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RE: The Community Engagement Challenge - Day 7 Diary

in #challenge7 years ago

Coming down to the wire, for sure... I have to give you HUGE kudos @merej99 for being able to keep this huge number of posts and people straight for the duration... WOW! And thanks!


Agreed, I have no idea how she's still managing, and still three days to go. The mind boggles!

Would you believe it's getting easier as the days go by? I finally have a system that works and I'm not creating new templates or spreadsheets from scratch. LOL My personal goal is to reach 10K comments by the 18th! hahaha... Crazy.

Yes, I would believe that. I believe you'll reach your goal too. ~smiles~

I don't know how else to ask you this teach...but I need a pre-read from someone I can trust before I post it. It's deep, thick and rich in pathos..or so I believe. You wouldn't happen to have an account at Discord chat would you?

I believe I do have an account at Discord but it's been about a week since I've hung out there. 2 guesses WHY and the second guess doesn't count. LOL Certainly send it to me. This is my public email: [email protected] (yup, I just put that on the blockchain. HA!)

Oh dear...I'm so sorry, please delete it as soon as you see this...I have committed it to my memory...others may as well

I had gone and posted it this morning before I crashed for a couple/few hours.

That one hurt...immensely. As I haven't seen the back of Pegasus since before being introduced to the keyboard. I loved to hate my old Underwood...such deliberate strokes.

Too busy!


It's all right. I didn't want to offend you by saying it's my "trash" email but it is the one that I often give out publicly. I'm about as far removed from anonymous as a person can get. lol
I've got some real world things that need to be taken care of so I'll be swinging through later to catch up on reading.

Offend me? Hah! You would have to spit in both of my eyes and call me Harcourt Fenton Mudd before I would become even remotely offended by 2nd dearest of all teachers. <3

goodness! LOL I hope my halo has a little tarnish on it. I hope one day we will actually meet, have a hug and break bread. :)

Yeah, seriously, props on managing this. I would never be able to keep all this straight; I can't even keep myself straight most of the time!

What's nice is I'll have everything pretty set up for the next challenge. It will also give me time to poke a few whales and strong dolphins for donations to the prize pool.

This round was kind of a spur of the moment thing because I was sick of the junk I was scrolling through. I had NO IDEA you guys would take to it so well! LOL The first night I was like Holeeee Sheee-it, where'd all the slackers go? HA!

Oh jeeze, you're planning to do more rounds? That's really a lot of work! I might have to sit out the next one or two but I could see doing this again. This is a really great challenge, it's the kind of thing this community needs, it rewards all the right behavior.

Oh I'm definitely thinking about doing more rounds. LOL And all the same people are invited. I don't like excluding anyone ;) My hope was to make this a learning and growing experience, to find some great content creators and, as you said, "reward all the right behavior." There are reasons behind every piece of this challenge. Whether you realize it or not, you have become better stewards of your own creations.

I think continuing to run it will do a lot of good, but it might be a good idea to slightly reduce the amount of comments required - not by a lot, just like 400 instead of 500 maybe. I imagine the difficulty will outweigh the novelty at some point, but that's just my 2 cents.

It's definitely something to consider. I also need to be aware of the calendar. Obviously around holidays I would assume family engagements need to be factored in. I haven't set an actual date for the next one but I can guarantee there will be a next one :)

I'm really looking forward to your next post @fungusmonk. So glad we got connected through this challenge too

Likewise! I'm glad you're enjoying my music reviews. It's difficult to get most people to care about things they aren't already invested in, so I like to hope my writing is good enough to get people to explore a bit and trust my taste.

And herein lies another lesson... Never feel like you have to limit yourself on Steemit. It's great to have a body of work in a series you love. I've been through that! So when the day comes when you "just can't do it" it's okay to switch gears and spread those creative wings down another avenue. People are connecting with YOU. If they like you as a human being, they're going to like your content whatever it is :)

haha that sounds great !!! I would love to enter again but I don't know if my fingers can handle it. LOL!! They are still bleeding from the first round ! LOL! 😂😂😂✌

There are still 32 people definitely in - and a few on the cusp of dropping out. Honestly, I am so happy that this many people jumped on and stayed the course! There's still a long way to go but it has truly been a gift to see some people "get it." I know you know what I'm talking about.

I'm totally 'getting it'! Thanks for the push @merej99!

Awesome. Now go and do it.


Do it.


Haha! Off I go!!! Wheeeeeeee doggy

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