Things I Used To Do: #FighourtivelySpeaking

in #catharseries7 years ago

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Coming from my super successful entry last week regarding my travel tweets, I decided to ride its coattails and follow it up with another TBT (as the kids say) of another Twitter series I did a while back. To jumpstart my creativity, I am recalling my past effort and using them as inspiration for new content. I live in a world where oversaturation is non-existent, so let's do this.


As you may have surmised, it was entitled Fighourtively Speaking, and it was indeed that--a series of hourly tweets that make up a complete story just by using metaphors. I know, crazy, right? But, I really did this. 24 hours, straight. Sure, they were all scheduled, but still. This kind of experimental storytelling made Twitter all the more interesting for me.

I wanted to write about this during its anniversary, but I had forgotten all about it and have only recalled it when browsing through my tweets for last week's entry. Now that I have remembered it, yes I thought about making something similar for Steemit, but I would have to retool to make it more worthy of STEEM. Posting the same entries as it is would be cheating, I feel, as they're all catered for the 140-character crowd. Instead, I'll just paste all of the entries here :O WOW! What a bargain! You're welcome, people.

But, wait...

Before I get to posting, I'll give you some time to get your popcorn, go to the comfort room and then grab your drinks (after washing your hands, of course). I call it a series because it's 24 posts that make up the story, but really though, it's really just this one issue. There were supposed to be follow-ups, but plans got scratched on account of me quitting Twitter suddenly.

As much as I want to explain the backstory for this (and you know I do), I'm going to let the story do the talking. Just some brief notes: this was published on June 14, 2014, for every hour of that day. Because some of the photos required going to imgur, I'm going to be posting them directly here instead.

So, without further ado...

I bid you adieu.
Nah, I'm just kidding ;) Enjoy the story!

This is a stick figure. Let's call him "Fig." Fig has a story.

Fig wears many masks so that others can see him better.

Whenever it's winter, Fig does not even wear a sweater

Fig neither has muscles nor is as tall as a tree.

But he moves like a butterfly and stings like a bee.

Fig is a workhorse, but sometimes he could be a sloth.

But he makes up for lost time more often than not.

Fig has millions of friends but prefers to be alone.

He gets to talk to all of them everyday even though he has no phone.

Fig is a person of limitless fame.

Even though none of his friends can even remember his name. :(

Nobody knows it, but Fig has a secret.

Fig can shoot lasers, if he so chooses it.

There were a few other tweets in between, but I just wanted to highlight this one:

If you haven't noticed, #FighourtivelySpeaking is a poem. Just wanted to throw it out there.

Fig can fly, or at least leap a building in a single bound.

He can run faster than twice the speed of sound.

"ZOOM!" he would go, but no one would hear.

"#FighourtivelySpeaking is a gripping tale you couldn't get enough of," said no critic ever.

He can sense it whenever danger is near.

Ask Fig anything, he'll tell you the answer.

After he solves world hunger, he'll set his sights on cancer

Fig fights fire with fists of fury.

Achievement for Alliteration!

Fig is executioner, judge and jury.

"The Most Interesting Man in the World," if only people took notice.

The most interesting sketch comic you will never read: #FighourtivelySpeaking. First issue ends in a few hours.

He does all of these and more, without a face because the simple fact is..

Fig is everyone. Fig is you. Fig is me. If it's not yet evident .. everyone has a story.

A sincere thank you to everyone who has read #FighourtivelySpeaking to the very end. If I could give you a hug, I would.

This wraps up the first issue of #FighourtivelySpeaking. Thank you again to everyone who has read it, shared it or message me.

Simile ?, Metaphor ?, Personification ?, Hyperbole ?, Symbolism ?, Alliteration ?, Onomatopoeia ?, Idiom ? I'd say it's mission accomplished

As it turns out, #FighourtivelySpeaking was also a #catharseries for me 3 years ago. It led me to finish my first ever novel (yes, the one I'm finishing re-editing now), so I hope that re-reading this would help me finish my 3rd one. Oh, the number 3, so ubiquitous. Anyway, I'm glad to dust that off the old archives. The wheels are turning and a STEEM-powered return of this kind of storytelling might be on the way. I had been waiting for a #BringFigBack movement back then, but that didn't pan out. Posting every hour would take a real toll in the SP, so I would need to rethink how I could go about it.

Whew! Well that was jam-packed! I didn't include all of the side tweets or else this post would really be stretched. How was it? Did you enjoy it? Did you think it sucked? Do you think this "Things I Used To Do" series would be something that I used to do in the future? Let me know in the comments section! :D

Got a spare witness vote?

Vote for lukestokes.mhth! You won't regret it ;)


I tell you now, bro. I love "Fig"! This goes to show that you've always held that creative spark within you. I still can't believe you put it together every hour of that day. By the end, you must have been real tired!

Great little skit, my bro. Who knows? Maybe Fig is an upcoming character with a whole world of story in front of him for us to learn about. Looking forward to your new novel, man. The return of the mighty @jedau cometh! :)

I actually prepared three ahead so that I could get some rest. By the time I was posting the half of it I was almost done haha I used scheduled post to keep up with the schedule.

Trying to learn from you, brother. So, I'm taking baby steps and publishing shortform stories to tide me over while my writer's block weighs heavy. I have one coming out this week, which is awesome since it coincides with yours :D

Thanks for stopping by, my bro! I appreciate your kind words :D

Yes, my bro! That's formula seems to work very well. Short stories provide a good workout for creativity too. Who knows what huge expansions can be made upon them, right? I hope you keep pushing and look forward to your next big project! :)

Haha yeah, we'll see. I'm hopeful that it'll tide me over, I just wish it won't ultimately drain the creative juices haha I appreciate the encouragement, my bro! It really means a lot to me :D

Very cool. I can see how you used the twitter restrictions for creative benefit. I hadn't even given consideration to adding images to get a story moving along like that. And an image tells a 1000 words. Even an image of Fig. The man of the hour :)

Haha I'm glad you noticed it, mate! I remember just being bored at that time and wanting to create something fresh. I could've just gone with the metaphor story, but I think it wouldn't have had the same effect without the pictures. Admittedly, they're not very good, but it's not something you get to see everyday on that platform.

The man of the hour! Ha! I see what you did there, mate ;) Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I appreciate it :D

It tells a lot in only a few words. It's definitely creative. And without the pictures it wouldn't have been the same, you're right. I like it for it's out of left field approach to tackling the Twitter boundaries. That is all part of being as creative as possible. Utilising what is available to you at the time.

Coming from someone whose creativity I admire, that means a lot! I know I say that about your writing as well, but it's really the way I feel :D I try to beat the boundaries by staying in my lane and playing by the rules. I'm glad someone took notice of that accomplishment. It definitely did spark some conversations when I posted it back then, but it was only limited to 140-characters (a boundary that I've just crossed haha)

That randowhale was supposed to be for your whole post. My copy/paste when wrong somewhere, lol. Glad it went to you and not me though :)

HAHAHA! It's well-received all the same! I had thought that they restricted voting on comments a while back though. I appreciate it doubly, mate! It has the same earning I think! It's funny how it's the same percentage hahaha!

I loved the Fig drawings, love it when stick figures can be made so cute and expressive XD I thought it was pretty cool :)

Coming from an artist, that's a huge compliment! Stick figures are awesome, aren't they? I really like how they're expressive even though they don't have a face. Some of them do yeah, but for those who don't it's just so great. I'm glad it translated well! Thanks for stopping by, my friend! I appreciate it :D

I think it's not the level of detail you can whack into something that makes an artist, it's how expressive you can make something as basic as a gesture drawing or a stick figure, and how much you can evoke some kind of feeling/response in an audience. And writers are artists so there XD

You did do a good job :)

Haha! Good point! As I always say whenever I take pictures, "all it takes is emotion." People often say that it's just my excuse for pragmatic photography or my lack of equipment and knowledge, but really though, it really is all about the emotion you put in to it. I really believe in that sort of transference, that's why I inject my soul to everything I create.

Someone could draw the most detailed realistic piece of art you will ever see or take the most perfectly composed photo but if it's dead then it's still going to be dead no matter how technically perfect it is XD

Too true! Really though, I think a host of different factors are involved as well. Sometimes, something that's not so great done by someone regarded highly is accepted more widely than something done by someone with lesser renown.

I enjoyed the story Twitter is a great format for pushing forward a serious like that especially with the comic book style. Ironically I've been working on a poem today that includes some mention of stick figures. I hope to post it soon it is titled the Museum of childhood memories.

Oh what an awesome coincidence! I'll be sure to check it out in the morning. This is one of my initiatives to practice minimalism, so I'm glad it translated well. I appreciate you taking the time to comment and I'm so happy that you enjoyed it! Thank you, man :D

I like it, I would say Bring Fig Back! That hourly schedule does seem a bit much-- daily, for 24 days sounds ambitious too, so I dunno how you would bring Fig here, but it's a good idea. Thx for sharing what you used to do!

Thanks, man! I appreciate the compliment and for you taking the time to stop by :D I'm glad you feel that Fig deserves a return, but he really needs to evolve if he wants to get in on the STEEM action here. There are several ideas swirling around my head, which involves mixed media and the community involvement. Everything's fluid, but one thing I'm sure of is that I really want to spread the love around. Everyone receives an incentive be it financially and/or exposure. I really need to snap out of this Writer's Block, it's draining my creativity haha!

There must be a way to get Fig into the Steemit action, such a versatile character-- I've seen Fig's relatives playing 'hangman' with fearless bravado, plus a rather lucrative career in modeling for handicap and crosswalk signs-- a busy little cluster of sticks he is!

Funny you should mention hangman haha! The second chapter actually deals with him liberating his fellow stickmen from the gallows. But, I didn't get the chance to finish it. I think I got as far as 18 parts of that. He is a model citizen, for sure! No matter how he gets in on Steemit, rest assured I'll include your involvement along with @dreemit and the others :D

I'm glad you're familiar with 'hangman', I wasn't sure how I would explain that game if you had asked! That's cool that Fig has taken a stand against such stick oppression, he becomes more heroic each frame!

Way before I even had a gameboy, I used to have a hangman handheld game. I was so obsessed with it, that I memorized the words and figured out the pattern until I could guess the word with only one or two mistakes haha! I couldn't imagine how one would explain it either to someone who doesn't know it. Maybe, "you inch closer to death with every wrong letter, basically fascism, but you're given a number of tries before you're executed."

Fascism! That's about right-- by the time we figure out the patterns, we've been hung hundreds of times!

That's right! Thank the universe we don't live like those unfortunate stick figures!

I am both in awe and terrified of your prescience!!

In the fists of fury one can you see it? Can you see it????

You drew the steemit logo!! In orange granted but it is there! It is a sign!!

These are really cool dude. You should give the old stick figure animation a try!! I really like your things I used to do series. Such an inventive chap although we knew that already!!

I can feel it!! I feed off awe and terror!! Yes! Everyone redirect it towards me to satiate my hunger!

It was intended no, it wasn't and I think if you ask the powers-that-be where they got the idea for the logo, they would link you to the very same tweet you're referring to no, they won't bwahahaha!

OHHH!!! I just remembered! This was the one I mentioned to you way back when you first did your stick figure animation. Do you remember!? I mean, do you remember?? I told you I dabbled with stick figures some time ago, and this was it haha! Boomdawg meet Fig, Fig meet Boomshakalaka.

I really like your things I used to do series

Not as much as I like the potential for your Uncle Boom series! Coincidentally, both happen on Thursdays! Haha! :O Shall we trade? ;)

Haha, perhaps one week we should trade! Let us establish ourselves first so that our audiences shall be taken aback at our wondrous changeover!

I do remember you said that!!! Ah it's a pleasure for my memory to actually Tue IN with reality :0)

Your second paragraph was tres amusing. I love the use of the sub tag!!

Haha! Alright then! That's a wonderful idea!

I didn't realize the sub was that big. Maybe I should've used the sup tag to differentiate my thought from what I was saying haha!

Good lord I think I wrote my last reply in a hurry. I was out last night. Tue in indeed.

Subs are always good for a Google, who knows what a sup could lead to?

Sup puts characters as an exponent haha! OR y'know, if you want to ask someone how they're doing. Sup?

Yes indeed, Iam quite familiar with the second!

I just flashbacked to a time in my life where I used to talk like that. Sup. Ayt. Holla at yo boy. Haha! Oh, the days of my youth. How you've come and gone.

Lovely bro. I can only say that this is the peak of the creativity. I really enjoyed the stick figure and the story associated with each frame. It is too good and funny at the same time.

Thank you for the compliment! I appreciate it :D I'm glad you enjoyed it. Since I'm not an artist, I could only do so much. This was from a few years ago, but my skill as an artist never really improved since then. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment :D

But still you are good at it, you can use adobe flash for creating animated stick figures.

I was a big flash user back then, but now that it's being phased out, I don't feel like I should devote my time to it. I have made several animation on it though.

I'm not sure I can give this justice in a comment right now. Feeling a bit icky and my head is filled with cotton, or maybe not something quite as pleasant but definitely as thought prohibitive.

I did notice it was a poem, lol. And I love, well the whole thing, but definitely the way you wrapped it up :)

No worries! Feel free to take your time with it. The most important thing right now is that you get back to 100% The post will be waiting for you when you get back :D Even in your haze, you noticed it was a poem. That's definitely a good sign! :D

Nice creativity

Thank you for the compliment, I appreciate it! I hope you enjoyed reading :D

Meeeeeee feels so appreciated. Thanks!

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