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RE: 2 New Feminist Flaggots!

in #censorship8 years ago

lol I looked to your post history of the past days (wow so much posts :O all that because someone flag you ? )...
yeah sorry but you deserve the flags for not understanding that it is time to let go.

What you do is definitely trolling not sure why you are complaining then... you piss off some people and complain because they retaliate...


This is a quote from Wikipedia:
"Application of the term troll is subjective. Some readers may characterize a post as trolling, while others may regard the same post as a legitimate contribution to the discussion, even if controversial. Like any pejorative term, it can be used as an ad hominem attack, suggesting a negative motivation."

Maybe he would have let go if his rep had gone down by 10 or 15 but it went down by over 40 because of comments that couldn't decisively be called trolling.
Wouldn't it be fairer to give people a few warnings along with a small drop in rep and a short explanation?
As Steemit expands this type of thing is going to happen frequently. Would you like to see 100 disgruntled posters? How about 1000? The situation has been handled badly because he was treated ridiculously harshly, like a parent punching a kid in the face because he talked back.
You think that your comment is helpful but I see it as simply failing to see the bigger picture.

seriously just look at all the crap he posted lol.
The more he posts attack against that or those persons, the more they flag him.
That seems logical (I don't say I approve, I tend to troll the Anarchist post... but if the persons don't have that sort of humors, well just quit hitting on them...), he didn't understand the first time, nor the second, nor the third... well 2 in rep lol

Now that his rep is 2, what incentive does he have to calm down?
"Attack" is your word, his point of view is that he was challenging and they "attacked" him by destroying his rep. He sees his posts as exposing their attack and he doesn't flag people.
I'm sure that with hindsight he wishes he'd stopped commenting to people that can't handle contradiction and cheekiness and realised how manipulative and vindictive people like that can become.
How is laughing at his situation helping?

Which is the definition of victimization or in other words playing the victim, one of her favourite things to claim about the people she harasses.

haha good one @beanz

I am not playing victim and am not seeking sympathy or attention. I am showing the community what is going on with your little group of flaggots. so keep upvoting them when they flag me and talking shit.

You say I cant post on your posts or ill get flagged but you have no problem telling your lies and trying to manipulate shit on my posts. Could that be because you know I'm not a little petty cunt and wont flag you? I prefer to just point out the shit you pull and make fun of it.

Making fun of sjw flaggots is not playing the victim even if I am the victim of your abusive flagging. I don't give up and keep going stronger then before, so fuck your victim bullshit. I'll leave that to you all when I point out the bullshit your typing.

well you are seeking attention, otherwise you wouldn't be posting.
Btw, you know you can send private message.
I mean you play against the feminist string, that seems obvious you are asking for people (with same idea) to unite against you.
It is like going to a football match, sit among the people who support the other team and attack them verbally because they support the other team... at some point, you might just get punched in the face.


Victimisation isn't a way to describe someone who is playing the victim.
"Victimisation is when someone treats you badly or subjects you to a detriment because you complain about discrimination or help someone who has been the victim of discrimination." CAB

lol I looked to your post history of the past days (wow so much posts :O all that because someone flag you ? )...

If you looked into the history you would see what is going on. I swear fucking SJW ass clowns.

yeah sorry but you deserve the flags for not understanding that it is time to let go.

That is your opinion and part of the cancer that is killing steemit. Maybe you don't understand how the internet works. your opinion on a subject or matter is not the end all decider of the situation. I will not let go unless it is on my own terms.

What you do is definitely trolling not sure why you are complaining then...

I have been doing the same thing you are doing in this post and my other posts you made comments on. Trying to join the conversation in the comments.
Just because your opinion on this subject is different from mine, I am not trying to censor your voice by flagging or calling you a troll. This little group of SJW flaggots is pathetic. Atleast your not flagging me and just trying to manipulate the narrative but that is fine, the truth is in the block chain. Steemit would be growing not dying if they all stopped with the flaggotry.

you piss off some people and complain because they retaliate...

No, I say bring it on if its not censorship. call me an asshole, point out the faults in my points, bring some links and facts to prove me wrong. leave me 100 comments idgaf. besides this post is not complaining, it is like a news post on the current events in steemit history. hopefully a whale doesn't disagree with something you say and you don't wake up tomorrow with a rating of 2 for this post.

The second you try to censor my voice or anyone I will be there to point it out to the steemit community. at some point everyone is going to leave steemit but your little group of flaggots. then what will you do?

"I will not let go unless it is on my own terms."
Well, so I guess that's the last time I see your post since you'll soon get a negative rep... You will finish like the other guys who got flagged to oblivion because he was flagging people randomly because he was pissed at Bernie Sanders

"Just because your opinion on this subject is different from mine, I am not trying to censor your voice by flagging or calling you a troll"
Sure, I don't flag on opinion either, and I tend to troll a bit myself lol. But not everyone react like me, and it is what you have to accept: that different people have different level of tolerance to humor or sarcasm...

i can accept that, that is why steemit is dying. the more people you support for flagging the more people that leave and the more peole that spread the word about how this site is run by the sjw's. it has become submit or i flag you. it is pointless for minnows to try to flag waith a whale.
so when the ship sinks accept it, because you are supporting the thing that is the reason it is sinking.

You will finish like the other guys who got flagged to oblivion because he was flagging people randomly

no i will finish with my held high knowing i never stooped down to the level of a bitch with this flagging shit. also it would be proof that steemit is not a place for differing opinions outside of the feminist sjw whale group. so me dissapering from flagging is only proof. whos to say you don't say some thing they don't like tomorrow and wake up with a 2 rep after 4 hours of seep?

Everything you say here is correct, but should humourless people be repressing humour in others or should we be teaching them to lighten up?

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