Vote for the children of Syria this Christmas on SteemitsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #charity8 years ago (edited)

You can ease their suffering and it wont cost you a cent. Every vote will help make a difference to these children's lives.

How to Participate

  • Upvote this post.

I will transfer every penny of Steem Power from this post to UNICEF Ireland's Christmas appeal fund for the children of Syria.

The Appeal

Image Source

Details of how the funds donated will be used by UNICEF Ireland are available on their website.

Other ways to donate

  • Send funds to my Steemit account tagged with the memo "Syria Winter Appeal"
  • You can donate directly via the UNICEF Ireland website
    Please consider setting up a regular donation

How donations will work

Whatever funds earned from this post will appear in my Steemit wallet as Steem Power. I will transfer an equivalent amount of Euros, to the Steam Power earned from this post, from my bank account to UNICEF Ireland directly. I will also top up the donations raised personally with a donation of 5% of funds raised (capped at 200 Euro).

  • How I will prove donations?
    I will provide proof that I have transferred an equivalent Euro amount to UNICEF Ireland as raised by this post. As this is the first post of this kind I am making I am open to comments and suggestions as to how best to verify the donated funds.

  • When will I transfer funds to UNICEF?
    After 1 day there will be a payout from this post in Steem Power to my Steemit account. I will transfer an equivalent amount of funds to UNICEF from my bank account along with a personal donation.
    After 1 month there will be a second payout via Steemit which I will also transfer.

  • If I receive any direct transfers to my Steemit account I will transfer an equivalent amount at the same time as the post payouts. i.e. after 1 day or 1 month.

  • Transparency about the process
    I will post full details of how much was raised via Steemit, how it was transferred and a verification of the transfer in a follow up post. If anyone makes direct donations to UNICEF as a result of this Steemit Campagin and wishes to comment they can add comment on this post.

Motivations and about me

I currently live in Ireland and have been posting on Steemit for the last few months.

I am interested in helping out the Children of Syria for several reasons:

  • At human level it's hard not to be affected by the suffering of these innocent people and the horrendous stories and photos
  • I have fond memories of Syria and its people, where I spent time working as a teacher in the past
  • This Campaign/Steemit Event is my way of giving something small back to an amazing people who welcomed me into their homes, their lives and who have been ravaged by war for many years

In the interests of full disclosure I would like to call out that I am not an employee or affiliated in any way with UNICEF. This campaign is affiliated to UNICEF only in the sense that they have a winter appeal fund which I will be donating to on behalf of monies raised from this post through Steemit.

I dont normally ask but please upvote, promote and resteem this post and get your friends to do the same!

If this campaign is successful it may encourage similar campaigns to crowdsource funds for charities on steemit. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on this especially for putting controls in place to make donations as transparent as possible.

There is a follow up post with details of the results of the campaign and the donations made at Update on Syrian Appeal. Thank you for your votes.


Great initiative, I hope it will evolve into a monument! thank you, all for one and one for all!!! Namaste :)

Thanks for the support and Happy Christmas.

Thank you all for your votes and support.
I got the first payout in steem power so I made a donation to UNICEF of an equivalent amount. €60.
This was made possible by you by just up voting this post.
There is still time to upvote, resteem and promote this post. The final payout won't be till the end of January. Get your friends to vote for the children of Syria. I think we can reach 100 dollars.

It's a win win for steemit too. The post went through as a 100% power up. Cash was sent to UNICEF from my bank account. Your also voting for Steemit.

Good idea but I'm not playing. The CEO of Unicef makes a six figure salary plus benefits and only a few cents per dollar go to the cause while the Executive Directors of some small charities draw minimum wage and work for free at times to make ends meet for the greater good. The children of Syria will get nothing from this venture. Just find a Syrian family nearby; they may have relatives with kids there you can help.

Fair enough point!
The great thing about a forum like this is we can have a discussion about issues like this without censorship and we can be completely open and transparent. Your response highlights this point to me. So maybe, or maybe not, via Steemit but I hope this post will lead to bigger things for transparency among donations and the NGO sector.

To add to the point that Steemit is such a great forum for discussion and learning. I came across today in another older post the following project which is really interesting and would help to increase transparency.

What mainly worries me about donations via a forum like this are

  • How to trust the poster.
  • Is it even a real charity.

The second point is partly the reason I chose UNICEF for the first post I am making relating to charitable donations via Steemit. UNICEF for all its rights or wrongs is well known. Fairly transparent. I have had experience seeing their work in the past. The Irish chapter is also a registered charity in Ireland which is quite a regulated sector and adds a level of confidence for me to deal with.

I completely see where you are coming from though.

I completely agree with you regarding transparency and if Steemit can make that happen, that'd be a huge leap in the right direction. I do a lot of work with charities and I can honestly tell you that the only way to gauge whether the charity is using the donated funds effectively (for programs) rather than embezzling them for its founders is by reading their financial statements and audits. If the numbers add up, all good. I'd like to see some Steemit members with an accounting background attempt this in order to vet a few charities to publicly support.

That's nice idea. I have a financial background. If you would like to work on that project some time with me pm me on steemit chat (@eroche)

Sounds good. Now to find the password for the chat ...

I hope this succeeds. Good on you for thinking of others:)

Thanks for the support.

Charitable causes and donation campaigns could be yet another great use for Steemit. In depth stories about worthy causes which would not only tell you about the cause but would lets readers donate money with just an upvote.
You could even follow through on Fundraising campaigns later with photos of the developments, stories and feedback on how peoples lives have been changed.

I think there was still a tag glitch or if you use 5 it only shows up in the first one, so if you reduce this post to only four tags your post should appear and all of those and get you more exposure as well.

Great thanks papa. I did use 5 tags Ill update.

Just trying to help, Papa cares!

Great initiative, resteemed!
About UNICEF, I agree with @saiku, would be better to find some person living there to give him the money, but if it's not possible, let's give it to UNICEF ;)

I've upvoted and I hope you do well. This is a generous act on your behalf and I thank you for it. As @saiku said, however, maybe next time, choose a charity that gives more to the needy and less to the greedy ;)

Happy Christmas to you <3

Thank you and Happy Christmas. It's not much really on my behalf it's the votes and the works of the Charities that make it happen.

No, it's the efforts of people like you. The big noise comes from the charity to call people to action, but each donation or collection of donations (like this) means more money is raised. Well done :)

Thanks but seriously the guys on the ground putting themselves in danger and harms way. Giving up their time away from their families to go and work with the victims. Those are who deserve the recognition.

This situation really breaks my heart

I met so many wonderful people there just a few years ago. It's a tragedy on an epic scale unfolding before our eyes in a country so close to us in Europe which I find hard to believe.
The suffering these poor children must be enduring is inhumane. Anything we can do to help is worth it. I just wish I could do more. Thanks for the support.

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