Happy Caturday

in #caturday6 years ago (edited)

My entry for #caturday inspired by @dswigle.

Growing up on a farm there were always lots of cats and other animals roaming around the barnyard. As a child, I would always have one or two favorite kittens to play with and bring into the house...maybe one would sleep on my bed.

I feel my home always needs a cat or at least one animal in residence.

Pixabay Image

Although I live in the country, I keep my two cats, Red and Sunday, inside because of roaming coyotes and the road by the house. The road has a lot of traffic going by...over the speed limit. In past years, I lost quite a few outdoor cats.

Red was a wee kitten of three months and sickly when Hubster brought home the tiny fur ball from the Charlottetown Humane Society. He was a birthday present for me after my older cat had died. I had to give Red antibiotics every day with an eye dropper for a few weeks. He had a lot of stomach problems but finally grew into a healthy cat.

As a kitten he was a holy terror. When Red would be sick or get into mischief, I would tease Hubster,
“Red is the gift that keeps on giving!”

Red In Photos

Here he is on the window ledge.

Red’s favorite spot for his afternoon nap.💤

Cartoon I made of Red one Christmas.

Links to some of my posts:

The Memory Box

In the Blood

Thanks for stopping by @redheadpei.

Live...Laugh...Love... and Steem On


What a gorgeous cat - I just want to pat him! He certainly looks happy and healthy now :)

Thanks @andysantics. Red is in good shape now.

If they have ample water, cats can tolerate temperatures up to 133 °F.

When a cat drinks, its tongue - which has tiny barbs on it - scoops the liquid up backwards.

Thanks @catfacts for you cat info.

A cat's field of vision is about 200 degrees.

Fossil records from two million years ago show evidence of jaguars.

Abraham Lincoln loved cats. He had four of them while he lived in the White House.

A cat's whiskers are thought to be a kind of radar, which helps a cat gauge the space it intends to walk through.

In Russia, the red cat in the house is considered * to bring * wealth. (People's ). Your cat is just handsome! Chic!

Thank you Helena. Wealth would be nice. 😃

Everything will come true if you go purposefully!

I love cats. I have an orange tabby rescue who was also a terror as a kitten, but I think all kittens are like that. Cuddly one second, climbing up the walls the next. Fun post. :)

Thanks @katrina-Ariel. @helena-malaja (In above posts) says the orange cat is suppose to bring wealth.

Wow! Red is quite the handsome fellow! I had to laugh when I saw him on top of the curio, I have a cat that likes to get up on mine and he has the same type of coloring! ❤

Red is quite the character @deerjay. It is quite a jump from a still position. He leaps from the window ledge.
My other cat, Sunday, can jump up but is afraid to jump down.

I can just picture it!! Tiger jumps from the couch to the birdcage and then up onto the curio!! It's really funny to see him sitting up there! Cats are so amazing and entertaining sometimes too! = )

Thank you for making me laugh. What a crazy kat!!

Thanks @mineopoly. I thought I replied but must have been short bandthwidth. Always happy to make you laugh. 😊

What great photos! I'll have to check out #caturday. Mister Tom would love to participate!

Thanks @peggyhazelwood. yes you should put Mister Tom in the contest. Lots of fun!

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