Cannabis Garden # Two; 75% Of The Dirty Deed in Dirt is Done

in #cannabis7 years ago (edited)

A few days ago, I crossed the 4 week threshold in vegetative state in my second cannabis garden. I continue to learn and change what I am doing in an effort to achieve a better yield and resin production from my micro-crop.

I germinated 13 seeds and once the tender shoots were transplanted into their respective growing bags, they have been receiving 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness along with water and nutrients.

What I have learned is that most crops are scrutinized at the five week mark for the tell-tale signs of the plants' gender. I carefully examined my plants under 60 X magnification and took some photos to illustrate the differences that I am already seeing at week 4.

Male Cannabis Plants Typically Present With Round Sphere-Type Globes Or Balls That Grows From A Small Stock

(At just over 4 weeks, I have 4 plants presenting with these structures which are pollen sacs. The presence of pollen sacs indicates that they are male plants.)

These spheres are typically visible (to the naked eye) in the 5th week of a grow. Currently, they are actually immature pollen sacs which (if left) will mature, increase in number, open up and spew pollen en masse.

If this process isn't stopped, the male plants will pollinate ALL the female plants. The females will then happily start the process of seed production. This is not a bad thing for people who want to produce seeds but for anyone who does not want seeds, it is certain disaster.

The female plants will expend a lot of energy to produce seeds at the expense of their flower (bud) and resin production. This is exactly the opposite outcome of what most growers try to achieve in their grows.

I Am No Exception (Even Though I Am An Inexperienced Grower) I'm Still Attempting to Achieve A Larger Yield 

In my first garden, I  let a male plant live because I had never seen one alive before (in real time). I quarantined it outdoors as soon as I could tell for sure that it was a male plant but, I either didn't remove it in time (before it started to release its pollen) or, I inadvertently carried the pollen to my female plants by water and feeding both the outdoor male plant at the same time as my females indoors.

Through This Experience, I Learned That Cannabis Pollen Is Exceptionally Resilient

It will live until it either pollinates a female or becomes wet. If it doesn't become deactivated (by either of those two means)  it will be fully capable of pollinating a sexually mature female plant and can remain viable for a few weeks or months, even.  Pollen can also travel great distances (once it's airborne) and although there is moisture in the air (which will likely deactivate it) you just never know what Mother Nature has up her sleeve.

After my pollination experience, I washed my entire grow room and equipment with 10% acetic acid (cleaning white vinegar) at full strength. It was just as big a job as sorting the 100's of seeds that my first 3 plants produced. I am not bemoaning the fact that I had to entirely strip my grown room and cleanse it with minute detail. I would have done this anyway. Sanitizing your grow room and equipment is a prudent standard operating procedure to adopt between gardens (from one crop to the next).

It controls the growth or infestation of mold, mildew or bugs.

Soil Is Never Reused From Crop To Crop Either

Every time you plant a garden, you want to give that crop the best start in life that you can. The thinking is that these practices can and will save you valuable time and resources if you can successfully avert problems before they even have a chance to start.

Prevention is the key to success in any cannabis gardening story, so I am learning.

This is why, I decided to look at my plants under magnification. It's tricky to discern the gender of the plants when they're young. The sooner you can distinguish the males from the females, the sooner you can eliminate the risk of pollination. You can also stop wasting nutrients and lights on plants that don't produce buds.

In my garden's case, 6 of the 13 plants looked like they weren't females. 4 were easier to distinguish and two, well, not so much. Here's what the questionable two looked like under magnification:

You can see that it is more of a tear-shaped structure, not spherical but it isn't presenting with any hair yet.

Hairs Are Produced By Female Plants

Here's what the other 7 plants look like which are definitely female.

Notice the very long hair growing out of the tear-shaped structure.

It's mind-boggling to me when you can plant seeds at the exact same time and end up with some plants more developed than others.  Quality of the seed, perhaps.

When I asked for opinions, most Growers thought that the 4 plants with the tiny stock and ball structures were males.  I agreed and so, I took care of things...with a big knife and my wood-stove.

Chopped at soil level and incinerated. 

The two remaining plants (with questionable gender) have been quarantined to see if they will become hairy. This tactic was also suggested by many of the Growers and I think that it was very valuable advice. 

I admit that I am nervous about pollination and it's difficult to wait, but I am.

I welcome your comments and I invite you to follow me on my journey...occasionally we will be waiting for good things to come. ;)

Here's the song that I was singing in my head when I gave my plants the axe:

For all things nasty, there is AC/DC. (This was posted to YouTube by acdcvevo on June 6, 2013.)

~Rebecca Ryan



that's a good farm you made there..

how old were you when you had your first weed

Have you seen my Bunghole? My people; we are without Bungholes...

I saw one in your blog page.. so what are you exactly trying to tell me?

Let's see... 14 when I tried my first joint. (That was just a one off).
Didn't seriously start using it until I was 36. I've eaten it almost everyday since then and I will be 46 next month. I just started growing for myself in May of this year. ;)

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Our plants seeded this year. We assumed it was possible as there are now hemp fields in the valley. They are well-over 30 miles away... but pollen travels in dry air and we are in a high mountain desert. I guess it was just perfect.

Thanks for sharing the post about feminizing seeds! That may help us next time around!

Holy Crap on a cracker...30 miles away!!! This is going to be a huge challenge for the industry as more and more people choose to grow outdoors. Your whole crop @carrieallen?

We only had 6 plants. All but ONE seeded. 😕

Last year when hemp was approved in the Valley a BUNCH of cannabis farmers tried to fight it. Stating it would be nearly impossible to have grows in the area without SUPER sealing the greenhouses.

Most are outdoor growers that use temporary hoop houses. Or even the larger grows don't have everything totally enclosed.

I've not hear too much yet about this year. But am assuming many had the same issues.

It's very surprising. But only 3 years ago we grew outside on our porch and they were completely PERFECT.

If we grow again, we'll have to set up inside (which is harder for a number of reasons) and somehow seal our house.

To be clear: The weed still smokes and totally works. There's just fully developed seeds throughout, so I know the little buds didn't get the chance to produce like they could have.

Ya live and learn.
💓 @carrieallen

That's exactly it. It's still all just could've been a little more potent and the overall yield higher. I'm growing inside but I might plant an entire small island (that's owned by Her Majesty) and is only accessible by boat, next year. :) It'll be my gift to the free world, if I have the vagina to do it. Hahaha!

Bwhahaha! That may be the only way! A small island.

You should really clone, seeds are a hassle.

Thanks for your comment @viraldrome.
Yes, I will be working on my cloning skills as well with this garden.
I'm medical and my end goal is to breed this herb to specifically treat different diseases. For that, I must have a strong growing foundation that starts with handling seeds. My efforts now are being done this way so that I can eventually achieve my end goal. ;)

Pollination doesn't happen for a while and you will be able to OBVIOUSLY tell when you have male plants as the sacks that you first see will grow into clusters of buds.

I am not sure what all you are growing for but the male plants are EXTREMELY useful when you let them grow to full potential.

If you only want female plants I would HIGHLY recommend cloning. it is simple, easy, and then you know you will always have a female plant.

My family grows a lot of things and we would treat cannabis the same if I grew it.

Good luck to your plants, and hope they turn out well.

Thanks for commenting @timbo. I'm currently growing and using this plant personally for its medical applications. My ultimate goal is to start breeding this herb specifically to treat different autoimmune diseases. In order to achieve this goal, I am studying and teaching myself about every aspect of this plant that I can. Once I become more proficient with my growing skills I plan to keep both male and female genetics on the go.
In this particular garden, I'm growing 6 different strains. I suspect that one of the plants that I have put into quarantine is a male and that the other one will turn out to be female. If this turns out to be the case, I may let them breed and continue experimenting. In a few days, I should know conclusively and then will be making a decision about whether or not I will try to undertake this. Cloning is the also on my list of things to master. I have tried to clone one so far and used too much rooting hormone, so back to the drawing board for my next attempt.

Sounds good to me, I would have to give the advice that males are harmless while they are small. Only when the pods are clusters and start to produce pollen do they become a threat to pollinating your females so it isn't necessary to separate them until you are sure. Don't worry, it will become EXTREMELY OBVIOUS a long time before they are a threat.

For cloning, I would recommend just taking clippings and hanging them in water, that is what we have seen the most success with and it is very simple. I am sure there are plenty of video tutorials on it and whatever hormone you are using may help but I prefer organic plants so it wouldn't be my first choice.

Either way, good luck in your adventure!

I just can't believe how much work you put in to this and have the time and energy to do other things. Obviously there is way much more to this than what I thought. Do you ever sleep? I think I may be sleeping enough for the both of us here lately. I have to be honest here but when I read this paragraph of yours, I raised a brow and had to go back and read it a couple of more times.

"When I asked for opinions, most Growers thought that the 4 plants with the tiny stock and ball structures were males. I agreed and so, I took care of things...with a big knife and my wood-stove."

It's just how my mind and twisted sence of humour works, I guess. As for that song... That actually brought back some great memories for me when I was in my prime. I have an 8mm tape around here somewhere where I recorded myself listening to that song and a few others during my performance that day. Oh lord...8mm tape!

Hahaha! Well, what can I say...I never let any set of balls get in my way and I can and will take care of business if I have to. LMAO!
Welcome to Craft Cannabis!!! It's the way it should be, people engaging with their plants. It's actually has lots of cross-over with the art of Bonsai.
Lif'e's been busy and I feel like I am constantly chasing the clock these I am sleeping, but not as much as I should be and I'm working on this so that I don't make myself sick. (I hear your warning and you are right.)
My end goal is to teach myself how to consistently grow and then I want to start specializing on the breeding side. Breeders typically cross strains until they pull out the terpene profiles that they are after, then this new strain gets passed onto growers.
It becomes like crazy quadratic equations as you take fractions of one plants genetics and mix it with others...4-6 plants in a genetic lineage is not uncommon. What I want to do is breed for specific auto-immune there will be a strain specific for MS for example. It will need to cover, nerve pain, sleep, muscle spasms, irritable bowel, brain fog and energy. Right now, I'm just thinking and dreaming about how I'm going to do it.
Not 8mm! LOL! I can only imagine @bluelightbandit. ;)

I can see that you are giving great care in the growing and also the elimination of your male cannabis plants. You are showing and giving to us a lot of instruction and learning too.
I know that you have been using cannabis for your health. I am so glad for you. It is so good to have natural medicinal plants that help us.
I will Resteem this for you. Your post has a lot of valuable information for would be growers in the future. When all of humanity is finally allowed to be free to just grow. Wouldn't that be nice.


It will be nice and I am greatly looking forward to that day @francisk!
Thank you so much. As I am learning, I am dragging everyone else along for the ride, it seems.
I certainly am not the first person to do this and if I have any say in the matter, I won't be the last. LOL!
It starts with the confidence to try when everything seems like it is against you.

Interestingly, I did not know that the plants are male and female. Thanks to your articles, I soon learn a lot. The song is just under the mood. Thanks.

Thanks for commenting @magnata! I think that anyone involved with cannabis just takes this knowledge for granted. It is rarer for people to talk about the males of the species because unless you are interested in growing new breeds of the plant, you kill the males to let the females flourish into massive flower production. It is an interesting process.

Yes, it is interesting .

nice article ;) & cannabis males chopped by @rebeccaryan


It's great to read that you saw the male ones earlier this time! Didn't know that male plants make the female one to produce more seeds if kept together!
Your knowledge is just amazing my friend!

You just wait Chef! We will fix your banana plantation. LOL!
In time, this herb will turn the culinary world on its head.
There are other foods like mango, lemongrass, basil, hops and hemp seeds which act as primers for the cellular receptors in the body that bind to the cannabinoids in cannabis. So, if you were designing a medicated meal, the amuse brouche would contain mango and basil for example and then we would medicate something in the starter, entree (like a sauce) and then the dessert. All measured so that the dose is just right and people can still get up from the table. It can take 2 hours for a dose to become active so we would also work with pairings to make sure we have enough fat and not too heavy to get the absorption really tuned in. It's funny, I can think of no other Chef who I would like to work with...keep this in your mind it will be a whole new take on fusion cuisine...we can rename it "Infusion cuisine". I am not joking, it will be big.

This really sounds amazing my friend! I would love to work with you on will be surely something big big big!!!
I love that name : Infusion Cuisine or Fusion Confusion!!!

In my mind, I can see the restaurant now, Chef! LOL!
There is probably someone else already doing it but I think it will be big news in the culinary world.

Wonderful and very amazing my dear friend @rebeccaryan
The tiger must be followed continuously until it grows well
Thank you for your great effort to inform us

Yes, the tiger must be followed and respected. :)

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