in #censorship6 years ago

There is something to be said for freedom and freedom from censorship!

After taking a day off of being online, I figured it was time to check out what was happening. Most things were business as usual, but not sola. When I logged into sola, I got this message.

Yeah, pretty much for the next five days I am unable to post anything on sola. Why? Because I violated their terms of service.... somehow. It seems to happen to everyone who heads over there. @Bluerthangreen, @Dwells, @Bettertogether, @Papa-pepper.... yup, we are all a bunch of violators. Also, you simply get restricted with no real reason given other than "violation of TOS."

Then, you have to email them, and wait.... and wait.... and wait.... So, at the moment I have no clue why I can't post. I have a guess, that it may have been because I upvoted some comments on my posts at 10 AP each. This would be like giving everyone an 100% upovote for commenting. This could have been perceived as soliciting people to support your card, but I just had a lot of AP to share so I spread it around. At his point, who knows? Here is my immediate reaction and rant.



So, the moral of the story is simple. Things like this are why steemit is far better than sola. I've never been restricted or banned from steemit. I've never been locked out of my account. I've never been not allowed to post. On sola though.....

If you head over and check sola out, just be warned. This is common. Hopefully one day I'll get an answer back, but they are often vague anyway, just ask @bluerthangreen. For the next five days, I'll just be enjoying my freedom here! If stuff like this happened on steemit, I would have been gone a long time ago. Thanks for not being jerks steemit! I'm happy to still be here!

If you want to check sola out, you can click here.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

GIF provided by @orelmely



Well, you can console yourself that you're in great company with other perfectly normal and nice people who get censored for BS reasons :)

Honestly, I just some research and I think it was for sharing this video:

They probably thought I was offering for one of them to win one for free, but it's actually only for steemians. LOL! Too funny.

hahaha... I would like to have one...

Did @mtnmeadowmomma just call me normal and nice? Clearly somebody does not know me very well. Lol.

Yeah, she said that about me too. I thought it was like a tongue in cheek joke though.

Hahaha well, who is normal, really? ;)

Damn. I was wondering why there were no new posts from your side just this morning! This clears it.
Are you sure it was because of the Jawzercise video?

They replied back now, here is the official reason: "Yes, it seems like you were restricted because one of our moderators considered your cards spammy. Your restriction is lifted off."

Wow, way to be inconsiderate and rude. No apologies?

Nope, not even a real explanation.

They'll start losing a lot of valuable members if they continue that behavior after Sola goes huge and mainstream. If it does, that is.

Yeah, it's like it is trying to be worse than YouTube or something.

Lmao Youtube is the baddest among them all!

It seems like all social networks are ramping up their censorship big time, except for good ole' Steemit of course. So solly you got banned from sola, but, screw 'em! I am more than happy to be away from Farcebook, they are going down in flames with Yootoob, Twidder, etc. I haven't heard anything bad about Telegram yet, or Discord either. Let the Great Blockchain migration continue!

hahahaha loved the girlfriend comparation thing @papa-pepper ! definitely, NOTHING BEATS STEEMIT!.. I didn't even know the existence of censorship over here luckily your content... Great stuff as always! Greetings amigo! STEEM ON!

Thank you, and I like that new avatar!

thanks mate! I designed it myself in illustrator... i could also create one for you one day if you wanted to! its actually a gif thats winks and shows the tongue hahaha...You can check it at the end of some of my latest posts... Cheers mate! :)

I mean it...if you liked I'd be happy to do it for you! I really like your stuff (specially all animal related) and you have been supporting my content a lot...that would be the least I could do for you my dear friend! :)

If you made me one, I would use it as a closer for a while. I won't turn down a gift.

Don't you mean you won't turn down a GIFt? Lol.

So Sola is not decentralized?
I have heard of them and no worries for me.
You are doing good in here, why bother with them?
Keep on steemin'

You are doing good in here, why bother with them?

I thought that it seemed like a neat thing to try. But now I have gotten my hand slapped.

i read the hole post....
What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist

When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.

Wow! Amen to that! I love it!

Hello @papa-pepper sir

I share your pains in this situation a d I can imagine how you feel right now. I wonder why the guys being Sola are centralizing what supposed to be a decentralized platform! To me this is authoritarian and such platforms have nothing to do with blockchain.

Things like this are why steemit is far better than sola

This is certainly why steemit is best of all. I pray this is resolved in no time. God bless you.

@eurogee, the founder of @euronation community

this is very good, you should never leave this steemit, because there are so many oyang that support you in steemit, and they also really need you here.
success is always for you @papa-pepper in steemit.

Steemit is the best am so happy to be in this community thank for the update sir papa pepper

Steemit is good but, it isn't perfect either. Flags are for hate speech, which in my book doesn't exist. Freedom means freedom, say what you want it will only enrich the conversation. I saw a guy run off steemit by trolls too.

Yeah, I've seen a few people throw in the towel here, but there is no censorship.

Well, that was my point and I'm not trying to have it both ways here. There should be reasonable limits to speech. You can't yell FIRE in a theater. This guy has 105K followers on YT. Twenty three trolls followed him here and maybe two of his YT followers. They constantly referred to the same off topic subjects, they were childish, they were vile, they were rude, they did not provide original or unique content, they did not advance or the community here one bit. And while I did not endorse his leaving, he left the trolls are still with us, yippy.

What is hate speech is subjective.

Whatever the aggrieved wants it to be.

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