HAPPY CATURDAY 1/19/19; Our Epic Kitty Cat Family.

in #caturday6 years ago (edited)

6 cats on the bed.jpg


Yay! It's everyone's favorite day of the week, Caturday!!! The day you show off to the whole Steemit community by bombarding everyone with the cutest most funniest pics of all your kitties. Adult movies are for adults, the kitty porn is for the kids. And lots of us here are big fans of kitty porn. Posting naked pictures of your furry little feline friends is still cool!

I know I'm a little late today getting my Caturday blog up but it is harder then you think trying to run around the house taking pics of all our cats. Some of you reading this already know my cats from all the cat pics I've posted thus far. If not then well let me refresh your memory! To start off, the above pic is 6 of our 7 kitties, from front to back: Owen, Ezra, Freya, Zeus, Loki, and that's Oscar on the chair rolling around in the upper left hand corner. I wasn't able to get another epic picture of all 7 of our kitties in one cuddle puddle like I have done in the past this week. But I'll be happy with a picture of six. Stella is missing in this pic because she is in her own hiding spot distancing herself from Zeus. I'm afraid as long as Zeus and Stella are having issues getting a picture of all 7 of them again might be even harder now then before.


Alright to start off, since she didn't make it in the above intro picture, here is Stella. Stella might as well be the Queen of Sheba. She is such a lover! She hugs, she cuddles, she loves attention and loves to play. Stella's full name is Stella Isabella Burpa Cola (bonus points if you know the reference). I feel we got real lucky wit Stella. She really is a beautiful cat. She has perfect markings.


Stella's baby picture.
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This is Freya, our little Siamese kitten. Freya's full name is, Freya Ephina Daphne Darunia. And like Stella, Freya is another alpha female. She doesn't take shit from any of the other cats. When she gets out into the other part of the house she will start fights with Grandma's cats. Besides that Freya is a big lover and loves to use you for furniture. Your body is her couch (and pin cushion).

In case you missed last weeks Caturday post, here is Freya with her baby bubba Zeus...

Here is an old black and white shoot of Freya I made last year for @monocat...


Amazingly enough, I don't have a long ridiculous name for Loki. He's just Loki. Loki is a big Mamma's Boy. He loves Bridget! After we found out we were pregnant last year, Loki would always love up and cuddle with Bridget giving her all the love he could give her. He's not a big fat fluff ball like Oscar and Owen. Instead he's just a regular normal sized fluff ball.


Zeus is the baby. He is a week younger then the rest of the kitties. I think I've featured him mostly out of all of my cat posts I make. Well he is the cutest most loving special kitty there is. When he's not being mean to Stella that is. Zeus's full name is: Zeus, Little Boops, Son of Her Lioness. And if I can ever get a decent picture of the mamma cats I can feature the little Russian Blue Mamma cat that is his Mom (that I guess is now named "Her Lioness" LOL).

Zeus is a whiner. He will whine at the door till one of us lets him out so he can come out into the other part of the house just to get attention. He loves to roll around on the floor and look cute too. That's what he does... Like most other cats LOL.

Zeus's baby picture.
Baby Zeus.jpg

Here is an old blog featuring Zeus...


Oscar is one of our twin fluff balls. When I say fluff ball, I mean FAT fluff ball. He look like he's twice the size now of his brother Owen whom I will feature next. In fact, I think Oscar is so big now that it is safe to say that he is now just a "Fat Fuck." Oscar loves to talk. He is very vocal. Unlike Owen who rarely makes a peep.

I mean look at him! Oscar and all his glory LOL...

Besides being the fattest of all the kitties, Oscar really is a love ball. He loves to cuddle and his fur is so soft it is hard to resist using his fat ass for a pillow. Why not? He uses us for furniture so...

Here is Oscar with his twin brother Owen.


You are probably wondering how I tell Oscar and Owen apart. Well in this picture you can see that on his right front paw where his fur was shaved a few months ago when Owen was in the hospital. Plus, Owen doesn't have the white fur growing out his ears like Oscar does. Plus, due to being hospitalized, Owen has been put on the Catkins diet so if anything he has lost weight meanwhile his toxic twin brother Oscar has become a big fat blimp.

You can read all about Owen's story here...


And now for our cute skinny little black panther, Ezra. Here he is with Loki, Owen, Freya, and Zeus on the bed.

Ezra's full name is: Ezra, Ebeneezer, Sneezer, Bagera, Skinny Boy, and a bunch of other goofy shit I can't think of off the top of my head at the moment LOL. Here he is posing like a badass with Freya...

Here is just being his cute little handsome black self.

Ezra is actually a little stealth monster. He is so quiet! He isn't a talker at all. His loud purring is all you ever hear out of him. He is also good at sneaking around. For example you will never hear him when he darts between your legs out of the bedroom when you open the door to leave the room. Then I have to chase all through out the house to catch him to put him back with the others. He is stealth like that.


Then there is Bridget's cat Ollie. He is our big orange tabby fluff ball. He is big as in big NOT fat like Oscar. He is 16 pounds of pure muscle. He is about the size of a Savannah.

Ollie's brother Fitz passed away a few days before we found all seven of our kittens back in July of 2017. You can read about Fitz's story here...

Here is he is cuddling with Ezra.
ollie and ezra.jpg

When we get all moved into our house Ollie will be coming with us. So when that time comes you can bet Ollie will be featured more.



In the past I have featured other kitties that we have living around the house. This is Missy, our little Siamese garden kitty that lives in the back in grandma's shop that leads out to the garden. In fact, I believe Missy is Freya's older sister from a different litter in the past.

Missy likes to get on the roof too...


Other then that I've featured one of Grandma's cats, Casey, once. He is indoor outdoors but doesn't mingle at all with ANY of the kitties. When he is inside, Ollie chases him around a lot. When he is outside he always distances himself from all the other outside feral cats.

Well that's it, our epic kitty cat family! Eventually I do plan on getting pics of the feral mamma cats but it is very hard too when they won't let you get close enough to them to get a decent picture. Or else I would of featured them already so you all will know which Mamma is who to which kittens.

There are several other outside ferral cats besides the Mamma cats but most of them don't even have names. In fact, two of the Mamma cats don't have names. Which is why she is named "Her Lioness" since I gave Zeus his name featuring her LOL. Eventually one day I do hope to one day post pics of them.

Thanks for looking and have an epic happy caturday!!!

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Awesome pictures! A couple of them give a whole new meaning to the words 'cat pile' lol! Thanks for sharing! :)

What a great lookin bunch of Furrkits You have there. The Purrfect amount also.

We have a total of 8. Six are stay at homes & The 2 KrazzyTrukker Kitties that travel the country with Me. Also the "Black Cloud 5, Now 4, The outdoors ferals that we adopted. So 12 total here.

I will go back on here and read more about yours on your links. Thanks.!

Posted using Partiko Android

Awesome pictures! A couple of them give a whole new meaning to the words 'cat pile' lol! Thanks for sharing! :)

Thanks Elizabeth!

Boy what an awesome cat family. Glad they mostly get along with each other.

Thanks Mike! It was harder than you think trying to get decent pics yesterday to make this post. That's why I started using old pics and links to past kitty blogs to make it easier.

Best time is when they are sleeping. :-)

Love them all so much! When we move out to our homestead more cats will defintely be one of the first things to happen

Thanks Crypticat!

Black Kittens Matter!

Cool to see (almost) the whole brood together like that... seems they get along pretty well!

Happy Caturday!

Thanks Curator Cat!

Oh wow....nice to meet your entire kitty family. Your house is a kitty paradise. They are all looking cute and cuddly. Keep taking good care of those fur babies 👍😁

Posted using Partiko Android

So many cats in one house! I don’t know how you manage the traffic jam inside the house! Try not to trip over the cats!
I used to trip on my cats and kicked them while walking! They just came charging into my path! Amazing cats!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Every now and then we trip over a cat. Or step on one LOL.

Awww, I knew you had several cats but I didn't know there were that many! They're all so sweet, it's awesome that they get along! That one of Ezra and Ollie together, Ezra looks like, "You caught us!!" :)

Thanks wren! Eventually I do plan on featuring the mamma cats in a post. Our main 7 kittens came from 3 of the outside feral females.

Haaaa..... A Big Pile of S.H.I.T (Super Happy Irresistable Treasures)

Love it, wish we could save them all.

Posted using Partiko Android

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