Ban on Baby Walkers Might Soon Be Coming To New Jersey

in #children6 years ago

Thousands of children have gone to the emergency room over injuries that have been inflicted from baby walkers, many have also been injured or drowned because of bath seats and bath rings too.

In New Jersey, state lawmakers might soon ban baby walkers now that a bill has been introduced to bring about this prohibition. If successfully implemented, it would mean anyone who sells or tries to sell a baby walker would be fined up to $10,000.

So far, Democratic state Sen. L. Greenstein is the only co-sponsor on the bill and she has yet to get support to see it through from other lawmakers. However, the bill in question has recently passed a committee vote just last week, it ended up being 4 votes to 1.

When are we going to ban the buckets?

There are a myriad of objects and activities that can endanger a child and you'll never run out of things to ban if you intend on banning anything and everything that could pose a threat in an effort to try and establish such a safety bubble.

If you get creative enough you could come up with a reason to ban just about anything.

Unintentional drowning is reportedly the lead cause of death for children who are 5 and under today. And a simple 5 gallon bucket is one of the most common items in which children can and have drowned.

Hundreds of toddlers have lost their lives because they had drowned in a bucket with shallow water within minutes, despite loved ones often being nearby. Where do we draw the line at things to ban in an effort to promise safety? And if we cannot even promise safety in a high-security facility like a prison, then what makes us think that we can establish any sort of safety for the outside world?

If people believed baby walkers were dangerous they could simply opt to stop purchasing them and sooner or later we would see them wither away. They could also take part in perpetuating educational information about the dangers associated with baby walkers and other commonly used baby devices; force in the way of bans isn't necessary to solve this problem.

Other baby walkers have also been innovated over time that require parental assistance, they're designed to be a safer alternative to traditional baby walkers that have helped injure so many.

pic 1 Mint images/GETTY via vox
pic 2- pixabay
pic 3-nepalisite
pic 4 - wisepick


And now, if you have one of these "baby-walkers" or even a dreaded... dare i say, "five... gallon... bucket" CPS can come and take your kids without any further investigation or paperwork.

But really, more children die from female parental abuse than these walkers ever have. And, what do we do? Remove the male parent.
This death is so common, that we have a word for it, infanticide. If a man does the same thing, it is called murder.

We don't talk about real issues, and make mountains out of mole-hills.

Will children having fun be banned next?

You know what my son used as a baby walker? A small chair he could easily push around. We didn't show him how to do that, he just used it. What if he had hurt himself pushing around that chair?

We should ban chairs.

@doitvoluntarily hello dear friend, many sgracias for sharing this news, I think there are other things more dangerous and priority to deal with, all my children learned to walk with a walker and have never had an accident, the difference was that in our time there was no smart phones that distract mothers in the care of the bb
I wish you a good start to the week

In Russian webs there is info about harm of baby walkers, but very few people believe in it and continue to enrich their producers. I didnt use them, and my son started to walk very early, babies who used them as a rule make start much later

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