Steem Blitz Chess Tournament 30 Dec 2017.... And the winner is .....SteemChess King: @stayoutoftherz (full video commentary by @schamangerbert)

in #chess7 years ago (edited)

The 12th edition was completed with 10 highly motivated players

" Keres: The older I grow, the more I value pawns. "

Die 12. Ausgabe wurde mit 10 hochmotivierten Spielern absolviert

"Keres: Je älter ich werde desto mehr wertschätze ich Bauern."


The last tournament of the year was very well attended. Exciting games and great emotions determine the course of the game. SecularSagacity alias @ape-5th was again able to win a clear victory. This will be a pleasure for the upcoming tournaments, as now 3 players with a rating of over 2000, and another 5 players with over 1800 points show quite demanding games. Here is the result:

Das letzte Turnier des Jahres war widerum sehr gut besucht. Spannende Spiele und große Emotionen bestimmten den Spielverlauf. SecularSagacity alias @ape-5th konnte wiederum einen deutlichen Sieg erringen. Das macht Freude auf die kommenden Turniere, da jetzt 3 Spieler mit einer Wertungszahl von über 2000, und weitere 5 Spieler mit über 1800 Punkten recht anspruchsvolle Partien zeigen. Hier ist das Resultat:


In the overall standings after 12 rounds, our new chess king is the undisputed leader:


I thank all players for taking part in SteemChess' first season and hereby announce the start of the second season on January 6, 2018!
In der Gesamtwertung nach 12 Runden führt unangefochten unser neuer Schachkönig:


Ich danke allen Spielern für die Teilnahme in der ersten Saison von SteemChess und kündige hiermit den Start der zweiten Saison am 6. Januar 2018 an!

Details and rules: / Details und Regeln:

Video Commentary (66 minutes HD)

Final result / Endergebnis


Points are given for 1. (10) 2. (8) 3. (6) 4. (5) 5. (4) 6. (3) 7. (2) 8. (1)

Please feel free to post your chess related links in the comments to grow the pool of players, thank you! You are welcome to create your own analysis or promotion post!

Bitte zögere nicht, Deinen schachbezogenen Link in den Kommentaren zu posten, um den Pool der Spieler zu vergrößern, danke! Gerne darfst Du einen eigenen Analyse oder Promotion Post erstellen!

Please visit @beauknows post and video too.

Happy New Year! / Frohes neues Jahr!


Bitte unterstütze @felixxx und @pharesim als witness der deutschen Gemeinschaft mit Deiner Stimme:

Bis nächstes Mal! / See you next time!

Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit! / Thank you for your attention!

Original content by @schamangerbert

Schaman GerbertIMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


Very very funny your reaction when you realized that I could take the Knight on f8, hehehe.
Congrats to @stayoutoftherz, here is your medal 🥇 xD
Thanks you very much for all @schamangerbert, I remember when we were 3 or 4 players and now we are ten.
Happy New Year my friend! 🤛

This was so bad from you :)
I will beat you next time without any mercy
and pray to the sun and the moon to slow your connection down :)

hahahahaha, what you don't know is that my connection is always slow, so you can't do anything :)

Thanks - and thanks for the medal! Everybody who participated should get one :)
Wish you all the best in 2018!

Thank you so much, @schamangerbert. I just participated regularly and had some lucky streaks this year :)
Please keep up the great work!
Ich wünsch´ Dir einen guten Rutsch!

I will contact you in the chat for a special present!

Thanks @schamangerbert! I just posted a video on the tournament and steemit chess in general. Please consider a resteem and I look forward to 2018's tournaments!

Added in the post, resteemed and happy! Great work my friend!

Thank you and happy new year! 2018 will be the year of steemit!!

Just a heads up @schamangerbert I didn't go beserk because I was unfortunately playing on my cell phone. That's also why I was unable to accept my first pairing and then had to rejoin the tourney :( either way was fun to play while walking around following my girl shopping haha I'll have to remember not to do that again. Looking forward to next weekend tourney. Happy New Year everyone!

Chessshoppingchallenge :)

Excellent tournament, I hope to participate once again, although my internet is terrible .. Thanks to: @ juanmi96 who has shown me the way to the tournament, greetings to @schamangerbert

You gained 330 rating points, so I think there is some to see from you in the future, I am scared :)

hahahaha I do not think the teacher can be scared with a rookie @schamangerbert, so be careful because it was a matter of luck .. Hahaha Greetings from Venezuela .. I hope to have a visit to my blog @ropavejero ..

Congratulations @stayoutoftherz.

Great, i dont had knowledge about this, see u soon.

You are welcome to join!

congratulations to the winners ..and thanks alot sir for organizing this kind of contest :)

Congratulations to the winner....

Nice post sir.I always upvote and resteem your post.Upvote resteem done

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