Things I Used To Do: #TravelTweets

in #catharseries8 years ago (edited)

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For the first installment of Things I Used To Do, I want to ease into it by jumping into the not-so distant past. Let's warp back in time, back to the heyday of the social media platform that has come to be known as...

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Yes, that's right. You could be forgiven if you threw up in your mouth a little bit or if you went into a nostalgic trance for a couple of minutes. Take your time. Breathe. Relax. We'll wait for you.

You good? Cool. Cool, cool, cool. Let's proceed.

Now, I know a lot of you may have used Twitter before. Heck, some of you still use it alongside our beloved Steemit. It's cool, no judgement here. But, have you ever had hundreds of different strangers follow you and await your every word? I mean, really listen and reply to every one of your tweets. Oh, you have? Well, uh, cool then. I just though, you know ... I just thought. Yeah, nevermind. Here I keep thinking I was some sort of small Twitter celebrity, when all of it was just some distilled version of Steemit.

Yes, you heard that right. I used to use Twitter. * gasps * I know, right? Shocking.

Years before Steemit, I had carved a niche on that social media platform. I may have over-exaggerated a bit about my celebrity status, but I was part of a small writer's tribe there. Some people were more greedy than others, so it all fell apart. I think. I don't know. I just left and I was a lone wolf again when I returned. The truth is, it was even way harder to get noticed there than on Steemit. Maybe because of the size of the platform, and maybe Steemit will be exactly like Twitter when more users sign up. I mean, all the signs point to it being the trajectory. In any case, this isn't a discussion about the similarities between Steemit and Twitter.

Cool Origin Story, Bro

I signed up for Twitter one fateful day in 2011 because I was fed up with my officemates regularly demanding me to sign up to a social network. At that time, I didn't have a Facebook account, and people craved (yes, that's the word I'm going with) my online presence. I mean, why wouldn't they, right?

I didn't see Facebook as anything more than, I don't know, Friendster, I guess, back then, and I didn't want to be stuck in that sort of social media black hole. So, I turned to Twitter, and everyone flocked there to join me. Naturally. That, or some of them already had Twitter accounts, but I digress.

I became fascinated about the 140 character limit. As you know, I'm not fond of posting short posts, so that was definitely a challenge. The posts were easily digestible, and there was a certain amount of escapism involved. From a background of writing lengthy posts, I knew I had to get creative to get my point across. So, that's what I did.

To fuel my creative hunger, I tried to be innovative with my posts, which eventually drew in a number of strangers to my account. Mind you, this was my first modern social media account, so interacting with complete strangers was a new experience. In no time, I had more followers than any of my friends that had accounts before me.

I tried to be witty, I tried to be funny, I tried to be a volume louder than what I am in real life. Twitter allowed me to reconnect with people I haven't spoken to in years, and it gave them an avenue to ask my why I don't have a Facebook account. I shrugged off their queries and continued to grow my audience.

It became a sort of obsession, much like how Steemit is to many people. When I decided to write my first novel, I decided that it would be a good avenue to market myself and be noticed, so I took it more seriously. I added pictures to posts, started chaining tweets and even started creating micropoetry and flash fiction, in the strictest sense of the terms. My efforts have resulted into several sales. But, those are stories for a different time. For now, I want to focus on a specific aspect of my Twitter life...


Back when I was working in the corporate world, I always used to commute going to work. Whether by bus, train, jeepney or car, commuting was part of my daily grind. To pass my time, I used Twitter as a means of escape. I had a Blackberry, so the internet was way cheaper with the data plan. Tweeting wasn't really data-intensive, so I was able to send and read tweets as fast as I could read text messages. I guess it became part of the selling point of Twitter.

I hated going to work, so much that I was constantly late. But, those are stories for a different time. In protest, I created a short story which I entitled #ChroniclesOfABedUnmade, in honor of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Chronicles of a Death Foretold. I was dying inside, you see, and I wanted needed an outlet before the stress would break me. At that time, I had put writing at the back of my mind, so it was just me goofing off.

It was sort of a poetic love story between me and my bed, and how I longed for its embrace. My job yanked me away from it, but I spent every waking moment dreaming about being in each other's arms once again. I spent the whole day periodically tweeting a passage, and ending an installment with our reunion. Sometimes I didn't come home, and there would inevitably be drama between me and my queen. I refer to her as a queen because my bed is literally a queen-sized bed. I know I'm weird, but I haven't gone completely off the rails.

Surprisingly, what I intended as a creative online journal elicited a few reactions. Sure, it didn't take off as a viral series, but I never intended it to be anything but an outlet. It gave my friends and officemates quite a few chuckles, and it gave me something to think about. This whole writing thing ... I must've been onto something there.

Here are a few excerpts from this series:


Okay, I may have exaggerated a bit about the reactions. Looking at them, I couldn't see any replies, but I distinctly remember it being discussed extensively on our team's Skype chat. 'Member Skype? Yeah, good times.

Speaking of commuting, there were other times when I switched it up and wrote about stuff I thought of while I was riding the bus. Upon reviewing the tweets, the aptly titled #busChronicles seemed to go on for far longer. Probably because of the traffic. Or, was I, in fact, more inspired by my journeys on buses. Aghast! In any case, I challenged myself to write a complete story before I alighted, so this was what I came up with.

It's too long to take a screenshot of it, so instead I'll just paste an unedited compilation of an entry here:

as i sat there trying to admire the view that refused to form into a coherent image, i couldn't help but drift off to dreams.
without a care i jetted through, with companion in tow, to a land of false hope and broken promises, fatigued and all.
bright lights and screams of success only masked the truth of darkness, loss and disappointment. a cover like no other, impressive.
"the house always wins," the sign did read, a challenge willingly accepted by the bold and the many. jitters started to creep in.
could the implied message be right? did we not have the gusto to outmatch this beast of a place. i wondered, as i clinched my provisions.
"smile," the lady did say, as we made our way towards the hole only few came out with smile intact. the lucky few, were we one of them?
i cased the place, with eyes that would make eagles blush. nothing like the real thing. no amount of novice preparation could prepare me
my companion, on the other hand, cut through the floor like knife through bread, with a degree of elegance rivaling that of rain on glass.
eager to begin, i sat clueless and helpless, knowing all the while every possible outcome. my hands trembled, as if it was afraid.
looking around i saw smoke but could not catch the smell of it. the air was filled with a feint aroma of pine. such dirty tactics.
oh luck, you test me, as if you are a familiar friend. you had no right to abandon me but then again i seldomly have you. cruel.
the floor was littered with the dreams of those who came before, puzzling how they seem to never leave this beast of a place, shattered.
i was not one of them, i couldnt be. i did not sacrifice lying on top of my mistress, in sleep, just to be one of them. no. not an option.
the night windled and my confidence grew. i just had my filling of the best that cajun cuisine can offer. i was ready. i was focused.
i through (sic) myself in, a man possessed, not unlike men whobare everything for women they admired. this beast would not take my soul, a promise
i clashed and it bit back. now i see the fangs it carefully hid. it drew blood and i was reeling but i wont let this get to me.
i rolled with the punches, i even landed a few good ones of my own. nerves creeped in and suddenly a stop! i was left dumbfounded.
i had arrived in my destination, i had to wake from this dream that this bus has lured me into. i had to face reality now, looking at the
past with only fondness. was it a dream? was it a dream, though? #buschronicles

It wasn't. Based on the timestamp, I remember this as the time a friend and I went to a casino instead of retiring to bed. We won a lot of money, but our greed forced us to yield to the house. Oh cruel fate.

Here's another one, but with a more poetic feel to it:

with friends in tow, homeward bound, we merrily sang along with the vessel's sound. #busChronicles
unaware of the ruckus we caused, tiny breaths of air are the only reasons why we paused. #busChronicles
friendships we lost and then rekindled, feels more and more precious as the night dwindled. #busChronicles
our paths have forked and now we must part, looking forward to the morrow's brand new start :D #busChronicles

Apparently, the 140 character limit was too much that I was able to include the hashtag to every tweet. For the life of me, I couldn't remember what happened that night. Must be an event where I reconnected with old friends, though I can't be sure. If only I had pictures, or if the other people had more detailed posts about it. If only I have Face... Oh. Right.

Here's one that elicited quite a few responses:

alone i sit, in a crowded vessel full of people. i feel more alone than when i truly was. sadness, my friend, i knew you couldnt resist me..
lights run past and im left alone to ponder, what happened to the bus filled with wonder? nameless faces, faceless names theyre all the same
not long ago, i found a part of me i didnt know i was missing. i pour my heart out to the backs of wretched seats but theyre not listening..
what was this part of me? i simply didnt know and so confusion engulfed me but i saw the light. this was the part of me who held my might..
during tough times this part was like my rock, my foundation, my winter heat. i realized then, this part made me complete..
i was not full but now i am left not wanting. this was happiness. i wish this feeling would stay but sadly this part of me has to go away..
this was not my choice yet i knew this from the start.. even if this part of me will go away it will always have a place in my heart..
the bus reaches a halt, time to fill the wounds left with salt. oh what sensation. come sadness we're here at our destination #busChronicles

Angsty, angsty, angsty. I remember this was the point where I wanted out of my first job, but I was tied to a two-year contract. Eventually, I created a startup that was acquired by a different startup which offered to buyout my contract. But, that's a story for a different post.

There were quite a few others, but I don't want to put everything here because it would make this post too lengthy. Also, since I'm happily engaged now, I don't feel comfortable posting stories about other women.

Speaking of my fiancée, I wrote my final travel tweet series when we were already in a relationship. It's actually something that I have posted on here before. You can check it out here. It was a series completely written while I was driving. Yes, I know, I know. I would just like to reiterate that it was wrong and dangerous. So please, don't use your mobile device while driving. Comprender?

En conclusio...

I decided to post this to remind myself (and everyone reading) that inspiration can come from anywhere and in any form. Write anything that comes up however silly it may be at the time. Who knows, with a little refinement, it may turn out to be a gem! If you often read during your travel, then you could use that time to write up ideas as well. Look at your surroundings and use them as inspiration. But, for the love of all that is good and holy, please only do those things when you're sitting anywhere but the driver's seat. Now, get to stepping!


After reading this post, I understand why you had issues with 140 word limit. If you hadn't found a cheat (# continue topic) I am sure your twitter life would have been short lived.
I think we all have a love affair with our bed... and our big comfy duvet that you could lose yourself in. .. hold on, I am having a moment here.


#DadviewnDuvet is something I would totally get into! If history is to be believed, another DnD story might be poised to become popular. Are we seeing the makings of an ongoing series of posts!? :O

Take your time in answering, I won't rush you. Go and have your moment. I'll wait.

Thanks for dropping by, man. I appreciate it! :D

A beautiful post and insight into the humble beginnings of an inspired author. Twitter is a very divisive app at the best of times but the stories you formulated from even a 140 character limitation, deserves a round of applause in itself.

Your life is a jigsaw of intrigue and discovery. It's awesome we get to learn more about it through these great series you come up with. I have to use Twitter as part of my job (currency trading, latest stats, news, etc) but otherwise it can end up being the biggest waste of time out there. Oh well, technology and it's unwieldy side effects.

Fantastic post, my bro! :)

Divisive is right. There's really no consensus regarding its reception. Now that it's on a sharp decline, it remains to be seen how essential it had been.

Oh wow! I didn't know that about you, bro! I knew you were interested in trading, but I didn't know that it was your job job. Why aren't you posting about it?? That's so awesome! A jigsaw of intrigue and discovery indeed, even the comments section! I wouldn't have known that about you if you hadn't informed me about it.

Lol, maybe I should post a little more about my life, but trading can be so mundane at the best of times. Steemit is where my real passion lies and hence has allowed me an outlet to do what I love best.

Write! :)

What are you talking about haha! All the trading posts on here make a lot. Well, pales in comparison to what you make with your fiction. But, it could supplement your posts during down days when you don't have a new fiction post up haha

Lol, that's got me thinking! I'll most likely be branching off into other area's soon when it comes to my posts. That's just a natural progression when you're a blogger and suppose.

So yeah, I'll defo give it some thought! Thank you, my brother! :)

That's great to hear! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with, brother! :D

I was drawn to your blog by the comment you left on one of my posts, it was well phrased and showed a great understanding of the writing process.

So now I am enjoying your blog and following you.

As to the subject of your post I do have a Twitter account but I seldom use it, it feels like I'm just sending words off and outer space. I did once enter flash fiction contest where the story was presented in cereal form as 12 consecutive tweets. I didn't win but I did like the process.

That's awesome! For me, I was led to your profile because of your comments in @naquoya's work. It's always great to stumble upon like-minded individuals. I always make it a point to leave thoughtful comments for people who do the same. Looking forward to our interactions moving forward :D

It does feel like sending words off to outer space, doesn't it? As a longform writer, flash fiction always presents a grand challenge for me. Wow! That contest sounds so interesting. I guess the experience you came away with may have been the bigger prize after all.

I did that thing where I audibly exhale through my nose in a staccato rhythm. Does that count as laughing?
Also, if you want to double dip on a hashtag, you could talk about cheap beer with Busch Chronicles.

Busch Chronicles? I can't say I'm all-too familiar.

Was the exhaling less than a second apart? If it is, then yes. I will count that as laughing. Too bad it didn't go through a luscious beard, but oh well...

Ahaha! Unfortunately, that's not sold here :P

Sorry dude! I thought I had checked out your blog and had missed this!

You were a celebrity man! I really liked the bed unmade tweets there. You are absolutely right of course about writing. Write anywhere and everywhere, even one liners that remind you to flesh it out later. Write write and write and it gets better without even trying. Well with all that writing lol! And yes, writing whilst driving might be a big nono! Did you really? How the feck?

I like the lone wolf thing. I used to read a series of fantasy choose your own adventure books when I was a teen that was the lone wolf series or something. They were awesome. They seemed gritty and dark at the time which is what I loved about them. They would probably be pap now :O)

No worries, dude! I don't want to say "no harm done" because I think some microscopic bacteria aren't here with us from the time you didn't notice this. They will never be forgotten.

It seems I was a writer even before I considered myself one. Really though, I was just fooling around, then it just developed over time. Ever since then, I've kept notes everywhere--from restaurant napkins to receipts to old newspapers. Especially the receipts haha! I have written full draft ideas in them haha!

I ... did. Yes, I hang my head in shame. Driving laws were pretty lax here. I drive an automatic, so my right hand was free to do anything. Instead of doing naughty stuff, I decided to preoccupy it by tweeting haha!

Oh, dude, choose your own adventure stories are the best! They're so criminally underrated, maybe that's why we unintentionally did one in your comments section a while back haha! Thanks for catching up with this, dude! Most especially for the @randowhale vote! That's huge! I had forgotten to do it for myself haha :D

You know I hesitated before the randowhale thing cos I know that some folk are turning against the idea. I have always liked it though, particularly for the kind of post that isn't your own but you want to give that bit more too!!

Hehe, I have an android app called writer which is actually a reasonable note taking app. So I jot things down all the time too!

People are turning against the idea of randowhale and its merry men? Really? Wow, I didn't know that. What's the cause of it? They're doing a really great service without really hurting anybody.

Personally I use Google Keep haha! I used a third-party app some time before but the cloud syncing gets screwy sometimes. Haven't had any problems with Keep. Syncs in an instant!

I use Google keep too!! I've wore them first in this so because it supports markdown and I can see the results!

Ach you know what people are like, they turn against everything in the end!!

Are we sure we're using Google Keep, or is it, in fact....using us!?

I have always deeply suspected that we are but tools to the great google machine!

Allow me to lay all your suspicions to rest, Boomdawg.
We are but cogs to the great machine! GASP! :O

I have never used Twitter XD

I signed up for Twitter one faithful day in 2011


I was fed up with my officemates regularly demanding me to sign up to a social network

Yeh I can relate. I had several friends begging me to join Livejournal "just to read my friends-only posts". I didn't see the point of blogging back then (this was before blogging was cool and primarily consisted of online journals) so had been resisting. Then another friend emailed me an invite code for if I felt like joining up to read his friends-only posts. Well I did that for him (but I had time at the time, anyone would be much harder pressed to get me onto anything new now XD). A long while after that I joined Facebook to see what it was all about and then scurried away when I had enough of them XP

It was a series completely written while I was driving. Yes, I know, I know. I would just like to reiterate that it was wrong and dangerous.


Well least you survived and you will never do it again right? RIGHT?! [meaningful glare]

Does remind me of a friend who once posted a photo of some awesome landscape they were driving by. They were the ones doing the driving ad when they blogged about it they captioned the photo "SO DANGEROUS! NOT RECOMMENDED!" or something to that effect.

That love affair with your bed was hilarious XD Looks like you came up with some interesting stuff with bus chronicles as well. And good job for managing "the writing thing" on Twitter. I actually find shorts really difficult to work and Twitter's pathetic character limit would have ended me XD

amusing unrelated aside: this took me nearly an hour to write because for whatever reason it's insanely chaotic around here today so there was constant interruptions XD

I have never used Twitter XD

WHAT!? Go try it now! It would benefit you in terms of exposure, mate.


That's ... That's what I wrote :/ Thanks for spotting that!

Haha I remember LiveJournal. I never signed up for it as well. I've only read that people would be hard-pressed to convince you to join anything new, so I won't push Twitter further haha! I have quit a few years back, so I don't really feel I'm an effective advocate.


Right ಠ-ಠ

When I wasn't tied down, I was a real daredevil back then. Parkouring anywhere, eating anything haha Good times. Scary when you look back at them. But, good times nonetheless.

It was really a challenge crafting a series on Twitter. As you already know from my posts and comments, I prefer longform in terms of writing, so flash fiction was a big success on my end. Definitely interesting, for sure. It was like the Spirit of Creativity possessed my fingers back then. Oh, spirit where art thou now?

It's just one of those days. You'll miss it when the kids leave the nest years from now. Relish the moments :D Thanks for finding the time to leave this thoughtful comment, my friend! Much appreciated :D

You two could still parkour everywhere! It only gets tricky when you start squeezing out kids

I could, but the fear other people experience is passed on to me, now I'm fearing for my safety as well >.<

Ahh maybe that's a getting old thing XD

Ah shoot >.< say it isn't so... Heck, even those 40-year olds are to be believed, my life hasn't even started yet.

That doesn't even make sense XD

Though I am firmly of the belief that most of us waste way too much time doing shit we don't like or even want to do because society is so far beyond idiotic it's not even funny XP

Wait, I thought the phrase "Life begins at 40" was internationally accepted. Am I wrong?

Whilst I have a Twitter account, it's not writing related, and I never really got into it. Haven't even used it for about 2 years. I just was never a huge fan of the style. Mind you, I've never been into social media to the degree most others are. I do have FB account, and check it often. But rarely actually do much with it. So the fact that Steemit has worked for me, and kept my interest for a year now is significant.

Reading your post I can see that, done right, Twitter could provide creative outlets. That 140 character thing is probably what threw me. It always struck me as being more useful to market something, and write tweets to send people elsewhere.

Is Twitter still popular? I have no idea.

You managed to get some good writing to flow through that restrictive medium though. Cool that you have brought it back here and given it new life. New life, new inspiration.

Wow! That's a huge pat on the back for Steemit then! I have seen other people say that about Steemit as well. There's really something about this platform that's different, apart from the money part. I really wish it could maintain that level of magic for years to come.

I saw the 140 character limit as more of a challenge haha! Marketing might really be its most effective function. My stories really never took off, but it was a fun experience. It was a nice story to recall here.

I think Twitter is on a sharp decline. I remember reading about its CEO being left off Trump's list of tech innovators that he met. Investors are pulling out and usage has seen significant decline.

I really wish I could use this momentum to kick off a series here. There's something there, my mind just needs a little push. The catharseries not working as instantly as I would hope, but I think it's making a difference. Revisiting a time when I was overflowing with creativity definitely kicked something.

Thanks for stopping by, mate! I always appreciate it :D

I dabbled with other blog sites but never committed. I like the blogging atmosphere more so that the purely social media with its repost with no originality to it. It serves its purpose, but its still different.

Also the crypto aspect to Steemit is what drew me first. The financial reward side of things helped, but to be honest it took a month before I saw very much. More to do with me, than anything. But just saying it was never the prime reason - but it was a reason. I did end up making a bit of money in the early months whilst the price of Steem was high. Now things are going back that way, but we've ridden through the storm it would seem. Meanwhile the community here played a role in helping me develop my writing.

Keep writing, at your pace. See what happens. A lot of what I post in the Notes series starts as just my ramblings or thoughts in a journal of sorts. They don't always start out in a format that I think is suitable for publishing. Most end up getting there after some tidy up. The key I suppose is writing. And if that isn't happening today then reading. And breathing - that is always helpful :)

That's great advice, mate! In the end, we all just have to keep pushing. Success isn't achieved overnight, and we don't all get to achieve it as quickly as others. It's great to be reminded of that, and I appreciate the encouragement and support you provide. You don't know how much that means to me :D

It's almost odd to read about this past you, because on a certain level I feel like I've already known you forever, do you have that feeling too? It's almost like you left me out of this part of your life and I'm annoyed about it hahaha!! No, it's actually awesome to learn more about you, my treasured friend. I would definitely have followed you on twitter had I run across you, and bragged to people that I am a talent scout :)

My daughter has just arrived home from a six week stay with her brother in North Carolina. She was in the shower so I finally had time to read yours and Ezzy's latest. I savor the words of the two of you!

I feel the same way when I read your bee article yesterday haha! It's like a different person, yet the same person I've known for forever. I didn't get annoyed though hahaha! It's a shame that my Twitter career got cut short. I've developed quite a few connections there as well, but now it's all gone.

Well that settles it then, I'm weirder than you are, LOL.

That is a shame. Well that won't happen to us. Even if steemit didn't make it, which is not very likely, much more likely that it's going to do better and better, but the only reason it wouldn't is if something else came along and squashed it like facebook did to myspace. At which point we'd just form a team and go rule that world lol.

Agreed! A mass migration would be the key haha! It's easier to thrive on that new platform if we already have a stable group that supports each other make a move there :D

Beautiful post bro, very thoroughly inspiring and rings true to what you say. I can completely relate to writing in pretty much any situation and environment. inspiration and ideas can come out of any scenario or moment.

I really liked reading your mini tweets, and how you referred your bed as your Queen because of its size. That's bonafide wordplay bro! You're a lyricist I knew it.

At the top part of your post, you had the word Wanter crossed out, I believe it is supposed to be Wanted

And your last snippet was a heavy hitter that resonated truly with me

"alone i sit, in a crowded vessel full of people. i feel more alone than when i truly was. sadness, my friend, i knew you couldnt resist me.."

What a beginning punchline, that ending phrase was such a powerful introduction. I'll be sure to check out that other link you reference here when I get the time, but indeed bro, keep writing, in all emotions. We will only refine these artful pieces into something truly beautiful. And grow as a writer/artist ourself.

HAHA! I knew you would be able to catch the Queen reference, bro haha! Good catch with the wanter too, I've just edited it. I came from a very angsty place in my life, and that served as a catalyst for creativity. I really do hope that I don't need to shift back to that mindset just to snap out of this funk. It's interesting to see what I com up with now that I'm my happy normal self.

You're right, bro! We just have to keep pushing. Our minds are our weapons, so we have to sharpen it whenever we can. Thanks for dropping by! :D

I hate Tvitter for the 140 character limit. In all of the ten times I tried writing something on twitter it took me half an hour to try solve the "skipping off" part. Worse then solving a crossword pussle ;) Same when I was supposed to hold a lecture for 10 minutes about my favorite topic in Art historie. Not possible. Good thing when I started teching it in a high school a year later. Then I could talk nonstop for 80 minutes ;)

Definitely challenging for sure. It's an acquired taste, I think. Perhaps it's mostly catered towards those who have a short attention span. You would really have to make sacrifices in terms of getting your point across, but it was definitely an interesting challenge for me while it lasted.

Great story! Thanks for sharing it, and for stopping by :D

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