Cannabis Does Not Kill.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cannabis8 years ago (edited)

In the global Cannabis movement the fact that there is not a known lethal dose for cannabis as a drug, should be enough to immediately remove it from the classification of a schedule 1 drug. That fact alone, should be enough.

What really gets me is that not many people ever talk about why there isn't a known lethal dose or a lethal dose at all, for that matter.

The reason that there is no known lethal dose for Cannabis is because the plant doesn't bind to the same part of the brain-stem like the other schedule 1 drugs do.

This means it will not override a person's autonomic nervous system and stop a person's heart from beating or their lungs from expanding and contracting if they are asleep or unconscious. 

Cannabis is completely unlike heroin, which will stop the heart and the lungs, if someone takes too high a dose.

When this occurs, we describe this situation as an overdose.

Nobody can overdose from using cannabis because it isn't physiologically possible. 

If anything, cannabis does the exact opposite. It restores and balances organ function. 

When it comes to the brain and nervous system, for example, cannabis is both neuro-protective and neuro-regenerative.

It protects the brain, spinal cord and nerves from degeneration and generally aids in brain-cell repair.

I just read @doitvoluntarily's post about Ikea furniture being more dangerous than cannabis. If you haven't read it, here's the link:

The point of the blog post speaks to the fact that people have died due to Ikea dressers falling on top of them, in effect making the use of Ikea furniture, more dangerous than using cannabis. 

Although it sounds ridiculous, it is true.

I welcome your comments and invite you to follow me on my journey.

~ Rebecca Ryan 


I just read this in your introductory post:

"Rebecca Ryan is a medical cannabis coach. She has been using cannabis as medicine, since 2007 to treat her Multiple Sclerosis, a degenerative autoimmune disease"

Have you written somewhere about your experience with this?

You look and sound like you are doing very well!
All the best!

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

I haven't written about my story but I have made a professionally produced 1 hour documentary that's on YouTube.

I have also made 7 cooking videos. My most popular is this one:

I posted these in April 2016 and this particular one has had 4.6 k views.
It's been a journey and I've gone from having mobility issues and being blind (one eye at a time) to having no issues once I started eating cannabis everyday. My job as a massage therapist is very physical. I give 7, 60-minute therapy treatments, 5 days a week. I am an advocate for this plant. It has given me my life back and I will fight until my last breathe to get this herb into the hands of the people.

Thanks for the reply. I'll watch the video now!

You've been through a lot! Very interesting.

Boy @kus-knee, you are a trooper if you watched the whole documentary!
At the end of the day, the biggest take away from it is:
if a person is currently unwell, they have to take responsibility for the condition of their own body, change their habits and fix the root of the problem instead of treating symptoms.
Now, I help others. It's how I pay it forward. :)

Yes I watched the whole thing! I was looking for an indication that you were glancing at notes from time to time and I didn't see it. Amazing and well done!

My wife @lellabird60 has been ill with an autoimmune disease for 17 years and we've run the full spectrum from allopathic to every conceivable form of homeopathic. The subject of alternative health is one of my passions and I actually love listening to lectures on the topic.

It's always nice to hear about others who have overcome their problems. All the best to you as you continue to help yourself and others!

Thank you @ kus-knee. Everything I have produced to date has been non-scripted. I've been a massage therapist for 25 years and have many registrations and certifications. My forte is in treating neurological conditions and autoimmune diseases. I have a strong background in holistic nutrition, as well.
Typically, I like to tackle sleeping issues first, then any pain issues, then we tackle the person's eating lifestyle.
95% of what goes off the rails for people is the mix of bacteria that's present or not present in their guts. You must remove the offending foods that yeast and fungi is feeding off of to kill them off and stop them from damaging the gut lining which is the cause of leaky gut syndrome. Once the gut lining heals, the person will start to be able to actually absorb the nutrients that they are consuming and their energy levels will re-set. They also won't have noxious materials leaking out into adjacent internal tissues which is what causes the immune system to start attacking itself.
In my opinion all autoimmune disorders start with an imbalance in the gut's microflora. Cut the sugar in all its various forms, consume fermented foods and supplement with probiotics that are derived from healthy human strains as opposed to strains coming from cows or goats. Repopulate the bacteria levels of the gut with the same species.
(That's my 2 cents on the subject, anyway.)
I wish both you and @lellabird60 all the best.
Merry Christmas!

Can confirm. Been stoned AF (deliberate overstoning in Amsterdam). Wrote beautiful essays and had a good night's sleep. Although admittedly some people aren't functional stoners, it really gets into the way for some when it comes to fulfilling important responsibilities. That's the advice I give to some marijuana supporter friends who've seemed to lost the plot. The plant is really something - that remains :)

Thanks for commenting @kevinwong!
Motivation or lack there of is all in the terpene profile of the plant. I eat and vape it everyday.
Technically, I've been stoned for 8 years now and counting.
I run 2 businesses, do 7, 1 hour massages 5 days a week, have 3 full-time employees and now have been blogging almost everyday. I am a high functioning stoner because I know what strains to use for the correct application. :)

That's awesome, even more high functioning than a non-stoner like me lol! I just get physically lazy whenever on it, so writing / reading is best suited for my profile. Well then about strains, that's another level of application! What I know so far is whatever indica and sativa variant i've tried before both have similar effects on me, somehow.

Choice of strain makes all the difference.
In Canada, in order to purchase legally you need a medical marijuana license and you have to buy through a government sanctioned licensed producer (aka grower and holder of genetic material). We then have to purchase on-line and it is shipped to you through a courier or post office. This means, that we aren't allowed to see, smell or feel the plant material before we purchase it. It is a huge flaw in our current system. You can see and smell the material if you go to a dispensary but you run the risk of being caught and charged because it is currently illegal to buy plant material that way.
As a result, I do a lot of strain research before I buy. You can explore strains here:
These are generalizations but Indicas tend to be more sedative, so good at night time or when you don't need to work.
True Sativas are more energizing but the trade-off is often that they will create anxiety, paranoia and make you want to eat everything that isn't nailed down.
Hybrids can produce the best of both worlds, depending on what characteristics are listed as being dominant.
Some great daytime strains are: Girl Scout Cookies, Agent Orange, Bubba Kush and Super Lemon Haze.

Pharma will hate u @rebeccaryan!

Yes, they probably will @immarojas, but I don't care. Many people on the earth can positively benefit from the use of this herb. They just need to be properly educated and learn not to fear it, but to respect it for its restorative properties.

Do you give lectures and stuff? President Duterte in the Philippines did mention once that he's open to its' legalisation but it needs more research. Or perhaps just a bit more education on its' effects.

Yes. I often speak on the subject matter, write about it and educate.
My forte is in making medicated edibles and designing recipes.
I received your pm and will respond once I get a chance to look at it.
I've just been swamped today. :)

Hello. I would like to see those education materials if you have them..i can share them in facebook. Enjoy the holidays!!

I have shared your post in steemit. I'll check your account here if there's more. If not, then yoyr fb account.
It's time to learn more about cannabis, esp it's medicinal effect ;)

Thanks for offering to do this @immarojas!
I have a website called Stir the Pot Cooking Supplies.
We regularly post on FB, so you can either like our page to share directly from it or read what we post. Alternatively, you can go on the website whenever you want.
I also have 9 videos under Stir the Pot Cooking Supplies on Youtube.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Ah so.. I knew it wasn't deadly but I didn't know the scientific reason behind it. Excellent.

Cannnibis isn't deadly
Do be careful of "cannibals" they are.

Hahaha! Exactly. Note to self; Avoid cannibals at all costs.
Thanks for commenting @solarguy.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Merry Christmas to you too.

I'm going to the Hyatt with some expats. Christmas in China is actualy Christmas eve in the west. Parties and dinners all happen tonight with a proper count down at midnight just like new years eve.

the 25th we all recover. lol

I so hope you had a great time last night and aren't feeling "over-done" today. :)

yea. soso. im hammeres at the moment but im a steemit addict... (inerest drunekn ramble here)

Great read. @rebeccaryan, what's your take on the DEAs recent classification of CBD oil as schedule 1? I think your post describes why it should not be a schedule 1 drug. Upvoted, followed.

I think it sucks and I'm so tired of the suppression of this plant through governments and corportations. It's the biggest crime against humanity.

Great article Rebecca; the no overdose factor, was one of the first things I noticed about cannabis. It's weird how a status quo, brought on by political motivations, still persists today when talking about why alcohol is legal and hash isn't.

By the way, did you read my piece on my trip to a Lanzarote coffee shop? I'm going back today to stock up for Christmas :-)

TIL: How To Legally Buy Cannabis In Lanzarote


Thanks for commenting CG. Just read your post! It's fantastic!

great info here! awesome post!

Thanks @doitvoluntarily! I was hoping you'd approve.
My motivation was to encourage more people to read your original article which I thought made the point beautifully.
I started to respond as a comment and then thought what I had to share on the subject matter was worth a blog post itself.

great idea,! im glad that I caught it
thanks for taking the time to read mine :)
happy to be a follower! steemon

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