Child Psychologist Given Almost 2 Years In Prison For Child Porn Possession

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Jo Erik Brøyn has been employed as a child psychiatrist for decades and worked closely with the child protective services organization in Norway. He had been afforded a position of authority while working closely with cases involving sexual abuse of children and was designated as being a leader in this area of child protection policy.

But more than a month ago, he was sentenced for having been in possession of a massive amount of child pornography material, receiving almost 2 years behind bars after he was caught having downloaded hundreds of thousands of pictures and videos that showcased brutal sexual abuse against various children.

It's alleged that authorities might have become aware of the materials he was possessing as early as 2014, though he continued working with the CPS system for several years after that.

It's reported that he likely started his collection as early as 1997.

He himself had directly played an active role in ripping apart families and in many of those circumstances, there were no criminal wrongdoing that had been committed against the children that were taken away from their parents.

Some have criticized the way that CPS has dealt with Brøyn specifically when it comes to this incident, because his two children were allegedly first allowed to be placed with family rather than being shipped off to a foster home.

It's also reported that the children have since been returned to Brøyn and some wonder why they might return the children to a confessed pedophile. Some even suspect that a cover-up has been involved and they've called for police to thoroughly investigate the matter further.

Did his colleagues really fail to notice his activities for several decades?

It's understandable to see the frustration arise when it seems like the organization is providing different treatment for one of their own. All the while they've been instrumental in splitting-up families and refusing to accept viable caregivers from being able to look after their own family. When it comes to assessing their own though, it appears as though they might act rather lenient.

In this specific circumstance, a psychologist was appointed to assess the situation and they concluded that Brøyn was trustworthy and likely wasn't going to be a danger to his children.

The court concluded that it was disturbing and to be taken as a serious matter that someone with his level of authority and special expertise on children, who is regarded as a protector, would instead place his own desires ahead of the safety of children.

Brøyn has already had his medical license suspended and he has been kicked out of the Child Expert Commission (CEC). And unfortunately, Brøyn isn't the first individual who has worked closely with the CPS system who has been accused of or been found guilty of being a child predator. There have been a myriad of police officers, social workers, and other professionals in positions of authority who have also been caught.

We can't simply assume because of someone's position in the workplace, that they would never pose such a threat, even with those who you might least suspect---those who are working to supposedly promote child safety.



Thank-you @doitvoluntarily for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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Great work I support this project. spreading awareness is must

Has the world gone mad!!! There has to be a better deterrent?

There's something seriously wrong when the people we trust who were appointed there to care for our children, do things like this @doitvoluntarily
! 2 years is not long enough by a long shot! Especially when they knew about for a couple of years, and did nothing! Why are these people in higher authority not checked out better BEFORE being hired Especially when working in these positions where children may be involved!?
Its rediculous! Great informative post , upped and resteemed!👍👍👍

It is very shocking to see these cases specially when it comes to judges, police officers, and others in authority. I think the shock is due to the fact that we trust them to keep others safe.
I do see though how these roles are at the same time ideal position for abusers to hide in. Mostly because others would never suspect and they can be proctected by their own.

It's very sad. Nowadays you can't trust anyone with your children anymore.. I think it's tragic that it happens more and more and I wonder if they even have to do some kind of test before they're allowed to work with children! I hope that someone will come up with a great solution to stop all these people!

He should have been locked up and throw away the key. Piece of dirt.

It's a re-occurring theme that organisations try to cover up abuse within their ranks. You can see it within universities, the Catholic Church, and the police. It's wrong, but imagine if a friend of yours turned out to be a paedophile. The temptation would be there to give them another chance

every day more cases like this one are known, since the organizations do not do much to improve then it touches to the parents to be more vigilant with which kind of people the children are related besides the penalties must be higher in this class of crimes

Again goes to show that child molestors aren't people who are uneducated or wealthy, they can also come from people who professionals. Never judge a book by its cover.

Few things make me very angry, this is one of them. ! With children No! I can tolerate many things but with children do not get involved.
Two years of prision for a crime as serious as this one is shameful. for this case it should be perpetual.
thanks for spreading this news dear friend @doitvoluntarily

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