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RE: Some Of The Flaggots On Steemit

in #censorship8 years ago

Just to be clear, please view my comment on the link about doxxing r4fken.

It was actually me who let steemit-abuse know this was going on and the reason the doxxing posts were flagged.

Sorry about your reputation skeptic. Enough spamming will do that, you may have seen the comment of adm who is the only one who had the power to bring your reputation to zero. If you check steemd you'll see he actually removed a lot of his flags to bring you from 0 to 2 to give you a chance to redeem yourself.


you have been flagging me way before last night. I have even made a post about it in the past. why would you say sorry when your actions prove your not. fuck off with your flaggot ass, your killing steem and wont even admit it. use the fucking mute button like a big girl and stop acting like spoiled 3yr old bitch.

fucking swear this is on a new level of bullshit.

you make a post about doxing him and bragging about it but now you try to play innocent. fuck off with your bullshit.

I hope you get a virus, you and your comuter.

why not prove your sorry by removing all the flags you gave me and having your crew of fucktard feminists do the same? if not then stfu and take some responcibilties for your actions.

You never forget your first flag. I didn't know how to look up who flagged me. (it was just a comment where I disagreed with @beanz, on how the math on voting worked.) My first flag. Someone I know looked it up in the blockchain and my flag was from Beanz
It was no biggie and I got called out on a flag early on as well.
I feel flagging should be for plagiarism and maybe spam.
I don't think people should be able to flag without a comment.

she flags so many people just because she disagrees with them she cant even keep track of them all.
they should atleast have the same penelties happen to them as the flagged. want to fdrop someones rating your rating drops. then it will only be situations where it really matters. as of now she can go around flagging everyone and never have any conquences for her actions. shit when someone flags her back her little group dox. then play the victim card. shit needs to be fixed.

she even flagged comments on my own post. lmfao! right after she says she is sorry about the flagging and how it wasent her fault. -smh-

I don't remember flagging you whatsup. If I did it was not over a disagreement. As a follower of yours I only ever remember upvoting you as I never flag anybody from my feed. The only accounts I've flagged more than once are skeptic, earnest and feminism (earnest and feminism are the same person) and that's because I've told them I've muted them and asked them to stop responding to my posts and told them I will flag anything they put in my reply feed. I flag spam and I flag abusive comments if they are over the top.

I'm not a dolphin or a whale so my flag doesn't really have impact. All of this is just blown out of proportion.

maby you were flagging his comments on my posts? -smh-
you are not the decider of what is ok and not ok on steemit.
it is not blown out of proportition, and its not just you, its your crew of fuckboies that are just trying to get some pussy from you. you are all acting as a group. don't act like your not a part of it. we know you are. and to say me and feminisim are thinly people you have flagged is bullshit and you know it. maby go talk to one of my followers that you decieded to flag both our comments in our own posts because you didn't like how we were talking to each other. fucking sop acting a bitch and grow up. take responcibilities for your actions and stop playing the victim. -fuckin hell-

We were both minnows, and I said it wasn't that big of a deal. However, I do disagree with the type of flagging I see above.

when people send her hateful messages about her flagging, its harassment and she can then play the victim card.

It's only when they respond to me. They could continue this talk without me. The MUTE function doesn't stop their hateful messages coming up in my reply box. Just look at the things they've been saying on my most recent post. This is harassment, and to block them the only thing I can do is flag.

lol you flag my comment on my own post.

Until his reputation is not back to 48 you will suffer for what adm did,
Do you understand?

when you look back at my posts you can see you have been going out of your way to flag my stuff you disagree with. stop your lies.

Got her,
Facebook account Triona Ni Cearbhaill
Leixlip, Ireland
Anybody can rent a room in her house apparently........
If she keeps going I will doxx her address, phone, everything.

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