SquareLink Travel Blog #2: La Ceja Colombia Day 1 (Bilingual Post)

in #cervantes7 years ago

MedellinDay1_1 All photos taken by SquareLink

Arriving in Medellin and Day 1 in La Ceja!

Nota Importante: Estas publicaciones serán puestos irregularmente dependiendo en mi conexión de internet.

Important Note: These posts may come out at irregular intervals depending on where I can find a good upload connection to get the pictures online.

Well it was a long 12 hours of travel to get form North Texas to Colombia, but the trip actually went pretty great and we got in late last night. This is the first post on SquareLink's Colombian adventure, and as I mentioned, in support of Witness Cervantes and the Spanish speaking community, we will include bilingual content.

Fueron 12 horas largas para llegar a Colombia, pero el viaje nos fue muy bien y llegamos muy tarde. Este es la primer publicacion de SquareLine's Aventura Colombiana, como mencione en soporte de Witness Cervantes y la comunidad habla española. Tendremos contenido bilingue.

Texas Estados Unidos, to Colombia

We flew Aeromexico to Mexico City, and only had a brief layover to get things figured out and catch our next flight to Colombia. Had a few minutes of stress because the gate agent had told us that since this was an international transfer, that we would have to get our luggage over to the right conveyor belt, but then in Mexico, we were told that this was done automatically, so two stories. But everything went smoothly and we received our bags at the final destination.

Viajamos en Aeromexico hasta la Ciudad de Mexico, donde tuvimos muy poco tiempo para lograr el proximo vuelo. Llegamos sin saber que hacer con las maletas. En Dallas nos dijieron que teníamos que agarrar las maletas y trasladarlas al siguente vuelo. Pero al llegar alli, nos dijieron que las maletas iran directo a Medellin sin nuestra ayuda. Al fin todo llego sin problema.

Aeroméxico was very nice and the family was seated together and had nice snacks on the shorter leg and dinner was provided on the longer leg. I was excited to be on the plane and starting this vacation travel adventure.

Fue bueno volar con Aeromexico. Nos dieron buena comida ambas veces y nos dieron sillas juntos. Estuve muy feliz para empezar esta nueva aventura de vacacion.


We arrived at MDE airport late in the evening, and had about a half-hour ride to where we will be staying in La Ceja. Since it was evening, I could not get any pictures of our ride home.

Llegamos a Medellin muy tarde y tuvimos que viajar media hora para llegar a nuestro destino, La Ceja. Siendo que era de noche no pude tomar fotos del viaje a La Ceja.

In the morning however, we decided to go out to get Arepas de Chocolo for breakfast and I started getting a look at the lovely countryside.

En la mañana cuando fuimos a desayunar Arepas de Chocolo, pude disfrutar del bello paisaje.


Outside we experienced the great weather that this area is known for, it is typically about 10-15 degrees cooler than Medellin due to the change in altitude. Here we are on our drive just getting to the restaurant on the right.

Afuera disfrutamos del buen tiempo, que es 10-15 grados mas bajo que el de Medellin. Aqui estamos llegando al restaurante a la derecha.


The sign read 'Estadero Ricas Arepas' and we were up for the challenge to see how Rico these Arepas really were.

El letrero dijo "Estadero Ricas Arepas" y quisimos saber que tan ricas realmente eran.


I loved the open air seating as the morning was already sunny and beautiful. There are more bicycles than cars on the road, which are fun to watch flying down (or laboring up) the mountain.

Me encanto el comer afuera porque el tiempo ya estaba bien bella y a soliada. Habian mas bicicletas que carros en la calle. Fue muy divertido observar las motocicletas subir y bajar la montaña.

Brick baking ovens line one side of Estadero Ricas Arepas and you can watch the team hard at work preparing everyones breakfast.

Podiamos observar las arepas ser hechas en los hornos en plena vista.


From where I was standing, the arepas looked like bagels sitting in the oven, but there are actually no holes in them.

El el horno las arepas se parecian como bagels pero salieron del horno sin hueco.


Once the Arepas de chocolo get just the right golden brown, they are then liberally stuffed with quesito, kind of like a farmers cheese. Here is what the delicious results look like:

Cuando las arepas de chocolo estan bien doraditas, las llenan repletas con quesito. Es un queso campesino blanco con sabor muy suave. Esto es el bello producto final. Que sabroso.


I also ordered some chorizo which came with a small plain arepa and a slice of lime. I shared a couple peices, but afterward, I kind of wish I had ordered another one to take home!

Tambien comi chorizo que vino con una arepa sencilla y un pedazo de limon. Ahora Me da pesar que no me lleve otro para la casa.


This place was busy from the time it opened and is clearly a favorite place to stop on a Sunday morning.

Este lugar estuvo lleno de clientes desde el abrir y claramente un lugar favorito de muchos.


The locals know what they are doing as the food here was great. For my fellow Americans who have not yet had the pleasure, these taste a bit like a really yummy cornbread, but a bit of a firmer consistency and really a different level of flavor. The quesito blends perfectly and all together, this is quite a filling breakfast. With the side of chorizo, I was not able to eat the entire arepa, so looking at these pictures is making me want to go raid the fridge, where I still have a bit of this calling my name.

La comida aqui fue deliciosa. Para mis amigos americanos que no han provado esta delicia, te quento que sabe como pan de maiz. Son un poco mas duras pero con un nivel de sabor diferente. El quesito combina perfectamente con el maiz. Con el chorizo quede tan lleno que no pude terminar la arepa. Ya me da ganas de ir al refrigerador y comer me las sobras.

Upcoming Posts and Suggestions?

Next on the itinerary for our Colombian adventure is the lovely Tequendamita waterfall, followed by El Penol, which I have not been to, but is a famous giant rock edifice that is as tall as a skyscraper and can be climbed by ascending a stairway.

Proximo iremos en otra aventura a la bella Tequendamita, un cascaaguas. Y despues a visitar El Peñol. Una gran rocka el tamaño de un rascacielos que subiremos por escalera.

SquareLink Travel Blog #2: La Ceja Colombia Day 1 (Bilingual Post)

@phaazer1 [SquareLink]
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