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RE: 2 New Feminist Flaggots!

in #censorship8 years ago

This is a quote from Wikipedia:
"Application of the term troll is subjective. Some readers may characterize a post as trolling, while others may regard the same post as a legitimate contribution to the discussion, even if controversial. Like any pejorative term, it can be used as an ad hominem attack, suggesting a negative motivation."

Maybe he would have let go if his rep had gone down by 10 or 15 but it went down by over 40 because of comments that couldn't decisively be called trolling.
Wouldn't it be fairer to give people a few warnings along with a small drop in rep and a short explanation?
As Steemit expands this type of thing is going to happen frequently. Would you like to see 100 disgruntled posters? How about 1000? The situation has been handled badly because he was treated ridiculously harshly, like a parent punching a kid in the face because he talked back.
You think that your comment is helpful but I see it as simply failing to see the bigger picture.


seriously just look at all the crap he posted lol.
The more he posts attack against that or those persons, the more they flag him.
That seems logical (I don't say I approve, I tend to troll the Anarchist post... but if the persons don't have that sort of humors, well just quit hitting on them...), he didn't understand the first time, nor the second, nor the third... well 2 in rep lol

Now that his rep is 2, what incentive does he have to calm down?
"Attack" is your word, his point of view is that he was challenging and they "attacked" him by destroying his rep. He sees his posts as exposing their attack and he doesn't flag people.
I'm sure that with hindsight he wishes he'd stopped commenting to people that can't handle contradiction and cheekiness and realised how manipulative and vindictive people like that can become.
How is laughing at his situation helping?

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