June 30 Days Writing Challenge - Life Hacks - Day One: Taming Stress on Two Wheels

in #challenge30days6 years ago

Last month I haven't entered @dragosroua 30 days writing challenge and I'm not proud at all about that. I wasn't aware about the challenge from the first day he announced it and haven't thought on jumping in on the road either. This time I read his introductory post on time presenting the challenge for the month of June and haven't waited any second more to decide whether I should participate or not.

Ever since I know myself I was a stressed out person and I still am. Whether it was school, a "dumb" teacher, certain life situations or just everyday jobs stress I had it a lot. But I always had an ally to tame stress and not fight it. I know that responding to a problem with the same factors that caused it is not the best solution so I embraced the taming technique.

For doing that my ally was almost always my bike. Not a particular one that stood aside me for decades, as I changed quite a few, but there was always a bike to take me away pedaling from stress whenever this was chasing me. Even when I was living in foreign countries I always had one. New, old, black or red it was there for me as a tool to distress myself and declutter my mind.

2018-06-01 at 14.39.37.jpeg

I have to admit though that there is a little more than just the bike in my life hack to get rid of stress and that is the road for the set of wheels. I don't see riding a bike as a method of running away from stress in the middle of a crowded city because it will catch you for sure, so I always picked some trails that had a view, fresh air and were away from traffic and noise.

If I was living in area with water around me I would prefer riding my bike near the water, or at least pedal to it. If not, I would search for a park and circle it for a couple of times before returning home. Almost always I had a pair of headphones also in my ears to amplify the effects of relaxation that the bike gives me. Even now I almost every day go for a ride in my hometown as biking became a habit for me and very often I have some musical notes in my ears also.

For some people riding a bike to work has become a mean of transportation for years, but I have done that just a couple of times. I guess I haven't had the circumstances to do that daily, but as a way of distressing for me it's perfect, thus the two wheels vehicle is a life companion wherever I may be.

That was my first post in the June 30 Days Writing Challenge hosted by @dragosroua and hopefully not the last. I will try to share with you some other life hacks that I have and I recommend to you also to enter the challenge. It is a very creative way of being a Steemit community member and why not learn some life hacks.


I just love my bike second to my spoiled cat!

Whenever I feel low, I just bike to the beach! Any physical activity releases the feel-good chemicals that help to take away the stress.

I guess you're referring to endorphins as feel-good chemicals. Yes, any physical activity releases those, but in my case biking releases the most :)
I don't have a cat, but I plan in buying a dog in the years to come to get rid of that stress even better and fluffier. 99,9% is gonna be a Samoyed.

Endorphins yes!

A loyal dog would be nice!

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