Smart people handles all situations in calmness and right frame of mind. Experts says:

Staying calm means blocking off all negativity....

And they advised that the best way to do this is by increasing productivity, trying work and interacting with people without unnecessary interruptions in any form. Also recommendes is changing of regular scene/location once in a while as studies shows it helps to be sane and calm.

Eckart Tolle stated that:

All negativity is caused by an accumulation of psychological time and denial of the present unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry and all forms of fear which are caused by too much future and not enough presence, Guilt, Regrets, Resentment, Grievances, Sadness, Bitterness and all forms of non forgiveness are caused by too much past and not enough presence....

Vibrant people do not suffer more often in imaginations than in reality like everybody does, they live in a practical life. It is very smart to forget your past, forgive yourself and all the mistakes you have made and then begin again. Our performances are proportional to the ability to manage our emotions under immense pressure and stay at ease.

Extreme stress is a terminal disease to a healthy and successful individual, getting stress out of the way enhances our performances and productivity which then makes us super smart.

Researchers from the Department of Biological and clinical psychology at Friedrich Schiller University Germany made an assertion:

Exposure to Stimuli that causes strong negative emotions, the same kind of exposure we get when dealing with difficult and heady people can cause such brains to have massive stress response , whatever it's negativity or cruelty, the victim syndrome or just plain craziness, difficult people drives our brains into a stressed-out state that should be avoided at all cost.....

Therefore, to stay calm as Smart intelligent life forms, here are some of the things that can be of valuable importance:

1. Get a good Sleep

Getting a good night rest/sleep without inducing it reduces stress hormones level, making you more creative, smart, and positive minded to all situations. The Brain is like a battery that recharges during a very good sleep.

2. Avoid all forms of Negativity

People around us all carries some degree of negativity with them and might infect others through their human relations/how they treat people. Staying away from this specific kind of people and or subduing all thoughts of negativity been dished out to you is another way to stay calm.

3. Limitations and Boundaries

Highlighting boundaries and to set limits for oneself if you happend to have friends who you know can influence you with bad vibes. Remember they are your friends, so distancing yourself at some important moments without hurting them is a smart move which will give you a truck load of rest of mind and without losing your friends.

4. Never give Up

Smart People do not give up. They persevere and endure. There are some chaos you can not control, so the way out is keeping your boundaries and clinging to your weapons to fight on, this makes you calm since you are rest assured you have a master plan never to give up.

5. Choose your Battles Wisely

As a wise man (@officialfuzzy) once told me indirectly: "Choose your battles wisely". Never die in a fight that is of less importance, live to die another day. Some conflicts are just wise to avoid totally by leaving the scene or the enviroment, espcially when dealing with some extremely toxic individuals.

6. Quench all forms of Forgetfulness

Smart people are swift in letting go of some issues, but supersonic fast to remember things. With your strong memory, you could easily avoid similar future conflicts by keeping in mind every details of occurence in the past, remembering similar conflicts and walking right away from them is a win-win situation for you and you go home and have a great time at ease.

7. Reinforcements/Supports

Supports and reinforcements in this context are those in your circle that can help out in some challenging situations, either at your workplace or your neighbours; there is a always a team, couple or pastor more experienced individuals we all must identify and try ask for their knowledge or advice when necessary. Most times, the solutions to our problems lies fallow in somebody's head. So managing some challenges alone can tamper with out peace of mind hereby depriving that calmness we all crave for.

With thise few tips i have researched, every smart person reading this os ensured to stay/remain calm in all situations. Have a bountiful week ahead.



I like how "sleep" is at number 1. It all starts from a good night's rest. Sleep badly and the way you react is totally different.

Exactly, that out of it then the othets are just minor things to take note of.

Great instructive post. I am currently taking a free mindfulness course which is training me to stay in present and not be a prisoner of the past or being anxious about the future. Love your expression "to stay calm as Smart intelligent life forms"! Here is a link to the 21 Day Mindfulness Course

i appreciate this mate, bless you.

This applies well in everything!

I believe so, even in my struggling business

Most times, the solutions to our problems lies fallow in somebody's head. I say these very same things!

Great minds share traits Terry the good Angel😊

Thank you, Steemit has me: busier than a cat in a room full of rocking chairs & more scattered than leaves in a Hurricane

I get Frazzled regularly these days, so led me to your post headline, hope I can take some good advice ?

My Signature Post ---> Potential Followers Please Click HERE to get started

Sure, am new but getting familiar with steemit mate😊

Little by little or poco poco in Spanish. thanks for the reply :-)
I have 1 post you might like ?

Nice job.....i love the poco poco style😊

😊 I had to try your emoji hehe, but can't save to a text type file, how do you save them ?

Lol, i can only use them if am on phone, once i switch to desk top i can't use them anymore😊

I already gave up ! LOL ( for now ) hehe

It is always good to see yourself for what you really are and deal with the realities.

Nice input mate, permission to make it number 8?

Sure, lol

Great read! I've found that meditation centers me, and it carries over throughout the day. But I like what Lily Tomlin had to say about it:

"Reality is the leading cause of stress among those in touch with it." ~ Lily Tomlin

So, in a way, "Stay grounded and just deal with it!" :-)

Dealing with it i say is been smart, or you disagree?

Agree completely. Either you do, or you don't. Avoidance is slow suicide.

Makes a lot of sense mate, no harm in trying is what they say!

when i get stressed its mostly because of other peoples problems... or i didn't eat enough ^^
having this in mind i always remember myself: its THEIR problem, don't let them make it yours. unless its about humanity. it makes it much more easy to focus on your own goals.

You are right in some way, i couldn't agree any less

I think if we apply some of these principles then we can have a much better life balance! Thanks for sharing and have a great day!


God bless you for that action words....and thanks for going through my post.

May God bless you too, my friend! You're welcome! :)

Stay calm! Applicable even in your steemit journey! Stay calm! It's all good!

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