Some Of The Flaggots On Steemit

in #censorship8 years ago (edited)

I went to sleep last night with a rating of 48 and now have a rating of 2. this is a list of some of the people that flagged all my posts. @beanz is the main person, she is worse then @r4fken . every day they destroy someones account. they just finished doxing @r4fken because he was flagging them back. this is bullshit steemit. something needs to be done. this is everyones site not the couple of feminist whales that think its ok to censor people and destroy accounts. are they to stupid to understand that you can push the mute button?

here is a list of them:


I hope someone out their can talk some sence into them. they are recieveig no blowback from their actions. we all need to do something. one whale downvote on a post and you lose all your payout, let alone turning transparent and losing your ranking you worked so hard to get.


Just to be clear, please view my comment on the link about doxxing r4fken.

It was actually me who let steemit-abuse know this was going on and the reason the doxxing posts were flagged.

Sorry about your reputation skeptic. Enough spamming will do that, you may have seen the comment of adm who is the only one who had the power to bring your reputation to zero. If you check steemd you'll see he actually removed a lot of his flags to bring you from 0 to 2 to give you a chance to redeem yourself.

you have been flagging me way before last night. I have even made a post about it in the past. why would you say sorry when your actions prove your not. fuck off with your flaggot ass, your killing steem and wont even admit it. use the fucking mute button like a big girl and stop acting like spoiled 3yr old bitch.

fucking swear this is on a new level of bullshit.

you make a post about doxing him and bragging about it but now you try to play innocent. fuck off with your bullshit.

I hope you get a virus, you and your comuter.

why not prove your sorry by removing all the flags you gave me and having your crew of fucktard feminists do the same? if not then stfu and take some responcibilties for your actions.

You never forget your first flag. I didn't know how to look up who flagged me. (it was just a comment where I disagreed with @beanz, on how the math on voting worked.) My first flag. Someone I know looked it up in the blockchain and my flag was from Beanz
It was no biggie and I got called out on a flag early on as well.
I feel flagging should be for plagiarism and maybe spam.
I don't think people should be able to flag without a comment.

she flags so many people just because she disagrees with them she cant even keep track of them all.
they should atleast have the same penelties happen to them as the flagged. want to fdrop someones rating your rating drops. then it will only be situations where it really matters. as of now she can go around flagging everyone and never have any conquences for her actions. shit when someone flags her back her little group dox. then play the victim card. shit needs to be fixed.

she even flagged comments on my own post. lmfao! right after she says she is sorry about the flagging and how it wasent her fault. -smh-

I don't remember flagging you whatsup. If I did it was not over a disagreement. As a follower of yours I only ever remember upvoting you as I never flag anybody from my feed. The only accounts I've flagged more than once are skeptic, earnest and feminism (earnest and feminism are the same person) and that's because I've told them I've muted them and asked them to stop responding to my posts and told them I will flag anything they put in my reply feed. I flag spam and I flag abusive comments if they are over the top.

I'm not a dolphin or a whale so my flag doesn't really have impact. All of this is just blown out of proportion.

maby you were flagging his comments on my posts? -smh-
you are not the decider of what is ok and not ok on steemit.
it is not blown out of proportition, and its not just you, its your crew of fuckboies that are just trying to get some pussy from you. you are all acting as a group. don't act like your not a part of it. we know you are. and to say me and feminisim are thinly people you have flagged is bullshit and you know it. maby go talk to one of my followers that you decieded to flag both our comments in our own posts because you didn't like how we were talking to each other. fucking sop acting a bitch and grow up. take responcibilities for your actions and stop playing the victim. -fuckin hell-

We were both minnows, and I said it wasn't that big of a deal. However, I do disagree with the type of flagging I see above.

when people send her hateful messages about her flagging, its harassment and she can then play the victim card.

It's only when they respond to me. They could continue this talk without me. The MUTE function doesn't stop their hateful messages coming up in my reply box. Just look at the things they've been saying on my most recent post. This is harassment, and to block them the only thing I can do is flag.

lol you flag my comment on my own post.

Until his reputation is not back to 48 you will suffer for what adm did,
Do you understand?

when you look back at my posts you can see you have been going out of your way to flag my stuff you disagree with. stop your lies.

Got her,
Facebook account Triona Ni Cearbhaill
Leixlip, Ireland
Anybody can rent a room in her house apparently........
If she keeps going I will doxx her address, phone, everything.

The answer is simple skeptic, organize an insurgency against them,
an asymmetric cyber-ops team trained to perform in the most adverse of circumstances
using every legal mean available to them (and there are many).
You get me people, I can train them, Im very good at what I do.
Get me 5 fine minds.
sure, just go to and you can see everything they do,
posting a pic of someone is not doxxing and he's an idiot for posting that pic.
you wanna win this conflict?? I know how, a large part of the answer is Psychological Warfare,
my specialty, get me five fine minds. No target can resist my skills, I hope you know this by now.
EDIT 2 you can also see the hidden comments in a post just by replacing steemit by steemd in the address of a post, in the case of this post it will be
Got her,
Facebook account Triona Ni Cearbhaill
Leixlip, Ireland
Anybody can rent a room in her house apparently........
If she keeps going I will doxx her address, phone, everything.

damn that's brutal bro, I do not support you doing that but I cant stop you. revenge is brutal. this might be dox no.2 on steemit.

in fact if their are laws where she lives that could put her in jail for actions online I say stop. I don't want her to have any thing happen to her that isn't onine. im ok with cyber violence, when it leaves online tho I have a problem with it.

maybe thake the higher ground and see if she continues.
also could you take her info out of my post? :/ I don't agree with doxxing.
If not I understand and wont flagg it, not my place to censor you. xD

lol, they are out there. I know you and I cant be the only ones they do this shit too. I guess I should be glad im not getting doxed for making a post about their actions. day is young tho. could happen like they did to @r4fken for flagging them back. steemit community is broke as long as the special snowflakes hold all the power. damn flaggots!

sure, just go to and you can see everything they do,
posting a pic of someone is not doxxing and he's an idiot for posting that pic.
you wanna win this conflict?? I know how, a large part of the answer is Psychological Warfare,
my specialty, get me five fine minds. No target can resist my skills, I hope you know this by now.

lol, ima check out steemd I never check it out b4. I personally don't want to mess with her, I feel she is destroying her own rep as it is. I wouldn't stop you tho and I would prolly laff about it when she trys to play victim. on another note, she should really make a new youtube account that doesn't have her real name on it if she is going to be posting vids on seemit. or she doesn't care about doxing. idk
would be a lot easier if her and her crew just removed the flags and got everyone back to their old rating then everyone could move on. I doubt that will happen tho.
if she wasent such a retarded cunt she might be somewhat cute. but even if she was a 10 in looks (she is not) her personality would drop her to a 3 if not more.
ever notice how feminists are all miserable people with pets they treat as people because they cant hold any other realionship? might have to do with the fact that when she says "sit" the dog does it, no back talk or anything. idk just something I noticed.

@christianus should be removed from this list but it is to late to edit it.
@christianus is on the bottom of the list and does not deserve to be on it any more.

Thank you, lets try build up your reputation again.

Flaggot. Word of the day. :D's kinda much to flag posts for contrary opinions. and buzzkillism

I haven't won a popularity contest since grade school anyway, but I sure like having a rep... 2? harsh....

yeah last night I went to sleep with a rating of 48, woke up 4 hours later to a rating of 4 and its still dropping from @beanz and her crew. im at 2, wouldn't be surprised if I go negative by end of the day.

I'd have to agree...that is rubbish. Steemit needs to fix this abysmal aspect of the system. Power mad and PMS are never a good mix on any platform...

LMFAO! thank you for putting a smile on my face! 8D

You are welcome! Glad to be of service!

Sup Skeptic its SirLunchAlot, Im working on a underground Podcast show and was wondering if you would like to do an interview about this subject? Please let me know bro!
Friend#1" If you say his name in a post, they say he might show up.."
Friend#1"Lets just get out of this post before we get down voted and HE shows up..I'm so scared right now.."
~ The Legend of DckBtt by SirLunchAlot..

I would love to join the podcast but the potato I use has no speakers, mic, or camera. :/

I am flattered by the offer tho.

if you sent me questions I would answer them all but for a podcast I know that is not much help.

can you hook me up with a link when you do have it so I can watch even if I cant join in? 8D

the children will never learn. they will not grow up and will always ruin everything for everyone else. there is the option to force a fix, we could all have a flagging war. everyone flag everything that everyone does, until reputation means absolutely nothing. it is an extreme suggestion but, this keeps happening to decent people and, the idiots who run around promoting false flagging and destroying the visibility of good poster's hard work, whether it can technically be called censorship or not, these people are trying to ruin things because they are ruiners, that is what they love to do. these are people with no value to the community. isn't that what the flag is for? to make the useless invisible? something needs to be done soon. some of the most influential are sitting around arguing the semantics of the definition of censorship. people's reputations are being destroyed. the people doing it are not just lacking value. they are anti-value. i have never once flagged anyone. i believe that even the ignorant and annoying deserve their voice. if only to serve as an example of what to aspire not to be. i like steemit but this is screwing up many people's good time, people who don't deserve it. i personally don't think flagging is the answer but if a flagging war breaks out, i have made my own list. cheers to a peaceful solution. i don't see one yet.

great comment, I think a flagging war would only hurt the minnows. we dont have the power to effect the wales. it would be exciting though. lol something needs to be fixed. if all fails, I go back to and leave steemit to the flaggers. lol let them flag each other. xD

I really like how you put this:
" i believe that even the ignorant and annoying deserve their voice. if only to serve as an example of what to aspire not to be."
I can not agree more. even if it is only so we know who is what. if someone Is fucked up like a child molester or a rapist or whatever I dont want that person censored, I want to know who they are and that they think that way so I can avoid them or do something about it. its a big mess.

I feel bad for dickbutt! kool fucking bot but the flaggots killed it for steemit. the maker of the bot is even going to change it if he didn't already. :/ only thing I can think is the feminists are mad its dickbutt and not viganabutt. xD

I said his name so he will say hellow in a sec. I hope if the maker didn't kill dickbutt today. :O

yay dickbutt is not dead!

there are steemit clones popping up. it is probably just a matter of time before the flagging whales are left here by themselves pulling each other off. ugh. bad mental picture. what's maybe i'll just start posting links to replacements for steemit. i hate to do it. all this bullshit is becoming intolerable. i'm sorry your reputation was broken. i like this place, minus the insufferable tools. i'll miss my steemit friends. if the whale flaggers just sit around acting high and mighty and flagging anyone who calls them on their ignorant crap, then this is not the place to be. it is a shame that dan doesn't understand human dynamics enough to understand the platform he helped to create. it's like spending much effort to create a masterwork of painting, then finger painting all over it with shit. i think i knew this would happen ever since i read that post from dan saying it would be better if we all shared the same opinion, and could do whatever we want. it's the ethos of a spoiled child. then contradicts himself by flailing around with the flag, ruining people just because he can. waking up with a negative reputation won't shock me. i'm expecting it, anytime now. if it weren't for @smooth and some of the cool whales i'd probably be gone already. i've brought at least a dozen people here in three weeks. people not on steemit are already hearing the sucky side to steemit. i think the ship might be going down. long live dickbutt!

"one whale downvote on a post and you lose all your payout" WOW, that's worst than downvoting and flagging.

shits fucked up, if a solution does not arrive soon there will be no saving steemit from the hole the flaggots are digging. it is a huge mess. first step is admitting there is a problem I guess.

I feel like their actions just defeat the whole purpose of steemit, and if they cannot respect the opinions of others because they are too narrow-minded to allow others to have their own thoughts separate from whatever beliefs that they may have personally, then those flaggots came to the wrong damn site and need to move it on back to some other social media site where this type of drama and nonsense is just part of the experience...I won't mention any specific face names of such sites book, but, we all know of certain social media platforms that run off of this type of immature, ridiculous drama. People are allowed to their own thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. PERIOD. If this group of users is uncomfortable with those thoughts, or disagrees with them, then it's pretty easy to just move along to something else that they DO agree with rather than attempting to pull this childish "report war" BS...SMH I am utterly disgusted right now....

I wish they could just use the mute button like an adult. the problem is they are the whales on this site so they hold all the power right now. we need a lot of people to speak up to put a stop this shit. so many people are leaving stemit because of this community abuse. imo at least.

The GREATEST part is that she has a post about internet trolls, and talks about how they just bother other people to evoke an emotional response to amuse themselves, but.....are we not seeing a pot calling the kettle black here...or...??? I mean, is it just ME or does it not seem like she is doing that VERY same thing she's bitching about in the troll post....?????

she is doing the same thing, I have left comments n her posts about that stuff asking why she plays victim when others do the same thing she does, never an answer only more flagging. I swear she must have a platinum victim card.

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