relations
4 a : a state or period of mutual concord between governments
b : a pact or agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity
5 : in a state of concord or tranquility

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Haha this is what I feel peace looks like when I first ponder the word.

I for one, am a person who seem to be lacking in peace, so this is honestly a difficult topic for me, especially with a family background of members having anxiety attacks. My sister once had her panic attack so much that she felt she could not breathe (which occasionally does happen to me too) till her doctor asked her to breathe into a paper bag. To me, peace is a value or fruit that has very wide coverage, and I honestly have not experienced the fullness of it. If you do not know me, I panic easily, I have insomnia problem quite regularly, I struggle with many thoughts in my mind as well as emotions. One thing I realize for myself is the more lack of peace I have in my mind, the messier my surrounding would be. There was once I could not sleep in the room but I have to sleep on the sofa in the living hall in order to fall asleep. That I know was because my heart was not at rest at all. It makes me wonder: Will I be in the zen mode ever?

There can be many efforts and methods to obtain peace, which I am not here to debate about. Some would go for meditation and clear their thoughts, some may go traveling to reconnect with the serene nature, some opt to listen to music, some take in deep breaths. If these methods work for you, by all means go ahead and stick with them. One thing that I know which would NOT give peace is running away from a certain issue or problem. That would give you the very opposite which is emotional turmoil.


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GIF Source: Giphy

Hebrew is a language which explains much more about a word than English. It covers the intent and emotions of the word as well. The peace I am talking about in this post is the Hebrew word shalom, which means a complete peace, wholeness, contentment, well-being, rest and harmony. This shalom peace is the peace that surpasses all understanding and transcends past the absence of war or conflicts or even tranquility. It is a gift offered and cannot be generated by our own selves. It is the very peace that subdues. Shalom peace is vital to me in having sound mind, improving relationships and even to just be living to experience the fullness of an abundant life.

“I leave the gift of peace with you—my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts—instead, be courageous! ~John 14:27 The Passion Translation

Peace through Rest

Image Source: Unsplash

It is impossible to be aware of peace when we are all overwhelmed by the emotions. I understand it is not easy to rest in high tension situations but deliberately do it. When we function on adrenaline which is the hormone that is responsible for fight or flight, we get agitated. It keeps us from sleeping because it makes us feel there could be an emergency anytime and we are to watch out for it. This is when peace is obviously lacking.

When I am disturbed, one of the essentials I realize I need to do is to rest. I sleep more than I usually do and it actually helps me. It seems like sleep has the ability to reset our inner world, even though it may not solve the problem we are in and it does not get slept off just like that. It calms us down and refocus us. Then, we would be able to realize the peace within us and let it manifest. Do what it takes to just sleep, FIRST. You may refer to my list of sleeping aids here.

You have authority over any storm you can sleep in. ~Bill Johnson

Peace through Trust

Image Source: Unsplash

When we are disturbed, we can take very crazy measure just to re-calibrate us back to this mode of having peace. If peace is lacking in our lives, we can also check if there is fear of anything or anyone, unforgiveness, guilt ore any negative emotions which could possibly be eating us up. Talk to someone whom you can trust about it.

The reason to be accountable at this time is because when we are lacking peace, we cannot see the big picture and we need someone else to do that for us. We can choose a mature friend, a leader, a parent and God to advise and guide us in this time. This is the time when we tap on their "peace" to prevent us from taking any action which we may regret or hurt us. We got to trust them more than our own feelings which can already be haywire. "Borrow" their peace in times like this and listen as they guide us to settle any heart issues. Let peace sets in before we go ahead to settle the problems. The first person who needs peace is ourselves and we have to make peace with ourselves, first and foremost.

I personally think it is okay to have conflicts, and we are not here to avoid conflicts to maintain peace. In an environment of trust, conflicts can be resolved in peace. Not that there won't be the exchange of words, but peace can birth honour. Hence, trust will lead to peace, which will produce honour!

Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means. ~Ronald Reagan

Peace through Surrender

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I have become tired of self-efforts to obtain peace because even in my good days, my strength can fail me too. To me, peace is the fruit of me having Jesus. I remember the days before I had Him, there was so much self-efforts involved and yet I could not "generate" peace out from myself or from my actions. Even when I try to empty my mind, thoughts will still creep in. If I try to distract my mind with something else, sooner or later I still will be back to anxiety. In those days when I was younger, there were already lesser things that I need to worry about. However, I could not find peace in my studies and the pressure was intense. Could I not pressurize myself so much and go easier? Perhaps I could but I really did not know how. All I wanted was to excel. I was a Straight As student all the way till I was 17. Because of the unrest I feel every time exams are near, I tried Jesus out of my desperation. What it made me felt was suddenly there was something being lifted off me and I could no longer bear this pressure. Maybe and perhaps, that was the first time I knew peace.

After I attend a spirit-filled church which believes in speaking in tongues/praying in the spirit, MAN that is the thing that helps me the most till this very day! When I first received the gift of tongues, I did not know it is this useful. Speaking in tongues is the way we pray without understanding most of the times but there can also be interpretation when there is. When I can feel my heartbeat increases and I am starting to panic, this is what I resort to. Praying in the spirit would immediately shift my focus to God to be in a surrender position. Peace often comes from within, but it still require me to tap into it. With peace, I can then think better and work things out. This method calms me down almost immediately.

When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. ~Jimi Hendrix

Here is a song I would listen to remind myself:

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GIF Source: Giphy

In our world that is all hustling and bustling, with challenges piling up and stress everywhere, we definitely need peace. Feel free to contribute your opinions on this topic as well. I certainly have not grasped the whole of it. Before I end my post for today, I bid you shalom peace and may this PEACE bless you and keep you throughout your day today! I bless myself too because I believe I can have peace in chaos and the peace will flow out from me to my situations.

Whatever we are waiting for - peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance - it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart. ~Sarah Ban Breathnach




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A wonderful post again Connie :D

finding peace and doing so deliberately in high tension situations is a skill they should teach in schools... really... why do kids learn to calculate numbers before they learn to listen to and deal with their inner selves?! Says a lot about the world, doesn't it?

Also... this reminds me of a little something I've been keeping on my backburner for way too long... :D

thanks for this beautiful post!

Yeah you have a good point there in why children aren't taught in dealing with their inner selves first. Haha so what did I remind you of? A post from you, perhaps? 😁

yeah... as a matter of fact, i've been contemplating a particular post for almost a year now... it doesn't really fit in with the whole goofy googlyness and stuff, so I'd have to take that as a step of refocussing my blog, which I am still not quite ready for.

But I used to be a great fan of the @steemit-health's one-minute-meditation series and there's a bunch of things i'd have to say on the subject.

okay I shall look forward to read that! :)

Thank you for the post. I am guilty of letting stress and losing myself in the daily hustle an bustle. This was a refreshing read and a reminder to just breath sometimes! Thanks for sharing.

Yes remember to breathe! Remember to rest too @fitnessnerd. I guess with our current lifestyle, it is hard to not lose ourselves. Bless you with shalom peace :)

Thank you so much for the kind words! This is what I love about the Steemit community. There are so many kind loving people such as yourself. Thanks again for your post and kind words! Have a great rest of your day!

Awesome. I thought I was going to read about a vegetarian diet but I got much more. Thank you for sharing these fruits.

Hahahah you are being so humourous. This is an inspired series, by a Big Guy. 😜 I was hesitant to start at first, because was a bit shy to share my take in this. After all, I haven't fully understand all of these myself. But I did it. Thanks for enjoying it @mineopoly :) Shalom to you!

Thank you,
Peace, joy, love and many blessings to you. Thank you for your labor is not in vain. 和平

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