British Government Investigated Over Accusations Of Covering Up Widespread Child Abuse

British lawmakers and high ranking police officers are being investigated over allegations that they had failed to protect children from sexual abuse.

The ongoing Independent Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse is set to hear evidence from different persons within government and law enforcement about those allegations, in an effort to determine whether there has been an attempt to cover up pedophilia and widespread sexual abuse.

The chairwoman of the inquiry into the abuse, Prof Alexis Jay happens to be a former director of social services, she has said that she is deeply disturbed about what has been uncovered.

It's alleged that the abuse taking place in young offender institutions and secure training centers is alarmingly high. Between 2009 and 2017, it's alleged that there has been more than 1,000 reports of alleged sexual abuse at these offender institutions and training centers.

“This number is shockingly high, given that there has been a significant drop in numbers of detained children over that time,” - the report stated.

There are at least 9 incidents that have resulted in criminal charges, and a few convictions (at least 4 so far), although more recent reports suggest that there is insufficient evidence now to suggest of a child abuse cover-up. At least 36 of 37 investigations have found insufficient evidence to support the allegations of child abuse.

The Independent Office for Police Conduct has alleged that numerous claims have been made over the years by social workers, journalists, and retired police officers about allegations of sexual abuse and how senior officials put a stop to various inquiries after finding out that prominent people were involved.

Some of these allegations have even pointed fingers at high-ranking officials such as former Tory MP Peter Morrison who allegedly had a fondness for small boys and this information was allegedly passed on to a security service which failed to investigate further. An MI5 lawyer admitted during the inquiry that it was with great regret that the service didn't consider the criminal implications of the allegations surrounding Peter Morrison.

Another individual who has had allegations made against them has been former Liberal MP Cyril Smith, who allegedly sexually and physically abused young boys.

The justice minister, E Argar, has said that the allegations in the report are shocking and suggested that there is now a recognized need for fundamental reform of youth custody.

The inquiry is expected to continue for years. Several victims (family members of accused individuals) have suggested that the allegations are nothing more than rumor and they've insisted that those spreading false accusations should be investigated for it.

Aside from investigating different accusations against the police, political figures, intelligence services, and others, they've also been looking into whether or not pedophile groups, such as the Pedophile Information Exchange, has received funding from the government, among others.


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I really hate hearing about his kind of news doitvountarily. It reminds me that there is a very dark side to some humans who hurt innocent children. It is so shocking and hard for me to process that someone would hurt a little child.

dark yes..but I believe there is more good to overcome ✌:)

About time, the whole government are corrupt and nasty, :@

haha! it's the one thing they're consistently good at ;)

That is so right, one thing they are good at.

@doitvoluntarily hello dear friend
The truth does not enter my head, as there may be ersonas that harm children, this type of news makes me very angry
Thank you for letting us know this news
I wish you a great day

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