Censorship and Steem - Criticism Is NOT Harassment or Abuse ... Even When It's Humorous!

in #censorship8 years ago

Much Respect!

I would like to commend @dollarvigilante for not being offended, that I'm aware of, by my comic "Jeff Berwick Interviews Dan & Ned", and for not resorting to playing the victim card and flagging a post for someone poking fun or bringing to light something he said or did.

Tone Vays, you have my respect as well for actually laughing and re-tweeting my comic, "Tone Vays Interviews Dan & Ned". As do @dan & @ned for not being offended by either of them, even though I really didn't poke fun at them, I did touch upon some rather contentious material being spread by those who do not support Steemit's model.

Censorship ... It's Bad

When people or platforms censor, demonize or attempt to discredit a content creator, their ability to post counter-arguments, bring wrongdoings to the forefront of the public's attention and/or simply make a joke about a person or a situation, they are attempting to take away an individuals opinion and therefore hinder their freedom of speech.

The individuals above have shown that they will not stoop to these dictator or diva like levels to silence their critics. They have gained my respect for being able to publicly swallow what may have been a bitter pill. It's hard to face criticism, tough questions and sometimes even humor when it's directed at our idiosyncrasies we ourselves are uncomfortable with, especially when it's done in the public spotlight.

But ... Muh Butthurt!

People have the right to be offended just as much as others have the right to express their opinions about those individuals or their actions. However, when a grand pooh-bah begins a propaganda campaign to unjustifiably label someone else's content as "abuse", "harassment", "stalking" or otherwise in a duplicitous attempt to discredit or mute an individual for simply expressing their opinion, documenting historical events, shedding light on misdeeds or simply poking fun at something or someone, that's when censorship usually rears it's ugly head.

Thankfully, despite the efforts of wannabe dictators or colossal diva's, we have blockchain technology to ensure that no matter how hard an oppressive prima donna tries to remove someone else's opinion from the public's view, that content is immutable!

For that reason, I would like to thank Dan & Ned for creating a platform where we no longer have to live in fear of our thoughts and/or opinions being suppressed, whether they are expressed with words, artwork, humor or otherwise.

Thank you!

“What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist.”

― Salman Rushdie

“Censorship is the child of fear and the father of ignorance.”

― Laurie Halse Anderson

“If there's one American belief I hold above all others, it's that those who would set themselves up in judgment on matters of what is "right" and what is "best" should be given no rest; that they should have to defend their behavior most stringently."

― Stephen King

“The fact is that censorship always defeats its own purpose, for it creates, in the end, the kind of society that is incapable of exercising real discretion. In the long run it will create a generation incapable of appreciating the difference between independence of thought and subservience.”

― Henry Steele Commager

Disclaimer : I own a license to use all images in this post.


Exactly. Everyone has a right to be offended but people also have the right to say things that are offensive. Making jokes and parody is not harassment.

Just try making a "joke or parody" about some of the posters who feature their disability to beg for upvotes rather than their ABILITY to contribute.

The Politically Correct howls of indignation and revenge campaigns will be/are a sight to behold.

What's all this about criticism being OK? Don't you care about the victims of hurt feelings? Every year, thousands of people sitting at their computers suffer from PTSD from like, criticism and stuff.

I realize this is a joke, but seriously check out that author @lukestokes is obsessed with -- Marshall Rosenberg​ . There really really are people that believe that telling someone you don't agree with them is a form of actual violence. This notion is really gaining support on the platform, and its a cause for concern.

here really really are people that believe that telling someone you don't agree with them is a form of actual violence.

Ugh, this is something I really don't like. Anyone should be open for criticism, especially online where opinions are free and most of the time not intended to hurt someones feelings, but better their quality of content.

I usually even go out of my way to ask people to criticize my content so I can become better, others who already are doing good see it as a threat to what they are doing instead...

The struggle is real. ;)

So wait, butthurt isn't a real disease?

Ya know, you slow ponied me on this. I've been planning to make a post like this since i posted in your other thread about Larry Flynt.

Upvote for teaching me that phrase. ;)

but still, I see numerous complaints of users complaining to be virtually 'harassed' on the chat platform. It is of course of great importance to be able to distinguish between criticism and stalking or harassing - both from the side of the give and the side of the taker.

What we all can do is to take note when incidents happen and provide support in the good direction.

So how precisely do you distinguish the two. Becasue it seems to me like many, many of the complaints of "stalking and harassment" are just people hearing comments and communication with which they don't agree.

Real stalking or harassment is a crime. If its actual stalking or harassment, the police should be involved. What many on the platform are concerned with is "he said something to me that i dont want to hear" but they know they won't get support to stop that, so they use criminal terminology to discuss it.

That's a completely different topic, for which I've covered EXTENSIVELY over the past week with my comments here and in chat.

Yes, something needs to be done about REAL abuse and harassment, yet nothing is being done that I'm aware. I was told the Developers were working on a solution, yet I've heard no confirmation from them or anyone else with the authority to do so.

Since I've beat that horse to death all week with nothing to show for it outside of numb typing fingers and an angry mob of immature flagging trolls, I decided to address the other issue I and likely others are experiencing here on Steemit. ;)

It was sad to see the flags flying from all sides this past week. Ideas should be battled with opposing ideas and debate not flags.

Agreed. I hate being sucker punched and that's what a flag feels like to me when I feel it's completely undeserved. That said, I also feel well within my right to defend myself when attacked. If I felt I deserved any of those flags I wouldn't have said a word.

My comics are in no way bullying or libelous as some have stated and 94% of the voters on one and 98% on the other agree. They were humorously pointing out someone else's own words and actions, as were my political comics for which no one expressed having an issue. I thought that if any one of those comics would have received some backlash it would have been the Tone Vays comic, yet only 1 person flagged it (and didn't bother to comment).

Tone Vays thought it was pretty damn funny, which I have to agree with him on. He's shown that he can laugh at himself and accepts who he is and what he says, while others obviously cannot say the same and resort to playing the victim and abuse card to silence their critics.

But out of this turmoil comes improvements, since it appears by Dan's comments today something is about to change on both the reputation and flag front and hopefully it will solve some of the issues that have been brewing ever since they were introduced.

You've inspired to go and heckle on another post I avoided doing so. I just hope I survive it :)

It's a crazy new thing for sure. Kind of weird having immutable trails and no delete button. I support you always sir

Censorship and Steem - Criticism Is NOT Harassment or Abuse ... Even When It's Humorous!

Criticism (by you, to others, for self-righteous reasons) is not harassment or abuse, yet criticism (to you, by others, for acting like a bully) would be censorship? Glad cognitive dissonance doesn't disturb you.

I have no issues with criticism and welcome it. Show me where I've stated that I have an issue with criticism. I have issues with flag abusing trolls like you that hurt peoples reputation and take rewards away due to your abuse of the system.

Again, I don't see you flagging fyrstikken making a comic about his death threats and calling Heidi a c-nt. Apparently it's funny when he does it. You sure do like to go around throwing labels and flags at people, well certain people, but you obviously have a double standard.

You don't deserve a 60 reputation and I aim to fix that by having the reputation system overhauled. People like you flag trolls coming to people's blogs on some personal vendetta should not be handed high reputations for content upvotes, your actions within the Community should be reflected by the reputation # and yours is way too high.

I have no issues with criticism and welcome it. Show me where I've stated that I have an issue with criticism.

Stop the hyprocrisy please. What you call "censorship" and the whole topic of this whiny post is other people criticizing your actions...

I have issues with flag abusing trolls like you

What you were doing in that post is defamatory trolling exactly in the same way as @fyrstikken is doing. Trolling and trashing other people's image is an abuse regardless of what the other party is guilty of. FYI I flagged both of you. Steem isn't a school yard. Keep your attempt at character assassination for your Twitter wars if you like.

that hurt peoples reputation and take rewards away due to your abuse of the system.

You sense of entitlement is ludicrous. The system owes you nothing. Rewards are earned, and talking trash about other people is hardly something reward worthy.

Again, I don't see you flagging fyrstikken

Look harder

You don't deserve a 60 reputation and I aim to fix that by having the reputation system overhauled.

Interesting display of entitlement and self-appointed authority. Quoting it for the posterity.
Good luck having the "reputation system overhauled" to fit you preposterous views.

People like you flag trolls coming to people's blogs on some personal vendetta should

You manage to insult me and make baseless accusation of "personal vendetta" in the same sentence. This is extremely immature.

Good luck having the "reputation system overhauled" to fit you preposterous views.

Success! =)

It warms my heart to see you guys fighting without use of the flag system.


Great thinking :D

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