Easter Sunday Musings: Relying on Others is not "Reliable!"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #charity5 years ago

Maybe that sounds like a nihilistic and self-involved statement. After all, we're living in this world where "we're all connected" and we're striving (ostensibly!) to create a better world through cooperation.

What I really mean here is that we have this increasing tendency — or so it seems — to put our collective eggs (It IS Easter, after all!) in other people's baskets, in hopes that we can ride their train to success, rather than do the work ourselves.

I did say "we" here, because I have occasionally been guilty of the same thing, myself. But there are limits...

The bright colors of spring...

Handing Off Our Personal Power

Whereas we might not think of it that way, there are many subtle ways a person can actually DIS-empower themselves.

At creek's edge

Whether it means folks trying to get public assistance rather than work to make a living, or surfing friends' and family's couches rather than have their own place, or even relying on Steemit, Inc. to build a better experience here (as opposed to creating it, yourself)... these are all "fallacies" that essentially revolve around transferring the locus of control over our destinies — our successes, if you will — to something/someone outside ourselves, rather than employ any sort of self-reliance.

And when I say "outside ourselves," I'm not talking about a belief in God or some other higher power...

Just yesterday, I was listening to a friend of a friend complain that they were going to lose their garage apartment in that friend's house where they've basically been squatting for two years, never paying a cent of rent... and now they were blaming their friend for no longer being able to make the payments on the house, and having to sell.

Undoubtedly, having the squat is a nice thing, but relying on something you're not contributing to? Problematic...

Much of the time, you can't even (sadly!) rely on "other people" you pay, as Mrs. Denmarkguy has been discovering in the course of dealing with the café she's helping a friend develop and open. "If you want something done (right), do it YOURSELF!" is an old truism that's still in effect.

Independently of whether or not it may feel like "more work" when we do things ourselves, it creates a sense of disempowerment to hand off your destiny to somewhere/someone else.


Again, I don't mean this in the asking for help sense, but in the relying on something external sense. And I'm also not really talking about laziness, I'm more talking about abdicating personal accountability.

As very astutely put by another friend (we were having a conversation about "addictions" and addictive behavior) "getting high and getting drunk isn't going to make your life BETTER, it's just going to make you CARE less that your life is SHITTY."

Bottom line: Your life is still shitty.

The Difference is RECIPROCITY!

So what about the whole "we're all connected" and "we're all one big happy family" thing?

A cluster of rose blossoms

Well, that sort of brings us back to something that is near and dear to the hearts of many of the anarchists, freedomists and libertarians of this community: The fundamental difference between something that is "voluntary" and something that is "coerced." From my experience, one of the fundamental tenets of voluntaryism is reciprocity. Meaning something for something.

When we choose to help a person or a cause because we believe it serves some kind of collective greater good it is energetically quite different from skating through life trying to manipulate people and situations into "scoring some free shit."

Asking a friend whether you can sleep on their couch "for a week or two until I find a job" knowing full well that you're trying to score a long-term free rent, free food, free weed living situation is both not cool and (to get back to the title of this post) NOT RELIABLE!

And your friend kicking your ass out after two months is not about THEM, it's about YOU!

In the case of the person losing "their" garage apartment, an alternative outcome might have been to be really grateful that you had a free place to live for a couple of years, thanking your friend... and then pulling your head out of your ass and finding another place to live.

Getting charity is a nice thing, at the best of times. Relying on it is folly!

Which brings us to another way in which relying on others is not reliable: We're all individuals with our individual goals and dreams, and other people aren't necessarily going to operate according to the scenario you have all planned out, inside your head!

Maybe that sounds like Captain Obvious talking about Life 101, but I am often surprised by the frequency with which folks get thrown completely off course by the fact that other people think differently from them.

So, today's thought: It's nice when others do for you. Just don't rely on them "doing for you!"

Hope you've all had an awesome weekend!

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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 190421 21:20 PST



Great post. I agree that we are all connected. Sounds like law of attraction philosophy:-)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Certainly, some of my musings were derived from that. You have to take action to get what you set your intention for... it isn't just going to come falling out of the sky.

@denmarkguy, Just Self Empowerment one day will make us stand alone on the path but when we do work which will empower others then inturn we are developing an strengthening community. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

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Getting charity is a nice thing, at the best of times. Relying on it is folly!

I'm gonna have a section about this in regards to the steem ecosystem, in my book (not published on steemit).

You are totally correct sir.

Do it yourself and don't rely on 'the leave' of others, you just end up as a serf to the oligarchs.
(On the bright side , oligarchical systems never endure...I'll shut up now.)

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So what about the whole "we're all connected" and "we're all one big happy family" thing?

The Difference is RECIPROCITY!

Well my dear friend @denmarkguy. I hope this 'audiovisual' comment gives you some answers as my reply to this post as well as to your more recent post :)

On other hand. I also recall you saying some time ago that you kinda enjoy big time these sort of chillout tunes.

A big hug mate!! :)

Your post touches on a difficult issue with charity. To me Steemit is, in one sense at least, a way for some to voluntarily support their friends through charity. We upvote and give our share of the daily crypto to those we deem most deserving of it.

Charity is not easily done though. I want to help my friends as much as possible, but I also don't want to be taken advantage of either. For example a guy says he wants a computer to start a business, and later I find out he really just wanted it for gaming.

That really sucks when I gave him $600 cash for that computer. Another example is someone who wanted money for legal help, and come to find out they really "need[ed] that money for something else." They turned out to be a total thief and scammer.

I have helped a lot of people with cash and other financial support and will continue to do it, but I am more and more careful about who I support. The people I support have to show that they are genuine friends and also actually working hard to further liberty or liberty's cause.

A good example of a friend like that is @insanityisfree. I gladly support him because I know he's the real deal and working hard.

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