A humorous tale about what sort of Christmas Gifts brought me the 'Usual Suspects' this year.

in #charlefuchs7 years ago (edited)

¡Holy crap batman! As usual, nor Baby Jesus, nor Santa Klaus/Claus, Sankt Nikolaus, Papá Noel/San Nicolas or whatevah they call him brought us anything this Christmas again.

Sheshh! ¡Wadda bummer! I've already checked the content inside our socks hanging in the chimney, all around the place and everywhere. And ¡Nothing! not even horse, rat or reindeer poop was in there.

Then, immediately I ran out to check under the main Christmas Tree we put together in our bigger room.

Yeah! nothing either. Looks like Baby Jesus also forgot to bring us something today. ¡Holy joint batman! Sometimes I wonder if he just see us like some kinda wacko guys.

Sniff! sob!, sob! sniff! I really wanted that newer pocket's iPadcito for this new year.

Oh! ¡Holy plumbers batman! perhaps.. perhaps, it was that the fat bearded man arrived earlier and frightened Baby Jesus with his generous attributes and gentle competition making him run away scandalized without leaving us a fuck. Yeah! shit like that happens. ¿Doesn't it?

Well batman, I guess our only hopes now will be wait until january six and see if The Three Wise Men comes and remember us. Because otherwise, we'll have no choice but punch ourselves hard in the face, spit some molars all over the floor and hide them under the pillow to tempt The Tooth Fairy or El Ratoncito Perez brings us some Steem, SBDs or some shit at all. ¡Holy Molly!


But I swear next year, I'll stay up all night long awaiting until Santa or Baby Jesus shows their cheap nose. And I'm going to give both of them the fright of their life or at least I'll kill them laughing if they dare not leave us anything again.

Yeah, they all will have to learn in a bad way that with our Christmas feelings they shouldn't play.

Until next December 25th folks!! }:)


¡Holy delay batman! we were late again. This post was made like an entry for @stackin's Claus contest & 20 Steem Giveaway to try get something today. And we already lost the chance to win shit one more time. Oh boy! Wadda piece of nut balls we are. ¿Huh?

«-Moral Of The Story-»

"Humor is a way of making people think, without the person thinking realize that they are thinking"

"El humor es una forma de hacer pensar, sin que el que piense se dé cuenta de que está pensando"


"Follows, Comments, Resteems & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf

Cheers!! :)


lol, the guy in the box wins halloween costume of the year award.

Oh thank you very much @acidyo for your comment and great upvote mate. It is always very welcome and well appreciated. :)

Oh yeah, that guy in the box is pretty hilarious. I'm in a hurry to see if I finish mine in three days. To receive to The Three Wise Men with my own version and kill them with laughter if they try to go without giving me a gift beforehand. }:)

This is pretty funny. I like your homegrown Christmas tree, that is beautiful :) I am sure the 3 wise men will visit before too long with your loot. Don't forget to leave some frankincense and myrrh out by the chimney.

Much love - Carl "Totally Not A Bot" Gnash

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Oh excuse me for the delayed reply mate. ¡Wadda heck! It is not often that some comments in my posts slide under the table, since I don't usually receive 'm' any. }:)

So, thank you very much to @penston - @thehumanbot and @humanbot - @carlgnash for the welcome recognition and gorgeous badge. Well appreciated. :)

And yeah mate, prolly that homegrown Christmas Tree will have to be prune a little bit these days. While waiting for the 3 Wise Men arrives. And then, offer to them some of "that" like a replacement, since I don't have frankincense and myrrh handy. Only 3 days left. LoL

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