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RE: The Community Engagement Challenge - Day 11 Diary

in #challenge7 years ago

Woot Woot ! That's awesome that 25 participants made it ! Way to go guys , much congratulations to everyone , it was an awesome experience and I really love the badge I got , they are beautiful @merej99 ! Awesome job , you deserve a break now my friend ! Thanks also for your special mentions , its much appreciated ! Wow I still cant believe I finished first , I have way too much time on my hands since being laid off haha ! What better way to make money then posting on Steemit LOL !? Anyways Fantastic job everyone , Time to Celebrate now ! Woot !!! 🎈🎆🎆🎇🎉🎊🎆🎇🎉🎊🎈


Yup! It was pretty awesome! I was up until 6 AM putting this post together and looking for any last minute finishers. I'm so proud of everyone -- that's ALL participants -- who pushed themselves this week.

Yes for sure ! All were awesome !! And now that some of the hard parts of setting this all up are done , your next challenge if or when you have one , will be easier I hope !! Now get a massage and some rest ! You deserve it my friend ! 👍👍👍💕

HAHA! Easier??? Aw, hell naw, especially now that I know what you all can do!

haha ! But now you have everything set up ! So in that sense its easier , is what I was saying!😂😂😂👍

@merej99, hope you're going to give yourself a little bit of a break, at least just "do your rounds" without time pressure...

By the way, noticed you skated past 10,000 posts somewhere towards the end of the challenge... congrats on a BIG milestone!

LOL Thanks! I wanted to reach 10K posts by my Steemit anniversary (July 22). Mission Accomplished Yup. Kind of taking an easy day as I work on my next post. I still need my 31 day post badge from SteemitBoard and 31 more blog posts to hit 300. Gotta keep chasing those milestones! :D

And congratulations to you on finishing first! It was a great experience interacting with everyone 👍

Thanks ! Yes for sure , it made posting a little more interesting as well , instead of the same old same old !! 👍👍👍💕

It was a lot of fun. I don't know what I'm going to do without this crazy pace!

Can you feel my face through this picture? LOL

circa 2009

I'm thinking... the week leading up to Halloween. That should be FUN.

Bwahahahhaha !!!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

That should be fun. We could do costumes 😂

hmmm... what kind of torture...errrr...I mean challenge could we include that requires costumes? The mind wonders as it wanders...

Lol! Make a post about our costume since it would be about halloween maybe!? 🤓

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