Not quite the hand gesture I wanted to make, but good sportsmanship won out in the end.

in #chessmatch8 years ago

Bittersweet today. I lost my queen, but I also hit the top of the trending page for the first time, which is very exciting.

Trying to save her has really kept me up at night, so part of me is glad we can move on with the rest of the match.
It also means the board is wide open to a range of possible moves, which is an invitation to some of you lurkers to step up and throw your hat in the ring


LOL, well looks like you have a tough competitor there in that purple shirt.

She certainly complicated things earlier in the match, with some random rearrangements. Naturally, she's for sale.

Yep I offered her 5 steem for each sabotaged piece, she said she would do it for free

She's betrayed me for the last time.

F4 - F3

Pawn making a run for the line, protected by knight from a knight attack.

This doesnt have anymore moves for attack plus ul open his rook for defense

Armen beat you by 5 hours.

I saw armen's move but in my head read it as F4 to G3 for some reason.

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